
Chapter 59 - Wrapping Up

Five days passed by with nothing to do, only me gathering Energy, monitoring the Stones movements, until I felt them gather at the deserted Capital.

Who said I need to give them a week, I just want to end it in one move. Also a Crusade without actually storming the country is blasphemous.

So when it looked like my targets have really gathered. I ordered a map and started drawing a circle on it. Just a plain old circle mind you, nothing of the insane shit.

"Nobody will enter this area, if you don't want to die that is".

Right now my words held ridiculous weight, if I said East is West, I am pretty sure the entire Alliance would reluctantly agree. Not because they liked me, but because they feared me, and this kind of feeling kept a sort of chasm between me and them, our interactions were like that of the mortal and the divine.

The North became curious as he asked "Didn't you give them seven days ?".

"Do I need their agreement to attack in five days ?".

It was funny, because to them it must have felt like I had given out false hope. It would crumble their faith and belief on hope, it showed my insidious nature, one akeen to keeping demons inside me at bay, not for fear of their bloodthirst but only at will.

With my orders set down, what should have been a Twelve man show apparently became a One man show. The moment it was passed down, all followed it without questioning, like a decree passed by God.

So when Amestris had barely quelled the Deserters and Civilians, what they came across was an army suddenly attacking them. Instant Chaos, I did not need to wait for more than two minutes.

"Those who wield any kind of weaponry, eliminate them. Those who don't show any sort of aggression leave them be, those who ambush, leave them alive without their limbs, as for me, I have four graves to dig. So don't mind me".

With my orders passed down, we had stormed the entirety of Amestris within two days. Though they didn't find me, but they sort of understood my destination.

Under the Capital of Amestris -

A man sat on what seemed like a throne connected with pipes laid down across various pathways. A child stood behind him standing in the darkness, ever slithering with his shadows.

A man who felt like a Thug paced back and forth, "So when is Wrath coming ?".

"Chill down Pride, its not like you to be so Angry, that job is Envy's. Where are they anyway, are they really dead as the information says ?".

They had faked their deaths countless times before and he really could not tell, if it was his Father's ploy or they had really lost Four of the Seven Sins.

The man with gold hair, beard and glazing eyes stared calmly and gazed at space. It was as if he was thinking on what was going on.

He could not understand what that child was thinking, isn't the point of knowledge to be able to monopolise it. But from what he gathered, that child was actually distributing it.

That is why the Dwarf lacks freinds, he only has subordinates. Its because though he may look and act human, he isn't, he still lacks oneaspect of humanity, empathy and emotions.

All humans have a certain shred of Empathy in them, but Homunculi don't have it. They don't understand such a vast and stupid reasoning of logic, such as feelings.

In the future at least half of them might have understood different kinds of emotions. Emotions only humans should have, Greed learnt Apreciation at his end, Envy learnt Guilt, Gluttony learnt Rage, Pride learnt Humility and Wrath had already achieved Helplessness.

All those emotions would lead to them either rebelling against their creator or ultimately fighting against themselves. Greed would fight his Father and Envy would end himself.

To beings who are created, who are unique, who stay in lesser numbers, they take on all sorts of information about the world. But they aren't able to process it properly, because on the fundamental level, they understand that they are different.

The most Negative one is still the Dwarf, not because he took any kind of sin or created them, but because he took in the worst way to use humanities gift, his undying Curiosity, his ever increasing thirst for knowledge, and in his own words 'Was it really wrong to ask, to know more ?'.

It isn't, even Truth agrees, it really isn't a Sin, but how you establish your dreams is the Sin. It isn't the Goal that is at fault, but rather the road one walks to reach such a Goal.

To Truth, all should lie in balance, all reap what they sow, what goes around comes around, the circle of life, every action has another reaction.

Such is the nature of the being all Alchemists rely on, always fair, very uncaringly fair. Even if the ones who ask for his power are Madmen or Geniuses, he does not differentiate, as long as Energy is provided in any way, you may break a few laws beyond the Equivalent Exchange.

The Dwarf in the flask might have escaped his shell that held him back, but he could not escape the shell that had crafted him, Curiosity.

Then with the sound of footsteps, a man came doning a blue uniform, carrying two rapiers and wearing an eyepatch, his dark black hair unaffected by the small breeze that came ever so inside this tunnel.

Greed was very impatient right now, so he directly asked "Why have we gathered, are we planning that little Devil's demise ?".

"That is in fact what has made me ask the Father to gather everyone, though it seems like a few of us couldn't make it". The childlike voice contained traces of anger.

Then the man in the throne said "Do you have any kind of information on what kind of Alchemy he studies ?"

"If somebody could capture him, surely we could learn of it".

"What about the Toxin I gave you, to knock him out ?".

Wrath was unrufled by all this as he replied "We haven't yet tested it, because he wasn't in sight anywhere on his Alliance".

But then everything became chillingly silent, all except for the strange whirring sound that came from above. Then a small hole, a diameter of one meter opened up.

You should know that this area is actually under the capital, and it was very deeply hidden. So to say that they only heard the sound, but no sign of crackling electricity as it usually does, was enough to tell them, it wasn't their usual Alchemist.

They began getting ready for a fight only to suddenly see something bright being dropped down. It was a ball that shined, like a marble, but that amount of heat.

Then a childlike voice came from above "Do you know what Escanor's Solar Attacks lack the most ?". It was as if he was talking to something non-existent.

Above The Deserted Capital of Amestris -

Hmmm, right about here is where they are. Why do all villains love to live somewhere dark and dreary.

Then I made a Sun in my hand, the heat directly melting my surroundings, but it left me unaffected, not because I was the creator but because, I was absorbing heat faster than it could harm my body.

So as I drop this miniature Sun, here is a trick question, "Do you know what Escanor's Solar Attacks lack the most ?".

It feels like the Sun has been delivered, so times up. "It is Gravity !".

In an instant the Sun which had seemigly felt like a ball of immense heat, became a small planet. It directly started pulling anything and everything inside it, ever growing with the amount of materials it had started consuming.

Walking away from the ever enveloping and blooming sun. The city's farther parts enveloped in flames, where the sun started blooming was where everything melted, extingushed to be fodder for the luminous star.

I felt the Stones try to move, but the smallest one was directly extinguished, the medium one held for a while, the top tier was consumed by the humongous one, in such a manner, three graves had been dug.

The sun was growing too vast and out of control, but with the snap of my fingers, the entire sun dissappeared. The only proof of its existence was the charred city with a deep circular hole in it.

I stood at the border of the City, then I flew across the entire crater in one go and landed near a black substance.

It was the Dwarf, he had survived my attack and to be honest, I kind of expected it. But as he laid there weak and helpless, I knew the time to end it all had come.

"Why ???", he vented his rage on me, he was dying, all his plans had been laid to waste, everything he built had crumbled akeen to a sand castle in a matter of months.

"Why aren't you monopolising the knowledge you hold, what does distributing give you, why don't you follow the law laid down ?".

"I don't know, never really liked rules. But to answer your question to why I did not monopolise what I held is easy. I won't butcher what I say, but let me tell you this, you won't understand".

As his body grew weaker, his want for me to answer his question grew stronger.

"It's because I do not despise the foundation I grew out from, all Cultivators grow and become powerful beings to be respected, they despise their weak selves, they want to forget what they were before they held such power, power to ravage the worlds and all they did was really only ravage it. No one bothers for the weak and they remain as such because their doesn't exist anyone willing to help them, the hateful law of equivalent exchange. If I saved your mother it means you have to save my brother, a life for a life. Destiny, fate and the mind doesn't work that way, even a weak mortal will be able to slay God's given the right knowledge. So why not instead of saving one Mortal life for one, give them the knowledge to save everyone, whats it gonna cost you, literally nothing. All people in power do is give out excuses, one after another, its too dangerous, its too demonic, you are untalented, you don't have the will, etc and so on".

The Dwarf could not understand, forget Cultivators who he could not tell what they were, what was the reasoning and logic about my story. So I said what all it wanted to hear was.

"It's human to want power but be unwilling to share it, it's pretty human, and I was never human, you weren't either, but you are more humane than me".

With that an unwillingness shined on his eyes, only to dissappear instantly under my forceful eradication, of his existence.

Then I went back to camp and called off the Crusade and hammered down four orders.

'Amestris has no say in this unilateral agreement, they may voice their opinions when they can revive every life they took during the Era of Fuhrer Bradley'.

'Damun is appointed as the Ruler of the Heretic Nation : Lashvi'.

'No one shall prosecute Alchemists for the Amestris Incident. They were equally ignorant of the deeds done, though all who participated and agreed on the Philosopher's Stone's creation shall be executed'.

Three months passed by and I was tying up all loose ends. Damun was by far the unhappiest, he knew what it meant for me to put him in charge.

All others may think that I was going to stay behind the scenes, Guardian of the Nation of Lashvi, only Damun, Zake and Kain knew that I was leaving.

Damun was insistent on crowning me as the Ruler, but I held him back. He threathened me saying he would bolt the nation once I left. It made me feel happy and left me unwilling to break the bond that we had been through, it made me want to stay.

Damun weakly looked at me, his tenth attempt to stop me saying "Won't you reconsider and stay. We have achieved peace across the world, do you really have to leave ?".

For the first time I said to him, not with my identity as Commander Sho but as David "Damun I have people to look after, even beyond this world. I have done all I could for all of you, I have tied all loose ends. From now on no God, no Demon shall guide anyone behind the scenes. Grow up Damun, seperation is part of life, everyone goes through it, no matter how unwilling they are".

Damun was only being childish because during the war he had lost everyone, it was his innovative mind that kept him alive until he reached me at my camp.

There I became his pillar, his father figure, his mentor, his brother and his freind. To him what I was, is the last shred of his family and he was unwilling to let go of that last bit of hope for all his life.

"Damun gaze around you and remember, everyone is your family".

The day later I crowned him King of Lashvi, in that joyous celebration I left him a gift, three entire books of Agriculture, Engineering, and Science beyond their Era, with it I left a note 'It will guide you or destroy you, so use it wisely'.

In the middle of the desert, out of sight from the world. I finally opened the Gate of Truth, it was a black Kaballah like door, with its carving based on the roots depicting the tree of life.

There in that vast and empty space, sat a being, a being that was meshed in with the laws of the world. He smiled his grin with no teeth and no face made it look eerie. The space was entirely white with no other colour and a door in black.

"I have been waiting for you Anomaly, it took you only two years to hack apart my world. Was it fun ?".

"Why didn't you stop me ?".

"I am unlike those petty beings called 'Will of the World'. You have a better grasp at what kind of being I am, so you should know what I need for what you want".

"What do I want, can you give such a thing to me ?".

"Only if you can provide me with what I need !".

"You are awfully like those Cultivators I hate, but your character is more agreeable, a Merchant like Character is more better than a Holy as f.u.c.k character who kills without consideration. So what will earn me a stalk of your world and your services ?".

Truth looked at me and said "Autonomous authority of my world in your tree !".


In an instant the white world was dyed pitch black with purple linings across the entirety of it. "So you want my treasure, are you sure you will be able to hold it in your hands".

Truth looked unperturbed and showed confusion and dismay on his non-existent face. "No, but won't so many worlds collide once they grow near each other. Your tree is right now the most valuable treasure that every 4th Dimensional beings want. Who is to say that someone might ignore the constraints of the Marvel world and attack you ?. You wanted my service right, so I gave it to you, I would be in charge of my world and the guarding of your treasure".

"Don't you lose out in this transaction ?".

Then he smiled, "You have yet to grasp the power of a Cosmic Being, Anomaly. We gaze at infinite worlds in an infinite amount in an octillionth of a second and yet our mind remain free, our body virtually indestructible, our energy limitless. You are still a child right now, and your ambitions are beyond incomprehensible, so until you grow up I can guard you. To be honest, this is all due to a promise I made to a Paragon".

"Whats a Paragon ?".

Truth looked at me in a solemn way and said "Each being in a layer of Reality compromises an insane and incomprehensible amount of power. But even then they still remain Mortal, they may live beyond your understanding, but they can still be killed by various means. A Paragon is the peak of such possible Mortals, a being that lives in the 7th Dimension of Reality, beyond that you step into Immortal Laws, laws that transcend all Realities and apply everywhere, the Origin, the End, the Speed Force are such beings, they are 8th grade and beyond Dimensional Beings and project their Laws across any Space and Time".

It was incomprehensible to me and it all sounded gibberish. I was going to remain content after I became 6D, but it seems like I have barely touched 4D, only to learn of 8D and aboves. At present all I could do was go about my issues.

"Who was the Paragon ?".

"That will depend on how far you grow Anomaly, for if I utter his name. You could lose your mind and my entire Multiverse of Alchemists could be destroyed in one go".

"So to say, you want my help in order to grow beyond 4D and you learning his name was only because he said you can".

"Thats the gist of it".

"But how does the Yggdrasil come into this equation ?". That was the only part that left me confused.

"That is easy, as your tree consumes the laws of different worlds and meshes with it, to support each world on its trunk, you create a treasure box full of combined Laws. Its kinda weird you could even create that thing, that is my last hint to you. Now say yes and leave".

There were questions in my head but ultimately I could only say "Yes", and leave, going back to Marvel.

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