"Situ, what you did before didn't resemble you at all. Situ, whom I know, should have nothing to do with other people's affairs. Not like now. Your treatment of the purple jade is too harsh. " Yu Sheng sighed.

"Perhaps …" It must be because of what Tantai Yunyi had done on the Icy Heart pleasure boat. My heart was in a mess. I always felt that I had let him down. If I were to just watch him with a girl who is always scheming with my eyes, I would feel somewhat dissatisfied in my heart. " Situ Yaoru said with a bit of a depressed tone. And this result was something that Yu Sheng did not expect.

"Is it because of this?"

"Of course it's because of this. What else do you take me for? "I am the future Crown Prince's consort. How could I not know who Tantai Yunyi is?" Situ Yaoru frowned and said.

"This is indeed my miscalculation." Yu Sheng said somewhat embarrassedly.

"It's not your fault. It's my problem. " Situ Yaoru waved her hand, she rested for a while and said, "Let's go. I need to go brew the wine first." That's the real deal. "

"Alright." As Yu Sheng said this, he brought Situ Yaogran to the large room she was using to brew wine. At this moment, the room was filled with many fruits. Situ Yaoru furrowed her brows. Just thinking of how she would have to brew it herself made her feel extremely bad.

"Situ, it's up to you." Yu Sheng unresponsibly patted her shoulder and was about to leave.

"What about humanity!" Situ Yaoru grabbed Yu Sheng's hand and clenched her teeth, not allowing him to leave. Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng looked innocent. "This is not my fault. After all, brewing wine was a secret. Aren't you afraid that I'll steal the lessons and open my own shop? " Yu Sheng asked with a smile. The corner of Situ Yaoru's mouth twitched when he heard that, "If I'm worried about that, I won't keep you any longer. If you really want to learn, I can even teach you. " Situ Yaoru said.

Upon hearing this, the smile on Yu Sheng's face deepened. "You are generous. Do you know how much profit this fruit wine of yours will bring you in the future? "

"All I know is that if I'm the only one with good things, I won't be able to keep them. And do you expect me to do this alone? Stop teasing me, all right? "No matter what, I am still a weak girl." Situ Yaoru's head ached as she pointed at the room full of fruits.

"Weak girl? Sorry, I almost forgot the fact that you are still a woman. " A look of innocence appeared on Yu Sheng's face. Hearing this, Situ Yaoru couldn't help but want to slap him.

"Well, I'll help you. However, this isn't a problem, I can only help you. "If the flavor of your fruit wine changes due to my relationship with you, then I will become the sinner of the restaurant." Yu Sheng said as he looked at Situ Yaoyao.

Situ Yaoru thought for a moment, then nodded, "Indeed. Help me move the fruits, and you can carry whatever I want." Remember, don't make a mistake. "


After the two of them reached an agreement, they began to work together. Situ Yaoru placed the jar of wine in front of her, while Yu Sheng placed it in front of her. It was still alright for the two of them to be together, as they were not too tired to fight to the death.

However, after going through these things, both of them had a new consciousness. Indeed, there should be a special wine making place. Indeed, it was time to look for some people.

Otherwise, this restaurant wouldn't be big.

By the time the two of them had put away the fruit, it was already evening. Looking at this time, Situ Yaoru felt a burst of helplessness fill her heart.

"It's too late anyway. Yusheng, do you still remember my Golden Lingzhi? "Bring them here." Situ Yaoru said.

Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng nodded his head and went to get her the Golden Lingzhi. After a while, Yu Sheng walked in with a box in his arms. "Here it is."

"That's good." Situ Yaoru let out a sigh of relief. He then took out all the medicinal ingredients that were already here.

"When did you release it?" He never expected that Situ Yaoru would even place medicinal herbs here, causing Yu Sheng to feel as though his entire being was in a bad mood.

"It was left there a long time ago, but because I didn't have the Golden Lingzhi's relationship, I didn't brew wine. I hate the smell of medicinal herbs, so I don't want to brew them. Now that I have the Gold Ganoderma, I have made my decision. " As Situ Yaoru spoke, she began to fill the wine jar with medicinal herbs. The order of the contestants was still the same.

Just like that, Yuesheng silently looked at Situ Yaoyao, feeling that this woman was truly formidable.

It was unknown where she had found these wine making recipes.

Very quickly, Situ Yaoru had already put away all the medicinal ingredients. He then cut a small piece of the Golden Lingzhi and threw it into the wine jar. Then, he poured a small amount of fruit wine into the jar and sealed it again.

"This is?"

"This way of brewing is a bit faster." Situ Yaoru explained.

"I don't know where you learned these things. "In my opinion, those winemakers might not be better than you." Yu Sheng sighed.

"I'm glad I know this myself. I started learning long ago. At that time, it's impossible to not learn. "

"Madam Situ?" Yu Sheng made a guess.

"Of course not. Well, I won't tell you that. I should go back. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain from the other side of the family. "Who knows, I might have to implicate Lian-er again." After she finished speaking, Situ Yaoru walked out.

"Situ …" Yu Sheng could not help but stop Situ Yaoyao.

Upon hearing this, Situ Yaoru suspiciously turned her head to look at the man.

"Remember to not cause any trouble at home. I will wait for you to get married and then come back." When the time comes, we can open a branch. " Yu Sheng said indifferently. Hearing this, Situ Yaoru smiled, "Alright."

With that, he left.

At this moment, the restaurant was closed.

Mo Zhu, who was busying himself in the kitchen, finally walked out. To think that such a handsome man was actually a chef who knew how to cook. It was indeed rather unscientific.

"Well? When are you planning to meet your precious princess? " Yu Sheng asked somewhat sarcastically.

"Tomorrow …" Mo Zhu said.

"Seriously, you don't need to find trouble with me." Yu Sheng shook his head helplessly. Although the man's words did move him. However, this matter was Mo Zhu's fault.

"If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have liked her to this day. As long as tomorrow passed, everything would come to an end. Whether she loves me or not. if you really want to be with me. "

"Nervous?" Yu Sheng looked at Mo Zhu and asked.

Hearing this, Mo Zhu did not reply. However, this proved it. He was nervous. After all, that person was the woman he loved. And at this moment … What he had to face was a test. A test of whether he and she could continue.

However, even if the result was not what he wanted, he would not regret it.

"I actually think that you should have bought that Forgetfulness Pill at that time. It's fine if you don't want those memories. " Yu Sheng shook his head helplessly as he spoke. When Mo Zhu heard this, he was stunned. "I've never thought of forgetting her. To me, that relationship was something I would never be able to abandon for the rest of my life. Not to mention forgetting. "

"I wonder what you like about her." Yu Sheng felt somewhat resentful that he had failed.

"Perhaps, it is fate. Of so many girls, the only one I've taken a fancy to is her. Perhaps it was because her eyes had been too helpless. That gaze which treated me as a lifesaver made me afraid to reject it. And then, it began. In the end, she stopped looking at me like that. Me. and I've already begun to be unable to refuse her. "

"You just got your soul taken away by her." Yu Sheng said hatefully.

"But it was voluntary."

"I really have nothing to say to you. I've seen stupid people, but I've never seen someone as stupid as you. " Yu Sheng shook his head.

The dispute between the two had ended here.

"Miss Situ, she went back?" Upstairs, Zi Yu staggered down. he asked. Upon hearing that, Yu Sheng nodded and said, "Let's go back." Why did you come down? Your wounds have healed? "

"No …." I wanted to come down and see Miss Situ off. After all, if it wasn't for her, I'm afraid that the odds are against me today. " The purple jade eyes were filled with tears.

Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng frowned. "She wants me to tell you that this is the only time. Whether I live or die next time, she will not care. "

"What, what did I do wrong?" Violet Jade's face turned white.

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