
Chapter 49 - Base

Never in my life has it occured to me, that I would take an atomic bomb at face point, and end up in a rubble somewhere in the middle of a desert.

Phew my hate for Alchemists grow every day. I mean f.u.c.k your Atom bomb.

My body is burning up, well my body is still that of a childs, and the stunts I pulled with this body literally put it at an extreme edge.

You might say, well David you were only fighting him not doing something complex. I say to that f.u.c.k you.

Do you know how much Adrenaline I had to consciously secrete, or how fast my mind had to calculate to not only absorb about 75 percent of the initial energy released from the Atomic Bomb.

Well you don't, and do you realise the complexity in creating something from nothing. Yeah well energy can sure be converted to matter, but the ratio is insanely unwise. To the point you would have a better time digging for the materials and you would be wasting less energy.

Now Vibranium was my first choice because it can literally absorb huge and insane amounts of kinetic energy. Lets just say that standing against an Atom bomb with Vibranium might be foolish but I did diminish the effectiveness of the Atomic explosion, so that doesn't really count.

This Vibranium dome also had to be scr.a.p.ed as fast as possible. I don't want anyone to figure out its atomic structure, because of those damn Alchemists. Imagine they learnt its structure and now turned any and every metal to Vibranium, my god am I shivering.

After turning the Vibranium to aluminium, I mean why not. I finally rested my body, and the tolls of the previous few days finally showed. My body started burning up, I mean I could cook eggs on my body, it was that hot.

The sun above my head didn't help my condition at all. Now I had to wait for my troops to rescue me, because I can't move my body anymore. I can only reluctantly sit here in a daze and think of nonsensical matters.

Also my worries are growing, what if they lost all hope that I could survive something like that. Oh my god then won't I die just sitting here under this f.u.c.k.i.n.g aluminium roof.

Also I just realised that I am absolutely f.u.c.k.i.n.g hungry, adrenaline might have rushed my metabolism to feel less pain and be effective for every other stat and reduced my acknowledgement of hunger during battle. But just once lose all these effects, then everything hits you back just as fast as a hungover man would get angry.

With my first Circle I can create Ice from thin air, wait for it to slowly melt in my mouth and satiate my thirst. Food is a bit complicated, I mean I can create it no problem but the energy costs would leave the entire area near me as a freezing wasteland.

Not good for my body right now, since I need medical help or at least someone to nurse me while I stay in coma for a week.

What you thought that my body is just weak, hell no. I am literally controlling my brain to stop it from shutting down. The amount of damage my body took could have killed an entire whale seventeens time over.

Hell it could have killed all eighteen whales, thats the magnitude in which I exhausted all my resources fighting that bastard.

It still angers me that this guy figured out an Atom bomb at the end of his life. I mean imagine creating suicide Alchemists who just get captured and explode themselves together with the entirety of their enemy base.

This world is f.u.c.k.e.d up is the only answer I can give. Well at least he didn't survive that last one, if he did I call bullshit.

Wait a minute, I am the best biologist in the entire Marvel verse right now, or maybe there is someone else better than me, but I am good enough to rejuvenate myself with energy, energy converted from my Circle.

Dammit my life has been a lie, and then with a direction to go towards. I slowly healed my body, I could not rush it, that would be just destroying my body and its potential.

So I waited until I could feel my fever cool down and satisfactorily move around. Then I created food for myself and kept on healing my body bit by bit.

The broken bones mending at a slow pace made me grimace in pain but you know what, I will just shut down my pain receptors until this shit is over.

It never occured to me that there were ways to use my mind and outmatch my skills. I mean I already had an Immortal body without even trying, so I never thought of doing such odd things with my body.

Its like I was always a Swordmaster so even with a paintbrush in my hand, all I did was kill rather than paint or draw.

I mean to me it felt pointless, its like having a Legendary skill but being outmanoeuvred by an Epic skill. But since I never needed the Epic skill before, the Legendary was always my first choice.

After a few days, two or three give or take, I was able to move around. The desert near me had turned into an artificial oasis, if I continously use my First Circle then I could probably destroy the entire climate of an area, scratch that an entire continent.

Hey maybe I can use climatical warfare to force Amestris into a bizzare situation. Lets say there were tornadoes, floods, hail and spiky ice falling everyday. I would win without even meaning to.

Lets not mess around with the world alright, lets take it slow and first try for the base camp. So I kept on walking navigating time and direction through the sun.

Water was even more easier, the harder part was energy conversion to matter, in other words food. I did waste a lot in creating necessary items like the Umbrella, or the backpack, or the tent, or meat for food.

Then I thought why not and started creating a Monster Truck, child version. Like seriously, it took me about a week, it took considerably more time since I had to wait for the ice to melt. Can't create a landmark for enemies to spot now can I.

I mean I could kill them all but that's not the point. The point is making things easier for me and the people under me.

After nearly a week it was completed, and me and my Monster Truck became the only howlers of this lonesome desert. I rushed with speed that left a trail of dust.

Like a bull in its rampage, me and my Monster Truck kept on until base camp came to view. I came here only to find it deserted and signs, huge signs of movement.

With the map in my mind I came to the conclusion that they moved base to retreat before any more mishaps and ambushes occur.

We had effectively killed an Alchemist, throughout this worlds entire series only one guy from Ishval was able to kill Alchemists. Now this would set an unseen precedent.

But all those matters aside the pressure our group will face is going to rise. We were already under pressure due to the amount of resources on our hand but now add constant movement to the list.

Unless its a base that can survive an Alchemists onslaught, no place is safe. Those are some of the tactics I had painstakingly taught to Damun.

He believes that with enough planning he might be able to trap or ambush an Alchemist. Which is quite possible, until the Philosopher's Stone comes into the equation.

Why is it possible, it is because not all Alchemists go all rounder on what they transmute, many opt for a point of specialization. Which is fine and good for both of us.

With the map in my mind I had an inkling at which direction and how far they could go. With the buffer time between my healing and creating, they might have gone as far as beyond a 100 miles.

Why only a hundred miles ?, my group stil consists of elderly and children ok. Not everybody is just young in there.

I know its a waste of resources but all other things aside, they are my responsibilty. So with this in my mind I went North of this camp.

With at least ten possible destinations to check for possibilities of camp site, I had to hurry.

The first checkpoint was empty which meant I had to correct my calculations and this minimised the amount to about four which were quite far from my point.

So basing on luck and a huge amount of speculation I chose the center of all possible routes they took. If I am right then that means Damun is leading the camp and that also means he is using the strategy of fooling any pursuers.

While it may be easy to state, it is not as easy to apply, he has to periodically leave a certain amount of trails in different directions to ensure the obscurity of the location.

But any modern jock can surely say the answer lies in the heart of this much trails. I guess you're wrong, if trails can be created then whats to say the center is not wrong.

Strategies like these are hard to accomplish because they have to keep in mind the amount of trails that can be laid and the point where it gets cold, to continuously give the illusion that the camp has gone as far as they can.

The illusion here is that the pther side has actually figured out how the hunt is running. The other side will think that the center is a distraction and is most likely to slow them down or a trap. With this in mind they will look at the faintest trail and the hardest, and farthest to pinpoint the actual location.

After looking through this most strategist will give up and optimally continue on the wartime scenarios, because in a war nobody has the time to chase Ghosts.

As such I was able to smoothly make my way to camp but in actuality Damuns worries are unfounded. It might take about a week before anyone even learns of the dissappearance of Basques entire unit.

Even if there were survivors we would have enough buffer time to make an escape. Though the atomic explosion will most likely be the main reason for any continued investigation.

My mini roared and flew, then after a while the camp came in sight and just as a headsup I honked at them. Ice cream horn baby, and I started to near base camp.

But the welcome was a hail of bullets for which I had to slow my Truck down. The Imperials and the Valkyries were there waiting for a clear visual on the enemy.

Damun wasn't in sight but that could not be helped, he is the strategist after all. Then I opened my door and came out. But all it did was increase their vigilance and it was only then I noticed I hadn't bathed at all during these few weeks, like what the f.u.c.k was I doing.

Well my act of creating water out of nowhere and transforming my aluminium tin into a bucket was unappreciated. The distance between us was just enough to leave them guessing at who's child I was or why I was here.

"What The F.u.c.k ???".

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