The sky gradually turned dark. Situ Yaorao looked at the scenery outside the carriage, and a trace of anticipation flashed past his eyes. As long as I head south, I should be able to find him soon, right?

"You seem very happy?" Seeing Situ Yaorao looking at the scenery with interest, Tantai Yunyi could not help but be curious. Hearing this, Situ Yaorao laughed: "Of course I'm happy. We'll soon be able to find him."

He didn't expect Situ Yaorao to be so optimistic, and for a moment, Tantai Yunyi was somewhat speechless. He looked at her, and only said after mulling for a while: "Erm … Actually, there was always a question that I didn't tell you about. "

"Eh?" Situ Yaorao looked at him in puzzlement.

"When the crown prince went missing, the last time he contacted the hidden guards was near the Luo City. However, a long time had passed, so he could not confirm that he was actually in the Luo City. Furthermore, he had been severely injured before that, so it could be said that he was in a life or death situation. If he was still alive, everything would be fine. However, if he really... You must be prepared. When that time comes, your status as a Crown Princess will definitely become unstable due to you going down south. Some people would even use you as a tool in their research, putting the crown prince's death on your shoulders. " Tantai Yunyi explained the dangers that Situ Yaorao was about to face.

Hearing this, Situ Yaorao was silent for a moment, and then said: "I believe in him, no matter what, he will live on. If he was truly unlucky … Then I won't wait for those decent guys to convict me. I'll go down and accompany him. If that's the case, the Situ Family will have to trouble you. "

"Ask me?" Tantai Yunyi couldn't help but laugh with elegance, "Do you know, if you ask this duke, this duke's fee is very high."

"If that day comes, my restaurant will be yours." Situ Yaorao's face was serious, but Tantai Yunyi remained silent.

"Why aren't you talking?" Situ Yaorao looked at the man in confusion.

"Do you really like him that much? You're so fond of him that you're willing to give up everything for him? " Tantai Yunyi's heart ached. When Situ Yaorao heard this, he also let out a bitter laugh. Therefore, everything that I have done is for him, for the Situ Family. "

"Perhaps to others, your restaurant is very attractive, but to this king, it is not rare."

"What do you want?"

"What I want the most no longer belongs to me." Tantai Yunyi said.

Hearing that, Situ Yaorao wisely shut his mouth.

Luo City was not too far from the capital, in about three days time. But, while Situ Yaorao and Tantai Yunyi were rushing, they felt that time was passing very quickly, yet in the capital, it was as if time had passed. It was for no other reason but because a major event had occurred in the capital: Crown Princess has escaped!

On the day that Situ Yaorao left, he was discovered by people. Inside the palace, the Queen sent an order to arrest him, saying that she had eloped with someone else. There was already evidence before, but it was muddled by Situ Yaorao.

With the order of the empress, the news of the Crown Princess not following the women's path and escaping the capital spread out. The entire Lanlin was trying to capture Situ Yaorao. Of course, this was not what Situ Yaorao and Tantai Yunyi had expected.

Tantai Yunyi had calculated that the capital would not give him anything good, but he did not expect the Queen to hate Situ Yaorao to such an extent.

Naturally, this was all a story in the future.

In the capital, the crown prince had gone missing and the Crown Princess had fled. Sixth Prince's side was like the sun in the sky.

Deep into the night, in the forest, a torch was lit near an old tree. The woman sat by the fire, listening to the howls of the wolves and the mosquitoes of the mosquitoes.

"Want some?" Just as Situ Yaorao was sitting down to bake, Tantai Yunyi had already finished roasting the wild rabbit meat and brought it to his mouth.

Situ Yaorao received the rabbit meat and said, "Thank you."

"As a woman, it is natural for you to take care of me when I am out there. There is no need to thank me. Furthermore, it was also my mistake to calculate the wrong time, which resulted in us having no choice but to live in this forest. " Tantai Yunyi said somewhat embarrassedly.

As too many things had happened recently, he had been careless for a moment. He had forgotten that the one who was going out with him was Situ Yaorao and planned to travel through the night!

However, it was too late to change the route once he got on the car. In order to reach the Luo City in secret, he had to buy time all the checkpoints, so he had to make haste. This caused them to have no choice but to spend the night in the wilderness.

"I wonder how he is doing now." Situ Yaorao sighed.

"He has always been blessed by the heavens, so nothing will happen to him. Just relax." However, what he needed to think about was how to prevent the plague in the south. And how to help with the plague. "After we find the Crown Prince, we must first solve the problem of the plague before we come back. Otherwise, even if we go back to the capital, we will just have to go somewhere else to die."

"You have a good idea?" Situ Yaorao was curious.

"If I did, I wouldn't be distressed." Tantai Yunyi sighed.

"Then what's the use of thinking about this now?" Situ Yaorao closed his eyes.

"We should have thought about it in advance. This way, we won't be in too much of a hurry. " Tantai Yunyi said indifferently, but, in his heart, he had already made a decision. With Tantai Yunyi, if he was only eighty percent sure, he would not say it. Unless it was ten.

"I can't even save myself, much less others. So don't ask me. I just want to find him. " Situ Yaorao's voice was slightly low.

Hearing her words, Tantai Yunyi could not help but feel helpless: "Since that's the case, then it's better to first enter the carriage to rest. I'll stay outside to guard."

"Let's go together." Situ Yaorao looked at Tantai Yunyi and yawned. Although she was sleepy, her logic told her that she absolutely could not leave Tantai Yunyi alone.

This was too unkind!

Seeing her like this, Tantai Yunyi smiled even wider. "This king is fine, you should go in and rest."

In the end, Situ Yaorao managed to resist his drowsiness and stayed outside with Tantai Yunyi. It wasn't the first time she was suffering, so she was used to it.

Deep in the night, Tantai Yunyi looked at Situ Yaorao who was leaning on a tree and sleeping, a trace of doting flashed past her phoenix eyes. If it was possible, he was willing to continue protecting her like this. No matter how difficult the road ahead was, as long as she was willing to hide behind him, he would help her block all the wind and rain.

The dagger cut his finger, and Tantai Yunyi secretly put the blood into Situ Yaorao's mouth.

He looked at the girl's slightly red face before stopping the bleeding. At the same time, he also thought back to that year when Unbreakable Body had begged him.

Everyone has their moments of selfishness, and so does he. The woman loved him, but he wanted to sever all ties with her. Back then, he thought that with his existence, nothing would happen to her. But he had never thought that even if he didn't break it, he still wasn't a god. There were things that he was destined to not be able to do. As such, when he found out that the girl had died, he regretted it for a moment.

However … If he had to choose again, he would probably not save anyone, right? After all, she wasn't worth everything. However, the person in front of him was different.

He was willing to do anything for her sake, provided that she belonged to him.

People are always like this. What they want, they can't ask, and what they don't want is easily obtainable.

In the morning, when Situ Yaoru woke up, the first thing she saw was Tantai Yunyi lighting a fire. For a moment, she felt like she had traveled to another world! If it was normal for someone like Tantai Yunyi who didn't care for the mundane world to light a fire once, then the second time would be a bit of a dream. "Especially since he actually got a pot out of nowhere and was cooking?

After he understood the man's actions, Situ Yaorao's entire person became bad.

Situ Yaorao stood up, patted off the leaves on his body, and got the man's attention. Tantai Yunyi looked at Situ Yaorao and smiled: "If you don't eat food in the morning, it's not good for the stomach. I think it's better to eat something before we continue on our journey. " Tantai Yunyi said indifferently.

"Aren't we in a hurry?" Situ Yaorao slightly frowned, but had already begun to cook for him.

"Your illness isn't suitable for three meals in a row. Even if you're in a rush, it shouldn't take so long." Tantai Yunyi's words caused Situ Yaorao to be slightly surprised.

"Don't look at me like that. It's not that I can't figure it out, but …" There was once a friend who was infected with this poison. " Tantai Yunyi smiled faintly. Hearing that, Situ Yaorao suddenly said: "Is that the person you are talking about?"


Chapter 329 - Entering the Luo City

"Then it seems that you care a lot about her."

"Yeah, I care a lot. However, it was unable to save her. "

"There's no cure." Situ Yaorao said.

"What if there is a way? Will you leave Tantai Wuyue for the sake of survival? " Tantai Yunyi looked at Situ Yaorao and asked. Hearing that, Situ Yaorao's heart skipped a beat, and he thought: Could it be that Tantai Yunyi knows about Feng Ziqi finding her?

Situ Yaorao's silence made Tantai Yunyi's heart tighten. However, most of them were filled with anticipation.

"No, if I can only survive by leaving him, I refuse." Situ Yaorao's face darkened. This answer was within expectations, and it was also within … Outside of reason.

Tantai Yunyi forced a smile and did not say anything else. After the two finished their breakfast, they continued on their way.

Along the way, Tantai Yunyi drove the carriage all the way to the nearby towns, only then did he invite the coachman.

"What is this place?" Situ Yaorao looked out of the window of the carriage, looking at the lifeless little town outside and becoming curious. After all, it was very close to the capital.

Very few cities and towns like this did not lack people.

"Here? This was an abandoned town. Those who live here, are all unruly people. " Tantai Yunyi explained.

"Eh?" Situ Yaorao did not understand.

"This is a town that the Lanlin gave up. I don't know why. But... It had been like this for a long time. Being abandoned by the Lanlin, and being within the borders of the Lanlin, naturally no one is willing to develop here. " Tantai Yunyi said.

So it was like this?

Situ Yaorao looked at the people outside the carriage who were gradually leaving, and felt his heart moved. If one day, Tantai Wuyue was given up on by the Lanlin, to him, it would probably be the end of the world, right?

He was born in the Lanlin, if he were to leave the Lanlin … Situ Yaorao did not dare to think further. For some reason, he did not want that kind of situation to happen.

He was getting more and more anxious. He really couldn't reach Luo City immediately.

While others were feeling anxious, time often passed by very slowly. Just three days worth of time passed like a year.

Under the hot sun, the shade of the trees overlapped with the cool breeze, and the skylarks stood on the trees, showing off their singing voices. Long lines were formed like dragons in front of the Luo City's doors.

Above the city gate, there was even a notice posted. Everyone who entered the city had to write down the person on the notice before they could enter. If anyone found the person on the notice, they would be rewarded with a thousand silver taels.

There was a carriage parked five kilometers away from the city gate. Situ Yaorao's face was gloomy as he held onto a notice, as though he could use this notice to tear apart the owner of the notice.

At the side, Tantai Yunyi could not help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing for!" Situ Yaorao glared fiercely at the man.

Hearing that, Tantai Yunyi could not help but laugh: "No …. Nothing. I didn't expect the capital city to be so concerned about you. It's only been three days since you left the capital, and the notice has already been posted here. "

"Don't think about it, this must be the Empress Dowager's masterpiece." Situ Yaorao's face was dark as he looked at the words "Crown Princess ran away after abandoning the crown prince".

In case … What if Tantai Wuyue saw this announcement now?

"Cough!" Alright, as for the notice, once we find the crown prince and deal with the plague in the south, everything will be fine once we return to the capital. Right now, the most important thing is how to sneak into the Luo City. " When Tantai Yunyi talked about this matter, his face no longer had a smile.

Hearing that, Situ Yaorao also became serious: "Is he really in the city?"

"The scouts reported that when they took out the crown prince's portrait to look for him, everyone saw him enter the City Lord's Mansion. That's why, he should be in the City Lord's Mansion."

"City Lord's Mansion?"

"That's right." When he mentioned this matter, Tantai Yunyi's face revealed a strange expression: "Luo City is currently different from the past. Mayor had long since died from illness, and a group of people living in City Lord's Mansion are all unknown. The people of the city called them the Children of God and the Goddess. And their greatest skill was to have a way to cure the plague. However … Not everyone would be able to cure them, and only a few would be chosen. But even so, in a place where no one knew when the plague would die, he was still treated like a god. And the one who brought the crown prince into the City Lord's Mansion is the goddess that they had been talking about. "

"Ha!" What divine child or goddess, they are just people with medical skills who want to use the masses to reach their own unspeakable secrets. " Situ Yaorao ridiculed.

"You are right, but to the citizens of Luo City, they are gods. If they wanted to sneak into the City Lord's Mansion, it would be troublesome. But that's not what I'm worried about the most. " Tantai Yunyi frowned.

"What else?" Situ Yaorao did not understand.

"I'm worried that they know the crown prince's identity and want to use him. No one could get in touch with him now, so for a moment I wasn't sure what was going on. In short, the Goddess of the Son of God is very weird. Tantai Yunyi sighed. This was the first time he had been caught unprepared since cooperating with the crown prince.

And the reason... It was probably because something had happened to the crown prince.

The most fundamental reason was the matter of the Liu City Mayor. royal father kept thinking about his son who had been left behind in the outside world. The crown prince had done something that he shouldn't have done, which was why he was in this situation right now.

Thinking about that, Tantai Yunyi gave Situ Yaorao another look. Perhaps the rumors about beauties being a disaster were true. At least... The Crown Prince and he were both in the same boat.

Situ Yaorao changed into male attire, stuck a few black marks on his face, and drew out his eyebrows before the two of them headed towards the city. However, when Situ Yaorao saw the long queue, he was shocked.

"This... Even the capital is not as lively as this, right? " Situ Yaorao looked at the crowd. I'm afraid it will be evening.

"Today seems to be some divine child's or goddess' day of saving someone. Do you know how many refugees there are in the south? " Tantai Yunyi sat on the horse carriage and looked at Situ Yaorao as he asked.

"I don't know."

"Over nine million and this is only a conservative estimate. These people were tortured by the plague. In this situation, if there was someone who could cure the plague, would that person be impulsive? "These people are all after that thread of hope." Tantai Yunyi said, and shook his head: "In my opinion, I am afraid that the Goddess does not have any real cure for them, what they have, are probably some other type of medicine that can cure the injuries of these people, but it cannot be spread widely. That was the reason for the current situation. Those two people who have deceived the world and stole my name, this king has entered the Luo City, I will definitely not forgive them! "

Tantai Yunyi's tone was ice-cold.

Situ Yaorao very rarely saw him this angry.

However, he could understand why. Seeing the people in line and the painful expressions on their faces, Situ Yaorao's heart was filled with rage. What divine child or goddess, it was better to kill them.

After waiting for about six hours, Situ Yaorao and Tantai Yunyi were finally brought into the Luo City. When they arrived at Luo City, the two of them were truly stunned. Because the Luo City was currently crowded, the inn and restaurants were tightly shut. In the streets and alleys, not a single sick person was not lying there, waiting to be rescued.

"Damn it!" As Tantai Yunyi watched this, his anger soared to the skies. Initially, he could have watched the Mayor in Liu City kill people, but he could not bear to see these sick people being deceived.

It was true that the Mayor of Liu City had harmed many people, but at least he did not torture them. Although this Goddess saved people, she pushed them into the bottomless abyss.

These people could have lived a bit longer, but because of the Goddess, they all came here. Traveling all the way back home, I'm afraid it will be difficult to return to my own home!

"Calm down. Let's find a place to stay." If you really want to save them, then find Tantai Wuyue first. We'll think of a way then. " Seeing Tantai Yunyi like that, Situ Yaorao immediately said. After Tantai Yunyi heard this, he forced himself to calm down and pulled Situ Yaorao to the place where he had settled down before he entered the city. This was a small farmhouse. In the courtyard, a black masked man knelt there, waiting for Tantai Yunyi to enter.

"How is it? Has there been any news from the crown prince? " Tantai Yunyi looked at the black-clothed man and questioned.

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