
Chapter 70 - Tyrant Knight

I had finally managed to become a Vasto Lorde.

To everyone it might seem fast, but to me who can control reality, it was like a snails pace.

My transformation continued well and I wasn't just acquiring new abilities or understanding of Laws through Reishi. My entire biology shifted to fit my needs.

Organs that could digest and a body that could bleed.

I meant a body that made me interact with the material world without Reishi needed.

In essence not much is different about a Shinigami or a Hollow, and that difference diminishes the more a Hollow grows, or rather evolves.

But as I was transforming into a Vasto Lorde the surrounding Reishi suddenly surged.

This was the first variable I ever encountered in my life till now.

Reishi which then began to uncontrollably enter my body began to rapidly enhancing and stabilising my biology at the same time.

My body which served as the container inflated, unable to reduce or control the amount of Reishi that just filtered in without care.

My Body wasn't really human so all the damages or changes actually happened on the spiritual side.

Which means, my soul's real strength was unveiled. My mortal shell unable to bear the brunt took full force and got destroyed, exploding into bits and nearly disintegrating.

But I wasn't about to stare and leave such an event aside. Reishi was beginning to be a hardcore challenge and one that I took to heart personally.

With just a shred of my body left, a hand filled with rings, I devoured all the Reishi that simply filtered in. I used that same Reishi to build up my body at the nuclear level, molecule by molecule, atom by atom.

Each bit of my body was now able to contain tremendous amounts of Reishi.

As the devouring of Reishi in my body grew, the energy waves that surged high and low became extremely dangerous.

It manifested across the three realms in this universe, each wave making all it's victims feel the hair raising winds stride across their body.

With each wave demonstarting the amount of energy dissapearing, reappearing, stabilising, then being suctioned away.

This cycle of extreme amounts of soaring and falling Reishi raised many heads even in the Human Realm, much less the extremely Chaotic, Shinigami or the Hollow Realm, where instead of just hair raising waves, immense spiritual pressure was applied as well.

It was the mark of a Tyrant, or you could say the birth of one.

The next subsequent waves grew stronger whence even Lieutenant Class Shinigami's kneeled and it kept on until all Captain class aside Five or Six exceptions fell down.

I could no longer hide my existence, but if I tried then I could become a part of this universe for a while, thereby offsetting the extra danger placed on me for being an Outsider.

Karmic Law is a hard to understand Law, more so when you aren't even supposed to exist in their boundaries.

So I patched my eternal soul with a part of the Bleach Verse to be accepted. It was like fooling the father with his own DNA while hiding the milkman's son.

With Reishi as the base and the Soul as my will, I made a body out of pure energy.

It was unrealistic but nevertheless a far clear and better solution than being thrown out of the universe without any sort of warning.

As the body made of pure energy started condensing, the physical world distorted.

I had simply absorbed too much Reishi, to the point if my Reishi was measured, it wouldn't show.

The Physical world already shaked with Squad member amount of Reishi. With my amount and purity, my body could no longer be considered three dimensional, again I had broken through the barrier of reality.

But I could not continue this, I had things to do, so I shackled myself and all the energy inside me hibernated, slept within me.

Waiting for me to call and hoping for me to use.

My mask became smaller announcing my advancement. It no longer covered my entire face but it still did cover my eyes and forehead making me look like the masked phantom.

The Mask was littered with inscriptions and added to a sort of Mystery. It was a mere test of mine, I really wanted to see if Alchemy could work here, and apparently it doesn't work.

Then the bone like carapace extended throughout my body and like a thin filament of water covered it.

But it wasn't the end as the shape had yet to be finalised, so I guided it.

I shaped it in medieval armour, to suit my tastes and also to actually finally act like one.

A Tyrant Knight build was what came to my mind during this tedious structurising procedure.

Like a Chinese painting of sorts, void of colour and life, the four Cardinal Beasts lived within those markings.

With a Dragon in the armours torso and the Tortoise at its back, the Tiger in its Braces and finally the Pheonix in the Shoulder pads. The Cradinal Beasts graced their presence within it, making it seem ancient, realistic yet so illusory.

But I wasn't done yet, the Armour was only half of what I was doing to it. The skirt like bottom part was still left.

I did not really like it, but only top armour with pants didn't really suit my aesthetics. It was like watching a clown in medieval armour prance his a.s.s around.

But I didn't like the skirt as well, so I opted for second best and instead turned my Armour from my torso to my pants into a plate armour like structuring, making it look like a complete set and then continued to add a cape to it.

The Cape was graced with a yellowish Draconic symbol in it.

But the end part was the boots to cover my feet, which was made to shine in black while all my armour came in grey.

It was definitely odd but the more odder was that the boots looked like it was made of Dragon Scales. With how it was built, the first thing you would remember and come to your mind is Gold Kuro.

I had finally reached Vasto Lorde and as I stabilised the surging energy within my body, I planned my first act.

It was a bold decision out of me when you understand that I had just recently reached Vasto Lorde.

But I had calculated the odds and I had a pretty high chance of winning, about 68%.

But what made me favour the hunt was not the relish I felt in it. It was the possibility of a fourth Sword in my hands.

I had long since decide it's name and abilities, all I lacked was a perfect specimen and it was time for the perfect specimen to be taken down.

The pinnacle of all Hollows, the Arrancar.

If anyone was familiar with the Arrancar I was talking about, spoiler's its Nelliel.

The tricky part about her is unlike real Arrancars with their own m.a.t.u.r.ed personality. She is childish at best and has a tag along group with her, Vasto Lordes.

She and her group are the equivalent of the lawless yet chivalrous marauder's like Robin Hood or any other Bandit like groups.

But as I was planning I came to a thought, why don't I let these crops I am about to reap m.a.t.u.r.e more.

What I am talking about was the Espada.

The Arrancar may be the pinnacle of Hollows but it is far from the best version of it.

The Espada which is an upgrade was made under the Hogyoku, the Arrancar were forced to become something they never were.

Half Shinigami's yet full Hollows.

Even if an Arrancar may have Shinigami like powers, it is totally different.

The Item or Hogyoku itself was made to pursue something it never understood. Like some pioneer trying something but discovering something else entirely.

It was a False Hope and gave out an even more Illusory Way to achieve it. But it's power is no doubt completely true and very real.

It's been a while since I remembered all about the Bleach Verse.

It was no doubt that Nel was a childish Arrancar right now, but this was only because she was wounded by someone. I don't really remember.

It might seem like I would have to adjust the understanding and differences of this world.

This makes the theory I held unclear.

There might be more than just one Arrancar to see and exist.

If that was true, my eyes glinted, a shine full of d.e.s.i.r.e and curiosity.

Hmmm so I can actually research as much as I want.

But as I was pondering on, my eyes widened immediately and opening a spatial crack I immediately left the spot.

Troublesome people were butting their nose where they can smell some shit.

I wasn't afraid, more like Prey shouldn't realise they are Prey until the Hunt. One of the best rules of all Hunters, but better applied to humans.

So I left a Gift, one that would satisfy their curiosity and forgive my ignorance.

I did feel a little bad for trying to hunt a Childish Nel, but I guess she won't mind being a part of the track to the real prey.

So as I left the vicinity many Shinigamis appeared and I might have glanced Kisuke at the lead and Aizen at the mid.

While I had come to the human realm, not for fun but to see if what I did to dupe this world worked or not.

As I walked around what was Japan, I immediately took in the language, deconstructed it and walked around.

The first human I came to contact in immediately looked at me in an odd way and walked away.

Okay Physical Manifestation - Check.

Now the Armour I wore was custom made to look cool in battle, but if I had to look normal in the Human Realm and hide my Swords.

A good looking Armani Suit and a Suit Case was a must.

Well it was all about the looks, people might say look's don't matter but nobody would believe a dishevelled beggar over a good looking man.

I might as well look rich rather than punkish to avoid complications, after all which rich brat doesn't like to travel the world. Maybe some people who don't understand what they are born with, don't do this sort of activity.

I mean how dumb would you have to be to not travel when you clearly have the means to. This doesn't mean you should go to insane places like North Korea, which idiot thinks thats a tourist freindly spot.

I sometimes read about these kinds of tourists, some who are stuck there for years or decades and I think, "Well should have listened to the News bitch !!!".

I don't say it's not a tragedy but rather it's ironic to see someone struggle because they rather clearly understood what they were getting into.

As I rant in my mind, the Armour I wore turned to a Suit and one of the Rings transformed to a Suitcase.

My mask though is a lost cause, let's just leave it as it is. Might as well score a few more points in acting mysterious.

Ladies do like mysterious men right, am I right ?.

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