Otsutsuki Clan on Moon is the descendant of Kaguyas second son Hamura.

It also belongs to the category of human species, not aliens.

After Hamura and Hayi joined forces to seal the mother, because Hamura was controlled by his mother, the chakra connection between the two made him feel the true purpose and unexplained difficulties of the mother who made White Zetsu.

As for the big brother’s desire to seal mother, Hamura actually disagrees, but because of the paranoid mother Kaguya wanted to recover his Chakra life and death crisis, he finally chose to cooperate with the big brother Join hands.

Afterwards, Hamura did not want to get along with his strong big brother, and apologized for the seal mother.

So I chose to take most of my descendant and leave Earth together, and went to settle on the Moon, which sealed Kaguya, so as to accompany him and monitor his mother.

Hyuga and Taketori clan are the descendants of Hamura who are unwilling to leave Ninja World.

The clansman on the Moon is the descendants of Hamura who multiply after thousands of years.

After a long time accumulation, there are already many clansman. They are divided into Main House and Branch House. The meaning of existence is to guard the peace of Ninja World.

Among them, the people at Branch House feel that Ninja World has been fighting for thousands of years and is a wrong world that needs to be destroyed.

The people of Main House feel that although Ninja World is not perfect right now, it should be given time to develop self-correction and therefore maintain peace.

More than ten years ago, the entire Moon Otsutsuki Clan, due to differences in understanding of the ancestral training, eventually broke out between the Main House and Branch House, so Branch House controlled Tenseigan to completely destroy the Main House, which yearned for peace.

In the end, Branch House won, but it also paid a heavy price. Only two or three kittens remained.

Now, on top of Moon, only Otsutsuki Toneri is left.

Naruto is not surprised that Black Zetsu knows how to get to Moon.

If he can’t go to Moon, he won’t know any information about Hamura.

In the small closed society like Moon, there are not too many complicated thoughts. Datongmu clansman has a dog’s brain because of a different understanding of the ancestral precepts. It should be said that there is no Black Zetsu in it. Naruto didn’t believe it.

Its just that the result should have disappointed Black Zetsu.

Although he provoked the entire Moon Otsutsuki Clan infighting behind the scenes to disappear, but faced with the solid seal and Tenseigan’s deterrence, he still couldn’t directly open Moon to rescue his mother.

So in the end, I had to give up this route and return to the main line of continuing to promote Infinite Tsukuyomi.

But now the situation is different again. Infinite Tsukuyomis plan was blocked by Naruto, but he promised Black Zetsu to help try to split Moon, which made it once shelved The plan is feasible again.

In the past few months that Black Zetsu disappeared, he went to Moon again to explore the specific implementation plan for the matter of splitting the moon to save his mother under Tenseigans glare like a tiger watching his prey.

I also thought of Narutos Kekkei Genkai who was studying Hamuras this lineage recently, so I thought about Black Zetsu who wants to have a good relationship with Naruto, so I brought him a special product that belongs to the Moon on Otsutsuki Clan. The flesh tissue is back.

Of course, Black Zetsu didn’t think about doing two-handed preparations and doing things secretly.

But after thinking about the entire Ninja World, there is no suitable chess piece now.

Even if it is messing up, you can only wait for Naruto’s death, and Otsutsuki Clan’s expert is likely to come before then.

In this case, it is better to trust Naruto tentatively. This is the closest approach to success that Black Zetsu can see.

At this moment, Naruto who looked aura has become more vigorous, and Black Zetsu feels that his choice at this moment is not wrong.

Received Sealing Scroll from Black Zetsu.

Open it, Naruto feels a familiar Chakra from it.

“The purity of this feeling is very similar to the Mokpo-style Chakra, but there are many differences in the details.”

“This feeling is like a glass of milk being mixed with water. , And then added nuts and other materials to make milk tea. Although it is no longer pure milk, it produces a brand new delicacy.”

Take a closer look, Naruto understoods own Where did the familiar feeling come from.

“Looking at it this way, the blood of Hamura, the three known clans, should be Hyuga inherited the pure eyes-power, and Taketori clans inherited the Kekkei Genkai power of the body skeleton , Moon Otsuki inherits Otsukis life force and part of the eyes-power.”

“The Otsuki clansman that has appeared in the manga and subsequent theatrical versions all have extremely high purity Byakugan, the bloodline has been strengthened by the fruit of the Divine Tree, but they are not at all and therefore enable Tenseigan.”

“In the theatrical version, Otsutsuki Toneri was able to open Tenseigan except for its own big tube. In addition to the life force of the wood, another condition is the Byakugan with extremely high purity of the eyes-power of Hanabi.”

“During this process, not at all adds the variable Shikotsumyaku, which means Shikotsumyaku is not a necessary condition to turn on Tenseigan. The necessary condition is this kind of peculiar Chakra after mutation with the Earth gene.”

“In this case, even Hinata complements the physical energy Kekkei Genkai, After Yin-Yang is balanced, whether you can turn on Tenseigan just now becomes a small probability event.”

Thinking in his heart, Naruto put away the flesh tissue and gave it to Shadow Clone to study.

“However, it is not a major event. Next, let’s study this flesh tissue belonging to Moon Otsuki.”

After all this, Naruto turned his head and looked. towards Black Zetsu, smiled and said: “So, is there any special gain for this trip?” Naruto asked, naturally, did Black Zetsu find that Kaguya could be released with his own strength Methods.

Black Zetsu is very satisfied with Naruto’s proactive attention. He feels that his special product has not come back with leucorrhea, but regretfully shake one’s head and said: “No loopholes were found in it.”

“At present, it is possible to walk on the Moon while bypassing the surveillance of the Tenseigan, but it is impossible to split the Moon without disturbing its power.”

“So, Naruto, if you want to help me implement this plan, first of all, you have to target this big Tenseigan so that it can’t function normally, and secondly, you need to have the power to split the seal.”

Narutos smile on his face remains unchanged, comforted: Isnt this a great harvest? The action goal is already there, and what we need to do next is to find the right way to accomplish the goal.

“I think of a possible way. We can try to build a super-powered electromagnetic railgun and smash the Moon directly. Please help me find some iron ore that can be used!”


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