“As expected, the old man of the Six Dao Dao, can actually let Konoha these crooked melon split dates study the technique of Impure World Reincarnation, they can Impure World Reincarnation, but I cant do it, hehehehe.. .”

Naruto was not surprised to see this scene, but sneaked up on her face: “Fish, after all, I got the bait.”

Konoha will study Impure World Reincarnation. He had speculated about what Sage of Six-Paths was doing before.

Recently this period of time, White Zetsu, who was in charge of inquiring about the news, also reported this to him.

Just, Naruto not at all stop them that’s all.

Even, the reason why Danzo was able to make Impure World Reincarnation out of Madara was because Naruto let Black Zetsu come out of Infernal Affairs, continuing the identity of Uchiha Madara Willpower and sending Madara’s body organization to the past.

No, now Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen are helping him bring back his parents who want to resurrect, as well as Madara’s soul, to summon.

Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn’t understand what Naruto thinks at the moment, and doesn’t want to understand.

Looked at the destroyed village, Sarutobi clan, who was destroyed along with the village, has lost everything he cherishes. At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen only wants to kill Naruto to get revenge.

“Monkey, here…Konoha.”

Senju Hashirama glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a bleak face, then turned his head and looked around, the surface appeared involuntarily astonished expression.

The shadow rock with its own head carved clearly shows the location of this place, but the surrounding area is full of ruins and blood.

What a powerful enemy this is, it turned the entire village into this way.

So that Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Third Hokage, used Taboo Technique like Impure World Reincarnation and brought him back from Underworld summon.

“Big brother, you didn’t allow me to study this Jutsu before, isn’t it come in handy now.” Senju Tobirama laughed, start to talk.

“I think it should be the youngster above. Is he the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of this generation? Jinchuriki berserk caused all this?”

A red-haired, The beautiful Uzumaki Mito of Power of Youth looked at the surrounding scenes just like when he was young, and finally fixed his eyes on the huge Chakra in the sky.

Although no one told her about the current situation, she guessed a pretty close at a glance.

“Yes, he is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto of this generation. He killed Konoha just now, and also invited Lord First Hokage and Lady Mito, as well as the Teacher and everyone.”

“The vitality of the village has been destroyed, but we must at least protect those who are still alive.”

An ugly smile appeared on Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face, toward Several people asked.

After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his eyes to the Fourth Hokage couple on the side, and started to talk: Although Naruto is your son, he is already standing on the opposite side of the village. I hope you can persuade him to accept it. Hands.”

Its just that, neither Namikaze Minato nor Uzumaki Kushina paid any attention to Sarutobi Hiruzen, standing still to not say a word, as if not hearing his words.

What did Sarutobi Hiruzen do? At this moment, the couple had already to know why Naruto would do something here, and they can guess why.

Although I still have deep feelings for the village, but at this moment there is no doubt that I will not stand in the same position with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In this regard, Sarutobi Hiruzen twitched the corner of his eye.

Although the technique of Impure World Reincarnation can control the undead coming out of summon, it cannot give full play to the full strength of the other side. In this case, let the other side take the action willingly.

This is also the reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen, from the very beginning, chose only summon those heroes who died in battle for Konoha.

As for Danzo being able to summon out Uchiha Madara, this is something that Sarutobi Hiruzen did not expect, because the body tissue of Konoha not at all Uchiha Madara remains.

The former Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, after Hashirama killed Madara in the Valley of the End World War I, Hashirama stopped him, and the other was busy processing the finishing touches. As a result, before he could study Madaras body, he gave him The corpse ran away.

But there is Hashirama here at the moment, so Madara will give a face.


On the side, Uchiha Madara, who was released by Impure World Reincarnation, felt the powerful power brought to him by this young body, and moved his hands and feet. Looking at Danzo beside him, he cast his gaze to Senju Hashirama who was aside.


Senju Hashirama, who was talking to Sarutobi Hiruzen, was instantly attracted.

I completely ignored the gloomy eyes of his wife Uzumaki Mito and walked over with excitement toward Madara. Hashirama said with a big smile: “Didn’t expect that we will meet in this way many years later, Madara.”

“Come on, Hashirama.” Uchiha Madara be eager to have a try said.

Once, he lost to Hashirama’s hands.

But he also got Hashirama cells and integrated the power of Hashirama. For the rest of his life, he not only mastered Wood-Style, but also unlocked the power of Rinnegan.

At this moment, Madara is confident that he has surpassed Hashirama. He will use a victory to test the results of his years of training.

He wants to prove that he is the strongest one.

“First help me solve the messy younger generation. After that, I will accompany you for a few games you want to play.” Hashirama put away his smile and started to talk seriously.

“Is this your request?” Madara start to talk.


Hashirama promised very decisively. The youngster that was falling in the distance gave him a lot of pressure. He felt that he was not an opponent on the other side. It may not be able to protect the remaining people in the village.

“Okay, then I will help you.”

Madara has a smile in her eyes, which makes Hashirama lower her head and beg him, even if it is to protect this nasty village, he is willing.

That is at this time, Naruto slowly landed.

A pair of blue Rinnegan calmly glanced at the surrounding undead with strong strength, and finally fixed their eyes on Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina.

The cold on his face melted, and a smile appeared: “long time no see, father, mother.”


Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina and the two rushed over, looking at the grown-up youngster in front of him, and there was a surprise on his face.

They received a message from Chakra, who had been in the world, understood the current situation of some of their sons.

But it has been seven years since the last time we met. Even in Underworld, where there is not much time concept, this is an extremely long time.

Naruto hugged his parents, and took out the control charms from their dirty bodies.

Immediately, I pushed them away with a slight force, and a smile appeared on their faces: “father, mother, lets retell the old for a while, I will deal with the finishing touches first, and we wont have to separate again in the future.”


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