Nine Great Tailed Beasts Chakra is united and is the power of Ten-Tails.

The existence of Ten-Tails is not only the incarnation of Divine Tree, but also the Chakra source that represents Ninja World, and it is an embodiment of the most advanced and pure Chakra.

At this moment, after Naruto synthesizes Ten-Tails Chakra in his body, he combines Ten-Tails Chakra with his own Chakra according to the perfect Sage Body training method recorded in Six-Paths Senjutsu.

And this also makes Naruto completely surpass the realm between mortal and six realms.

Not only battle strength, but also its own life essence has been sublimated at this moment.

His body began to show characteristics like Ten-Tails, and spontaneously began to absorb the Natural Energy in the surrounding environment and transform it into his own spiritual energy and physical energy.

Then, based on this, a larger and pure Chakra was extracted.

So, Naruto’s own Chakra Reserves began to increase wildly at a speed that could be sensed.

If Kakashi is not dragged down by Sharingan, its Chakra Reserves are set as the standard unit, one card!

A Senju Hashirama’s Chakra Reserves is about one thousand calories, and Naruto’s Chakra Reserves is about one thousand four hundred calories.

At this moment, Naruto’s Chakra Reserves is constantly climbing, quickly reaching the level of 1,500 calories, and the growth rate still shows no slowdown.

1600 calories, 1800 calories…

Finally, the growth trend of Naruto’s Chakra Reserves gradually slowed down until nearly two thousand calories.

Glanced at the big Naruto opposite. Naruto made a slight estimate and found that the nature of his current Chakra Reserves and Chakra is no longer weaker than the big Naruto blessed by the six strengths of yang.

If the strength of Naruto is now six Level 3, then Naruto’s panel attributes have reached the same height as him.

And because of the blessing of Kunlun Mirror, Dojutsu, his actual combat ability is even stronger.

Naruto at first was a little surprised at the huge increase in his strength, but it was normal to think about it later.

He has officially started ninja training four years old, and it has been eleven years now.

Especially after 6 years of age, with the support of Kuramas Yang-Style Chakra to repair the body, Naruto has begun to implement the 007 training principle of practicing as long as you dont die.

For this reason, the eleven years of diligent repairs, coupled with the bonuses brought by Sharingan and perfect Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai, make him better than the Naruto in childhood foundation. Times.

Because of this, even though Naruto not at all was given away by six old men thousands of miles away, he still reached this step with his own efforts.

Although it seems a bit acting unnecessarily, it took so long to reach the starting point of others, but the existence of expert is not only powerful, but also requires a heart that can carry this power. .

Years of hard training have brought Naruto a confident and strong heart.

With this heart, Naruto will go further than Naruto.

Its not my own. I got it that will pay a price after all. It’s like the Truth-Seeking Ball that Naruto can’t use again, or the six tomoe Rinnegan that Sasuke can’t turn off.

After adapting slightly to the strength in his body, Naruto looked up and looked towards the big Naruto on the opposite side. He started to talk calmly and said, “Then, you are ready to go.”

Big Naruto looked a bit surprised at Naruto.

He can feel himself in the parallel world in front of him, how much progress has been made in his strength just now, but he is not at all at all because of this, he has the slightest emotional fluctuation.

When he was so big in Naruto, every time his strength made great progress, although he was not as overwhelmed as Sasuke, but he would inevitably be happy for a long time, it would be so calm. .

And this also made Naruto deeply realize that although two people have the same life experience and childhood, they have become two people after all.

They can be friends, but they are absolutely impossible like their own Shadow Clone. They know the roots, know the bottom, and are intimate without any barriers, just like one person.

“Let’s go. For the enemies of the village, you must defeat them as soon as possible before they pose a threat.” Naruto smiled, this is the mission he needs to carry out as Hokage.

Naruto nodded, he just came here to help, and now this strength has increased to this point, it can be regarded as blessing in disguise.

Immediately, in reality, the two opened their eyes at the same time.

At this moment, not a short time has passed since everyone entered the different space.

“Are you become-stronger again?”

As soon as eyes opened, Naruto heard Sasuke’s voice from the side.

Although his voice sounded calm, Naruto felt a sense of sourness inexplicably.

This guy drove Rinnegan not long ago, and he was confident that he was defeated in the battle. Now the gap has widened, no wonder he is sour.

Naruto turned back and smiled: “Keep it up, you can do it too.”

Sasuke can indeed collect the power of Nine Great Tailed Beast like him, and follow The method recorded by Six-Paths Senjutsu opens the perfect Sage Body.

But he failed to practice Great Accomplishment in Sage Mode. If he wants to become a perfect Sage Body, it’s early.

“Ming… its a good thing that the noodles become stronger, so that we have a greater chance of winning the battle. I located a space coordinate through the wedge in Kawakis hand. We can now Go to the enemy at any time.”

Sasuke start to talk, habitually want to call Naruto.

Then I thought that it was not easy to distinguish, so I called the code name I asked Sasuke from my childhood.

“Then, get ready for the battle and set off directly.” Naruto nodded.

Naruto and Sasuke also have no objection. Although everyone’s status can’t be called Peak, it is not bad. You can fight directly.

Immediately, Sasuke’s eyes widened at the same time.

In order to save eyes-power, they jointly opened a new space door.

Looking at this brand new hole in front of me, already-opened the six-channel mode and Eight-Inner Gates seventh gate Gate of Shock, as well as Naruto of BUFF such as airflow acceleration, and immediately entered the Transmission Gate directly.

Behind him, there is also a fully armed Sasuke, Naruto and Kawaki also entered the Transmission Gate.

next moment, everyones scene changes.

From the barren and alien space just now, I came to a space that was wrapped in silver metal and surrounded by various utensils and electronic instruments, which looked like a high-end biological laboratory.

Not far from where everyones drop point is, the whole body is connected to the instrument, and Ci Xian, who is in a charged state, is now single with his chin, and everyone suddenly appeared with a look of surprise.

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