
Chapter 8 - Back In Action

So i thought about the skill i wanted to help me find Merzah, and i think i took some inspiration from the Ranger class in RPG's and an item from Doraemon. But it will all be in vain if I can't even get his location. So i scratched that idea out.

Then i thought what if i could create that, the Compass which was used by Jack Sparrow. It helped him find many things and helped him many times. I will just need to tweak it a bit and attach it to my Knights Glove. I use Presence Concealment at full force and then think on what needs tweaking.

This Compass should in reality point to my most innermost d.e.s.i.r.e, but i will tweak it to find whatever and whoever i want right now. But let me make a more futuristic model, since it should also be able to tell where and what i want is.

( Item Created )

( Basis : The Compass of Jack Sparrow )

( Improved and Upgraded )

The Compass Version 2.0 - SSS Rank

Unlike normal compasses that point north, this compass points to what user really require right now. It has been upgraded by the Legion to serve his needs as such it has one extra protusion in the inside. This protusion produces holograms that give out a map of the holders current area and pinpoint locations of what the user wants.

A futuristic model of a compass appears in my hand. I look at what looks like a small map of the universe inside and instead of a sundial, it has a clock on the corner and instead of what should be a needle pointing at what i d.e.s.i.r.e is a protusion. In a blink it reproduces a map of the world and zooms in on my position.

I see his position in a mountain range in the Himalyas, i zoomed at him wanting to see if his descriptions fit the person i am searching. Before i can continue he looks around as if he was spotted by someone. I continue thinking of his description, an old male with green eyes, grey hair and is about 6'0".

Well he fits the bill, lets meet him. I jump a little bit further away from his location and turn off Presence Concealment. As soon as it was turned off he looked at my direction. Certain of my location he telepathically proded my mind which was met with harsh backlashes, courtesy of little Arthur.

His eyes shot wide open before he grabbed his head and fell in his butts breathing raggedly. Never play mind games with a God, i reveal myself by entering his sight. When he stands up and takes a stance protectively he shouts at me "Who are you ???".

Well would you look at that, i just lift my arms and said "I am not here to fight or have any other thoughts of doing ill to you or the others". It is the truth, i only need the knowledge they can provide me not their lives.

If they consent its all good, if they don't too bad nothing good comes out of refusing someone at a level beyond the gods. He was about to say something when he suddenly stopped. His precognition must have warned him of the dire consequences of refusing me.

So he begrudgingly replies "You say you do not have any ill-intent but can i trust someone like you who feels so dangerous, down right to the very core". Well my Indomitable Will has lately been unlocked and it makes lowered will people tremble in their knees. But i can seal my powers till i get a good grasp on the knowledge i require.

Thinking that, i shut down Indomitable Will and right now he looks a bit relieved, it must be the fact that i was willing to back down. Special trivia about Indomitable Will, it depends on the strength of the user in how it affects others psyche. With Legion as its conductor, just willpower can destroy physical substances so i constantly supress it.

With that he takes a look at me from head to toe and grumbles something about blonde brats and says "Only knowledge, which one do you require ???". I can only sigh at him and say "The Mind Arts or any knowledge on the mind". He looks like he is considering it so I throw a bomb at him, "You will be able to acquire 1 favor from me and whatever you ask of me from that favor shall be fulfilled, even resurrection of the deceased".

Right now resurrection may sound very good and unique, but later on it will be pretty much everyday that someone dodges death in some way and makes a comeback. He looks surprised by the fact that i could do something bordering on God's domain.

He takes a while to think but continues on "This is not a good place to talk. Follow me". He then starts walking towards the top of the mountain and i follow behind him. As we near the top i can see some ridges in the corner, he takes a step towards them and dissappears. I look a bit surprised but follow nonetheless.

The view i see on the other side is of a monastery in which young monks are walking around, prayers are being chanted and some of them are training martial arts in a ground nearby. I continue following on without giving another glance at the trainees and other distractions.

He takes me to an old prayer hall and shows the seat to me, which i perfunctorily take. He stares at me a for a while and says "May i inquire as to why you would require knowledge on the mind ?".

I am thinking on the pros and cons of telling him, but i shake my head. Telling someone your powers is a very noob choice to make.

So i reply back "No", he must have been thinking on how to continue on but instead with an exasperated voice said "Until i know of your goals i cant just give you knowledge on the Mind arts". I can understand, it would be like handing guns to delinquents.

People who have no qualms about sharing knowledge are more dangerous than those who hide it. Many think that if everyone knows everything then people will understand each other, help each other, reach out to each other.

But the fact is that isn't possible, even all scientists agree that a utopia with the mentality of humans is non-existant. Humans have tried and the examples remain etched in history - Babylon, Babel, Camelot and so many more.

But I don't think Merzah is understanding something, with my power he doesn't have a choice. I then unleash Indomitable Will at maximum power and before he can feel the danger signs. The whole prayer hall is burst into pieces. Damn it feels like i am using Shanks Conqueror Haki.

All the students and masters nearby are alerted by my outburst, but before they can even investigate the cause i use Indomitable Will's suppression on everyone present in the monastery.

Most are left unconscious, they are after all still trainees. Some are left on their stomachs, they must be the elites. The rest are wheezing violently on their knees, they must be the Masters.

I look at Merzah that was sent flying by my outburst, even he is taking rough breathes. I state my intentions clearly saying, "Merzah i was done negotiating the moment i told you of my favor". He must have been shocked by the fact that i even knew his name after all he doesn't remember introducing himself.

Before any other shenanigans can continue i shot him down saying "I will take every bit of knowledge i require and leave you guys alive, that is the price i have put for your amount of knowledge". Before any others can make movements i knock them out with suppression.

I hate these so called good guys, they are always like i will protect the legacy with my life and all that shit. If i leave even one conscious they will try to stop me, even going so far as to sacrifice themselves. Take a chill pill dude you should learn when you have been outclassed.

With that i take a look at the back of my Knights Glove and d.e.s.i.r.e the location of any book on the mind arts. I will simply take every one of them and later on throw them back here when i am done. I jump to every location, take every book and simply shove them in my pocket dimension.

I then d.e.s.i.r.e a location very remote, where not even animals will live. The compass maps out a small island, somewhere in the middle of the pacific. I jump there and start taking apart all the books and going through everything about the mind arts.

I look at my new status which is lately being filled.




1. Jumping - S Rank

3. Cellular Immortality - ??? Rank


1. Observation

2. Advanced Growth Rate - SSS

3. Helping Hand - SSS

4. Cloak - F/???

5. Indomitable Will - ??? ( By virtue of his powers Strength ) [Recently Learnt]


1. Crazy Hunt

3. Assault Hunt

My rankings are a bit odd as they are based on threat level. I made it based on the limited knowledge of Marvel that i acquired.

1. G Rank - Average Mortal

2. F Rank - Peak Mortal

3. E Rank - Town Level Threat

4. D Rank - City Level Threat

5. C Rank - Nation Level Threat

6. B Rank - International Threat i.e 2 or above Nation Level Threat

7. A Rank - Continental Threat

9. SS Rank - Stellar Threat

10. SSS Rank - Galactic Threat

11. EX Rank - Universal Threat

12. ??? Rank - Cosmic Threat

This ranking completely applies on Marvel comics since there is always a universal level threat with a backstory of either being sealed or being tricked.

Stats are ranked on completely differently scales, because abilities and skills scale so high only reason being, Marvel always has someone with a skill or ability to destroy worlds.Techniques are not scaled because they grow stronger with the user.And so i began grinding knowledge on the mind arts.

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