
Chapter 53 - Capture Fort

Three days passed by, and what should have been a mishapped or perhaps a plan full of holes was gradually perfected, and immediately applied.

The hilarious part of this plan was that, since Amestris was in military law, all experimental subjects had to reach their researchers doorsteps every month, in good condition.

Their discipline made them disregard what under a barbaric society could said to be good looking women. Amestris was like that, and arguably in the entire FMA verse, the only nation to let females apply for the military.

Since after all is said and done, the strongest Commander or Brigadier General after the Fuhrer, was still a woman, and in a war wroth with bloodshed beyond rivers and oceans, they could literally care less if they were allowed to play with their captives or not.

As such without any complication Jane was able to enter the base with her seemingly normal Civilian group. Her responsibility was mainly to create utter chaos and make a gap in what could be considered the Perfect Fort.

The captives held a lot of women, children, teenagers, and middle aged men, no elderly. Spanning a near huge warehouse, they were huddled in different groups, in small corners, shielding themselves and alienating each other.

The first problem she faced was convincing the people held captive to gather under her. These caged souls were less fed than needed and kept under control brutal military law.

It was overwhelming for the majority to even mentally be sound. Because fear grated their nerves, with every batch of prisoner taken away, gone forever with their last screams and only fear to etch their existence.

They had scrambled like madmen and teared at each other. Just so they could not be within the confines of the quota. A fixed amount, an amount that was set so that few could still remain as bait for further victims.

In a sense it was a mouse trap, and with each mice they tried to save, more fell in the trap. Naturally hierarchy would be established in such a place, someone would stay above all and continually survive in hopes, to see tomorrow.

But as even we can clearly see, power would naturally be divided and once left unchecked, discontent would rise. Such issues would raise the chances of rebelling or causing mayhem or even an escape attempt, as futile as it may seem.

So each time somebody became a figurehead, a few days later they were taken away. So naturally the captives did not see eye to eye in terms, when Jane tried to gather them together.

All they had left was hope with no belief.

But even amongst such people voices would arise, since even in the face of death, thousands of people would still shout out, "Untill Our Last Breath".

The women and underaged children were entirely useless, and the scope of plans could not be smoothly carried out by just teenagers, who hadn't even killed anyone before.

The worst thing at such a time was trying to comfort them, since nobody literally had the time. It was far from ideal, since they learnt that only a few days later would the quota need to be completed.

With such an unforeseen issue rise, it took a lot more time to further their information. Mundane things such as the time guards shift or the time they are fed, counted and when they were observed, became gritty tasks.

With the chance of a betrayal on their backs it beacame even more harder to distinguish, who could take which role to play.

The first thing Jane did was try to figure out the Weapons storage. But with no further actions than the time they were taken in, it became harder to guess.

Leaving it to luck was going to be an uncertainty and they were lacking time to test anything out. So with a heavy heart she took to cruel actions, ones that could be regarded as literally demonic.

When the observation period was over, she began openly discussing the topic of escape and all who disagreed, were there and then killed. With such a brutal example less people tried to disagree.

Why were they so afraid, it was because they wanted to survive. They naturally knew they had lesser chances trying to escape, so they stayed put, in fear and despair, wallowing in self pity and degradation.

So Jane took the less chance they had to survive escaping and made it the only chance they could have to live. It was cruel certainly, but who had the time to care why someone was having a mental breakdown, this was war, either take arms or bury yourself, no one cared why you w.h.i.n.ed.

But their still existed few who thought acting against this plan and trying to vie for Amestris grace was more worthfull and voiced their opinions to form another group. Well all who voiced their opinions in such a manner lost their tongues.

When everybody was crippled in fear seeing her actions, Jane's crystal clear voice echoed in the silence "Don't bother, if anyone sabotages the plan. We will immediately surrender, then let's just see who can outlive who ?".

They finally understood that if they fail and should Jane choose to surrender, her group could literally make this place a living hell for them. Only then did they realise, if they don't follow through this plan then they would have to wish they could live.

Their never had been a choice only an agreement.

With all the problems taken care of, Jane immediately put the plan in action. They were lacking in numbers and had to complete this without alerting the guards, this had become more of a pipe dream.

Suddenly Jane missed her elite troops, this must have been what Commander felt like when he first saw us. Anyway all they had to do was take down the gate, it did not matter how noisy they had to be.

This was easier said than done, since this warehouse was one very well guarded facility but in the dead of the night, a torchlight shined. It was shining towards the clouds and the soldiers glanced at it.

They could tell it was another wacky attempt on the captives side, but it held no meaning. Even their Colonel was busy with an unforeseen circ.u.mstance, that no clear order was passed even after looking at those lights.

Well at least until it rapidly blinked, and the Officers realised it was a message, a sign but for whom. Well that was their thought and the last ones they ever had.

But without pause in a fluid motion the entire Fort lost electricity. The dark clouds in the sky made the darkness seem blinding and this severely hampered everyone.

A blind soldier was a dead soldier, a soldier without any command was a mindless beast, combine those two and pandemonium was guaranteed.

The original plan was to stall and then slowly cause problems for the Fort. But the captives who had actual backbone were far lesser than anticipated, and it led to a hasty assasination and capture attempt.

In one single fluid motion the Snipers had killed a dozen or more upper level troops and in another matter of seconds left the entire fort blinded.

This was a problem for both sides, had it not been for the fact that under this cover of darkness, Janes group was moving better and faster than their victims.

Their trained physique which was nearing the peak of humanity, allowed them better perception and better adjustment of vision in the darkness. But their numbers were pitiful and they could only resort to hasty measures.

Divided in two groups they looted whoever was the closest victim for weapons and ammo. One was tasked with the gate and the second was tasked with the continuation of mayhem.

Shouts rang along the winding paths and it became more harder to control the situation, normally the lowest ranking officer could take post, but now under this thick cover of darkness they could not ascertain, just how many and who had died.

It made them reserved, but if this situation held out, it would be disastrous. So in an instant a voice shouted out "Get the lights, backup gene.. ..

.. ugghhhhh".

Ratatatatatta, glasses broke and the one who had tried stabilise the situation was shot down together with his colleagues.

Well voices were good targets, normally in such darkness, the accuracy and precision would be drastically reduced no matter who you were.

But with the voice loud and clear, it painted a mark and gave an idea of just where to shoot. Even if they may not hit the target all they had to do was blanket a certain area full of bullets.

But the numbers were unfavorable and the Mayhem group could only cover so much space. Brilliant lights, large torches were lighted up and the perpetrators of this incident came in clear view.

The first thought in a war should be kill, not capture. The order to capture and interrogate was naturally rescinded. It was just not the time, but even before they could give the shoot on sight order, their perpetrators stood in front of them.

Both sides unsure of what to do, until the Mayhem group blanketed them with a hail of bullets and instantly escaped.

It was odd, and terrifying just how disorderly a huge number of people could get without a chain of command. It led to what should have been, instantly attack the enemy to gawk at the enemy.

If it was just this one group of soldiers, then they could handle it. But more and more were lighting the surroundings up and it was the first time in this entire confrontation that their numbers and discipline showed its ugly advantage.

But without a good head on the infantry regiment, they were like just well trained riotiers, neatly and orderly attacking their enemies. What this means is they had no one left to figure out what was actually being planned.

If their was a good Officer present maybe he would have questioned 'Why hadn't they escaped and were causing chaos around ?'. But at the moment they lacked the calmness to even make a sound judgement.

Strength is good but that does not make you a General, for even a horse is stronger than most humans, and yet they are tamed to forever carry their masters, the ones who used their minds.

So when a huge explosion rang out in the east side of the Fort. The soldiers were stupefied and they could only assume it to be the captives trying to escape.

So they began to rush towards the east only to hear another explosion from the north. Now since only Lieutenant level of command remained, they could not really think through and came to the conclusion they were surrounded.

As if to ascertain their thoughts another explosion rang on the west side. They naturally came to a conclusion that they had been breached. Everybody knew what that meant, it meant that the few troops stationed at the gates had been taken out.

Before they could even regain their bearings, this bad news had popped out, and at the face of that, even the sound in mind panicked. Not a good thing I tell you, especially when the panickers were two entire Regiments.

They could have made a good last stand, but instead alike dogs, not only were they chased out of the south gate. They were even led to a deliberate trap and caused themselves griveous losses.

What survived of both the Regiments, could only hope no more than beyond the thought of escape.

In such a manner, what should have been a guerilla war, that could have spanned near two weeks, ended in three days.

Well like they say if Plan A fails, you still get 25 more letters and an infinite amount of numbers left to try.

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