
Chapter 61 - Filler

My picnic was ruined by Wade, he kept on flailing himself to the most dangerous thing he could find, Gold Kuro.

I wasn't annoyed, and observing the patience in my eyes, his smile widened and he pitched in his idea, "Let's go for a Romantic Getaway".

"Rejected". Seven against one, there wasn't a chance of opposition. The harder to accept vote though must have been his Automaton raising her hands, against his opinion.

He sat by the side drawing circles, while I pitched in my Grand Idea "Let's try out our Anti-Matter Bomb on Thanos".

I was rejected as well, so I dejectedly sat by Wade's side and drawed Squares.

Until Ash said "Lets find who Dio is".

She was rejected as well, so she sat near me doodling along with us. All three of us got rejected, I agree I went too far with trying out a Cataclysmic Event, but my choice was far better than both my accomplice's.

Wade just wanted me to pay for his marriage with a s.e.x doll, Fat Chance for that shit to happen.

Ash just wanted to watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure with everyone.

The remainder of my Vacation was decided in one sentence, A family holiday.

So we went to New York, now you must be thinking how. Well altering reality is my thing so teleportation is pretty easy, nifty as well.

When we arrived there, we saw kids playing around the streets. One kid held a folded newspaper as a sword and the other a trash can as a shield.

Seems old and boring kind of things, only if the kid holding the fake made sword wasn't flying, and the shield wielder wasn't bouncing around like rubber.

Marvel had changed, the government had lost control, and power was the most transparent possession someone had, because it was their right, just like all humans are said to have basic Human rights.

All humans either gain their power through their parents or through the Baptism of the Codex. To earn the baptism of the Codex which was once free, you have to be a working clock in society.

Since now was the Age of Supers, children, a.d.u.l.ts, women, all sorts of people from all kinds of profession held at least one kind of superpower.

People before the Codex had many misgiving against people with Superpowers. There were Vigilantes, Heroes, Villains, but all in all when summed up they were walking Danger.

The Heroes fight because it is their duty, the Villains fight for reasons such as world dominance, abusiveness, etc. and the Common man is abused by both sides gaining nothing.

Morals, Justice, Kindness doesn't matter if your life continues to be shitty as hell, more so of your life was destroyed due to a fight between Superheroes and Villains. So they see Mutants, Superheroes and think, 'I wish I had that sort of power' because of discontent.

They begin envisioning themselves as Heroes or as beings of Justice. But their disillusionment is only part of their dreams, and they start chasing at extremes, chastising what they cannot obtain.

With the Codex all I did was turn Criminals into nutrients for them to see reality. The reality is if Superpower was commonplace then Heroes don't need to exist, Villains don't exist as well, neither does Vigilantes.

All there exists is one Honourable Man, One Criminal and one Sociopath.

The Codex had given them what they wanted, what all the world wanted, but it didn't make them what they envisioned.

That is to say even with Superpowers, society ran on the same as usual. Events that were once superposing became everyday Criminal Activities.

The Honour, The Glory superheroes held was lost because, nothing in reality happens in accordance to another's dream.

Even now people lead shitty lives, they had become more than something before, but now everyone was more than something.

But the Cruel Reality made them see, True Power is still a Far cry from their Visions. Unique people don't need a Superpower to stay on sight of the world, to be the focus of millions of people, they only need presence and all is achieved on their own confidence, will power amd smarts.

Real life protagonists are in the end still human and a human lives in society where he is molded in.

All in all, a normal human, no matter the power won't become someone beyond humane, A Demigod of respect and admiration.

That has to be earned by deeds, achievements, and various other events. In a sense, True Heroes to me are the ones who pioneer their way in a society that mocks them.

Not people who Dream of a Reality they can partake in, but never stake their lives to.

We went around the Park and you could see all sorts of people, waving at each other, children laughing across the street, people cycling by, cabs stopping for people, bikers riding by, etc.

Even with power added to it, the sphere of life didn't necessarily change, society didn't change, it just budged and evolved.

It takes perspective and power to come to know of the illusion all the Heroes have stayed in. One that was the sole vision, the society had of them, not on their own subjective will.

As we walked by a Bank, we saw a robbery being committed. The Robbers were firing all sorts of Elemental Attacks in the bank, ordering them to comply.

They picked him up and trashed him, while we stood outside, across the streets not wanting to help this guy. Also because the Police had arrived, they were still neatly stationed, but instead of a Gun they showed all sorts of Powers as a show of Force.

The Robbers were even more unhappy and one guy felt like this young man was the perfect hostage. So he picked him up and instantly used his hot flames on this man's face.

If before he was thinking of Heroism, now that he was held hostage he began thinking of his life and the consequences of being burned alive. His eyes were frantic and he shouted out for help, leaving the Robber's in a state of glee.

He had been stupid, all of society would judge him as stupid. If it wasn't the Age of Supers, people might have said he was Heroic and he could have played the Hidden Hero.

But in the Age of Supers, who didn't have a power and which Robber wasn't going to find out. All he did was stall these Robbers and it only pissed them off.

If the problems stopped here, it would have been fine, but now the robbery had devolved into a Hostage situation. Right now even if he plead, all one could say was 'You reap what you sow'.

They weren't very happy, and I had spectated enough. So we went along our next trip, the Theatre. There we watched as a powerful Fire element user heated Popcorn for us.

It was odd and when asked of why he stayed there he replied "I don't want to be a Police or be in the Army, I want to be an Entrepreneur. Does it make sense for me to suddenly give up everything and become something or someone I don't want to be".

He then hurriedly gave us our Popcorns and shooed us off. His eyes told us he found this sort of questioning Unpleasant.

There was Deer Meat, Tiger Meat, Elephant Meat and all sorts of exotic animals on the dish. When asked we found that these animals are no longer considered endangered, since they were kept in a time dilated pocket dimension of another Super.

They had heard news that this pocket dimension was as large as a Moutain Range. That was about it, there were no extra things like Chinese Novels do, there were no extra minerals, or a foliage of extraordinary plants.

That was the main reason why this guy collaborated with the government to sell these Exotic animals meat at a lower price so that all could afford.

But then how could they feed the entire world, it's because they already had about a dozen or so kind of people in every country. The restaurant owner had the ambition and vision to pitch this kind of absurd Idea.

It was agreed, mainly to stop poaching due to greed and this kind of pocket dimensions could only be accessed by the owner and those he wishes to take, but getting out had to done when the Super was inside and only he could take them in and out. Otherwise instead of a zoo, it would have been Real Estate that first came to mind

The Deaths of the owners of these dimensions mean nothing, because they have another Super who can transplant this Pocket Dimension on another Super, in under 24 hrs of Death.

With the world on such a huge spread shift in power and morality. It was a normal thing to employ all sorts of tactics for profit.

Money may not buy everything, but it sure does ease life.

We were only explained this because the waiters here have to face Endangered Animal Rights Activists every once in a while. It is a chore to explain to them that the meat is the possesion of a Super, who has a Pocket Dimension, who has on his own innuendo, decided to sell their possession to them and that they may find him regarding the killing of Endangered Animals, than finding their Restaurant to be at fault for buying ingredients which people eat.

After having our fill, we walked out of the restaurant, right at that moment we saw a Lady running at around 160km or 147 miles per hour, being stopped by a Police, and being asked for a Speedster License. When the Officer learnt that she was in a haste because one of her family member had been in an accident, he took a solemn tone, turned to his car went for the phone in it.

Then he notified all sectors of Officers on the route of the Hospital to not stop her. The speedster was very grateful and started running to her destination.

We asked the Officer of this event and he replied saying "The world is in a Golden Age, if we do not move with it and adapt to it, Chaos would unbound, and it is our duty firsthand to keep Order. These kind of small events even before the Age of Supers would have been forgiven and forgotten".

He was kind enough to tell us that the Police are no longer just patrolling the streets, they have to check on harmful and non visible use of Powers as well, such as Mental Attacks or Soul Attacks, etc. It was to keep awareness and we were asked to call them if we have suspicion of such activities going on.

Our group walked by, we talked about how the world had changed and how long it took for Supers to be the norm.

I knew the world would adapt to the Powers given, but I had certainly not foreseen their adoration and admiration of Superheroes to decline.

Nowadays very powerful Supers either serve in the Police, Army or stay in Criminal Groups. But not all powerful Supers agree on being a brute of either side. Some like the Popcorn Maker wish to be rich, some dream to be a scientist, not all has to do with might.

Might makes Right is the only policy, you will see which is commonplace in Chinese and Korean peoples imagination.

They aren't allowed to act like that though, unless they want the Capital Punishment. That is to say to be executed by the Government.

Wade then suddenly jumped ahead of me, shrugged his arms and said "Little Bro's influence reaches far and wide. To be fair, all Marvel Dimensions, aside from ones where Doom rules, fall in a state of catastrophic war. You are an exception and you have influenced this entire Dimension".

I was pretty honest and said what cane to mind "So did I stop the Catastrophic War ?".

His eyes showed amus.e.m.e.nt amd said "Nope, your war came, it just came at an insanely farther time. Aren't you gonna ask me how I know these things ?".

He lifted his arms in a cutesy manner and said "Lil Bro !".

"Nope, I don't care where your knowledge comes from like you won't care where mine comes from".

I teleported us back to my nation, only to hear him say "Well said".

Then he grabbed his Automaton by her waist and dissappeared from my vision, and perception.

The vacation was a fine one and I intended to laze around more. So after a week of redundancy I walked back to my cold room, for another universe to conquer.

I decided it would be...

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