Seeing the two of them charging at him, Adam was surprised but not too much as one was his father and the other looked like hi….wait could he be his so called grandfather Archus Leroy Salamander? The person whose stories he'd been hearing from birth? The stories where he'd been portrayed as a heartless monster? The person who wanted to kill him?

His suspicions were confirmed when he heard his father's shout, "NO! ADAM RUN!"

Despite hearing this, Adam made no move to escape. Because, if this was the person he'd heard of his whole life, then, he running would not be of any help.

Standing still, he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes because he realized that he was still alive.

The sight he saw upon opening them, were a pair of electric blue eyes staring back at him. Looking at the eyes calmly, the boy asked, "Will you kill me?"

Amused at the boys calmness, Archus said, "Maybe, maybe not. Who can say?"

"You won't kill me." Adam said with certainty.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because you would have already done it if you wanted to."

Not responding to Adam, the man asked him, "What is that?"

Startled, for the first time after coming out of the dome, Adam looked at Yin…or where Yin should have been. In her place, was a mass of living flesh the same size and weight as her. But, this mass of meat was not a wolf. It wasn't even any known living creature.

He said known living creature because, he could feel the creature's body heat and energy circulation. It even had the blood connection he'd had with Yin.

"Well, what is it?"

"My companion beast."

"I asked what it is."

"A wolf."

Clearly a bit exasperated, "what species?"

"I don't know"

Archus rubbed his glabella with one hand. Adam looked to the other hand and saw his father being choked. The Flegomai armor was clearly not able to protect him as it was crushed at the neck where he was being held by his father.

"Could you put him down, please? I don't think he can breathe. Even though I ran away and neither of us like him all that much, he is still my father and your son."

Putting Gron down on to the ground, Archus stated with a sly grin, "I'm beginning to like you. I might even let you live."

After breathing heavily a few times Gron looked to Adam and asked in a creaky voice, "Dd..Don't like me all that much? What do you mean?"

"You're not my real father. Just a substitute. I would give you the privileges of a father but no matter what, we do not share the same blood."

Breaking down, "How did you know?"

"Oh please I've realized it before I could even walk. Do you think that just because you dyed your hair and wore lenses I would fail to notice? Besides, you were all about grandfather this, grandfather that. You know, I've seen his picture before and even one of your mother who was killed by him after your birth. We look nothing alike. I look nothing like you, mom, your dead mother or this dude right here."

Gron fell on his knees and started sobbing while Archus watched on amusedly from the side.

"Oh yeah, after I asked, mom told me everything. Even things I didn't know. Like how, I'm not from this continent; How you planned on using me to leave this tiny well, as you would call it and enter the vast sky and a few other things like, how you forced yourself on her when she didn't agree to marry."

Archus queerly glanced at Gron.

"You used a forbidden spell to make her dependent upon you. With you raping her so many times, she was bound to get pregnant which would get her killed. So, she mutilated her womb. Though you wouldn't notice this, since you were always too absorbed in ecstasy."

Gron lifted his head revealing read eyes resembling that of a beast.

"I also know that the 'medical treatment' you tried to give me was not real treatment but also ****. I mean, WHO WOULD TRY TO **** A 2 YEAR OLD CHILD AND A BOY AT THAT!? Anyway, after she told me all these, she tried to kill me. I guess, she was already very crazy at that point."

Archus's eyes widened with every word.

"But, as you know, it's not that easy to kill me. My powers activated and the elemental lightning threw her far away. When I went to check and deal her a finishing blow, I saw that she had fainted. I passed a small current through her head in hope that it would make her forget the conversation she just had. But, due to my lack of expertise at the time, I also paralyzed her in addition to wiping her memory. Then I packed my clothes and left home with the 4000 gold I had…kept aside."

At that point, Gron leapt at Adam with a…toothpick? In his hand as he tried to stab him only for Archus to stop and apprehend him.

"Wow, the whole family is crazy! The grand father is an emotionless mass murderer, as far as I know; the father is a hyperactive sadistic emotionally unstable psychopathic rapist; the mother is an unstable mentally broken self-mutilating masochistic psycho with multiple personality disorder, Stockholm syndrome and hybristophilia; the son, me is a three year old with the maturity of a 30 year old who is invulnerable to most damage who has within him an unstable source of energy which causes him to become emotionally unstable at the simplest of reasons but calm at the most pressing and who doesn't fear death staring at him" saying so, Adam stared at the eyes of Archus and Gron who was now trying to kill him.

Archus grinned at Adam and said, "That was the most entertaining speech I've heard in years. The last time was the day Marissa died. She chatted with me till the end. Though she already knew she was going to die, she didn't show fear but was cheerful."

"So, I can add another member to the list, huh?"

Archus laughed and said with a smile, "You know what? I 'will' kill you."

At that moment, the unstable black dome behind them started to wiggle erratically.

The trio who were originally paying attention to it, snapped their heads to the dome. It released a black light as it suddenly exploded.

The power of the explosion was equivalent to the power generated from the explosion of a thousand hydrogen bombs combined with 50 nuclear explosions.

When the light died down, all that could be seen was cracked space. There was nothing to show that there used to be any land there. The space where the continent of Divum was located was no more. As the space cracks healed and water began to fill the hollow space the size of a small island, there could be seen a large white mass of meat with a white halo of light surrounding it floating it the water.

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