"So, it's impossible to use the correct way to get rid of the rapist. If you bring the rapist to the government, the people from the government will let him go. And it might even get you in trouble. However, I am different. As the Sect Leader of the Devil Sect, I can take care of those rapist without anyone knowing. " Yun Luo continued to sound tempting as he looked at Situ Chirong.

Hearing this, Situ Yaoru's heart relaxed a little.

"As a woman, you should know the unwillingness and anger of women after they have been plucked. There were even many women who hanged themselves because of this. "However, because they are women of the government, the news has been sealed." The man looked at Situ Yaoru and continued. When Situ Yaoru heard this, she couldn't help but ask, "To be able to make so many officials shut up, just who is this person?"

"This... It's not impossible if you want to know. However, you have to keep me here first. Otherwise, I would never have told you. "

Yun Luo looked at Situ Yaoyao, his expression becoming serious.

"There are many people in the capital who can shield you. Even with your face, it's not impossible for any woman to hide you for you. "Why must it be me?"

Situ Yaoru asked with a puzzled expression.

Yun Luo looked at Situ Chirong for a while before chuckling, "I think I must have found it interesting. Moreover, even if others were to try to cover for me, I think they might be able to. But it's not as safe as here. After all, you are General Situ's daughter. "

"But I keep having the feeling that you have some unspeakable secret." Situ Yaoru looked at the man and said frankly.

"If you're worried, you can do something to me. That way, you won't have to doubt me, right?" Yun Luo looked at the woman and said.

"Whatever, I'm too lazy to think about it. Since you want to stay with me, then you have to follow my rules." Situ Yaoru decided to not bother with the man anymore.

The matter of the rapist had to be resolved no matter what. If the rapist hadn't left that note, she might have been able to stay out of it. However, since she had, she couldn't pretend that she hadn't seen it.

"An Xin, I will follow your instructions." Yun Luo smiled in satisfaction. This smile almost blinded Situ Yaoyao's eyes. Yun Luo was an extremely beautiful woman.

However, there was a killing intent on his body, causing people to stop in their tracks.

"If you're not afraid of meeting people, you can stay in front and pour them wine." Situ Yaoru looked at the man and said.

When Yun Luo heard this, he fell silent. His jet-black beautiful eyes were fixed on Situ Yaorao, as if accusing his of causing a ruckus without reason.

This left Situ Yaoru with no choice but to cough awkwardly a few times and continue, "Erm … If that doesn't work, you can go to the kitchen. "

"The kitchen?" Yun Luo was stunned.

"Yes, no one is working in the kitchen yet. We've had a belly all morning. " Situ Yaoyao seriously said.

The corners of Yun Luo's mouth twitched a little when he saw that Situ Yaoyao really didn't seem like she was joking. He frowned and said, "I'm afraid that won't do. I don't know how to cook."

"I don't know about that, but I don't know about that either. You're really troublesome." Situ Yaoru said with disdain. Yun Luo was also speechless when he heard this. But he said, "But... If you want me to help you take charge of someone, that's fine. Or maybe I can help you keep this place safe. "

"This has been done. That's right, I heard you play the zither before, right? " Situ Yaoru's eyes shined as she looked at the man. In this state, Yun Luo took a step back. He subconsciously felt that it was dangerous.

"What do you want to do?" Yun Luo asked cautiously. Situ Yaoru smiled as she heard this. "It's simple. You can become a zither master."

"…" As expected, it was not a good thing.

"If you're a zither master, you can just hide in the dark and play the zither. You don't need to see anyone." I didn't need to go to the kitchen. More importantly, I saved the money I had for the zither master. Of course I won't pay you. " Situ Yaoru decisively said.

Yun Luo felt powerless in his heart, but he agreed. Because to him, this was nothing. Thus, he said, "I agree."

"That's good. From today onwards, he would live here. Of course, if something really does happen, don't count on me to save you. " After he finished speaking, Situ Yaoru brought him out with her.

"Miss, how is your discussion going?" Lian-Er asked anxiously.

On the side, Situ Xiuxing frowned.

"From today onwards, he will remain here to play the zither. You can bully him as you please. " Once the words were out, the crowd was once again speechless.

"Miss, how much do you dislike this young master?" Lian-Er sighed helplessly.

Situ Yaoyue laughed, "Naturally, you won't like them as much as you want them to. "Well, I'm going to get a cook back, or we'll starve to death." After Situ Yaoru finished speaking, she turned to leave.

"Miss … "Madam previously sent someone to relay a message to me that Miss, please don't go out today. Later on, she will come to pick you up and take you back to your house for a short stay." Lian`er saw that Situ Yaoru was about to leave. He hurriedly said.

As soon as she said those words, Situ Yaoru frowned, "Looking back at the family? How come I've never heard her talk about it before? "

"The Missus seldom takes the Missy home. When Miss was still young, Young Master Yunjing had left the Gu family. After fighting them, Miss had no desire to go back. Madame shouldn't force Miss. This time, he wanted Miss to go back and see Young Master Yun Jing. Miss, Madam rarely brings you back, and it's been a long time since you've been back at the Gu household. "Don't make it difficult for the madam." Lian`er looked at Situ Yaoru and tried to persuade her.

After Situ Yaoru heard this, she pondered for a moment before finally sitting down and saying, "I understand, I understand." Can't I go? "Seriously, I don't know if I brought you out to supervise me or to help me." Situ Yaoru said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

When Lian-er heard this, she lowered her head and said: "Miss, this servant is also doing this for your own good."

"Alright, I understand. Can't I go with my mother to the Gu family later? It's just that the shop is up to you. This shop hasn't even opened yet, and the opposite side hasn't even moved yet. This really makes me feel uneasy. You have to guard it well. If anything happens, you must tell me as soon as possible. " Situ Yaoru said in a serious tone.

Hearing that, Lian-er replied, "Yes, Miss. This servant will definitely not disappoint Miss. "

"What kind of things won't disappoint Allure?" Just as she finished speaking, she heard the graceful and generous voice of a woman coming from outside. Hearing this, Situ Yaoru hurriedly stood up and walked out.

Afterwards, he saw Madam Situ walk down from the palanquin, dressed in a lavish purple robe. Seeing Situ Yaoru, his smile became gentle, "Allure, child, why are you not as intimate with your mother as you were in the past?"

"Mom, there are outsiders here." Situ Yaoru embarrassedly said.

"This girl, she even knows how to be shy." Madam Situ slowly walked in front of Situ Yaoru. She frowned as she looked at the people here, "Why aren't there even a single girl?"

"I haven't found that yet."

"Seriously, how can mom be at ease letting you be with so many men?"

"Cough …" Mother, there's really nothing wrong, and there's still Lian-er, isn't there? " Situ Yaoru embarrassedly said.

"I don't care. From today onwards, you will follow me to the Gu family and stay there." Madame Situ said.

"But, Mother, don't you need to go back to the Situ Family and take care of matters?" Situ Yaoru asked, puzzled. When Madam Situ heard this, she frowned, "Right now, the matters of the Situ Family are managed by your second mother. Your father said so. Red tear's wedding feast was nearing. Since His Majesty had already passed down the order, it was only natural that they organize it in a grand fashion. "She was also worried that I would be tired, so she left everything to Second Mother to manage it." Madam Situ said faintly.

"He clearly wants Mother to hand over the power to him." Situ Yaoru frowned.

"So what? This is my life. Your father has been like this all these years. Now he finally found a reason. If I don't give in obediently, who knows what kind of trouble I might cause. "It would be better to give them everything so that they can be at ease." Madam Situ sighed.

"So, mother, you want to go back home?" Situ Yaoru frowned. She felt that this wasn't Madam Situ's personality.

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