Its just that the battle is not at all over until now.

Even in the face of such a terrible blow, there are still people alive.

In Cloud Ninja Village, after a moment of silence, a terrifying beast roar sounded.

The terrifying Chakra burst out, and rubble splashed on the earth, and a huge bull-headed octopus jumped out of the ground. There was a black Tailed Beast Ball on his mouth quickly condensing.

At the same time, there was another silhouette wrapped in a rich lightning leaping out of the ground, and hitting Hinata floating in the sky with a punch.

At this moment, Killer B and Ai, witnessing the destruction of the village, have been dazzled by anger and completely lost their minds.

It’s just the slightest pity not at all in Hinata’s eyes. This is their own decision, and naturally they have to bear the consequences.

Raising his hand, a Truth-Seeking Ball floated automatically between Hinata’s fingers.

“The golden wheel reincarnation explodes.” Hinata whispered softly.

Under split second, the brilliant golden light blooms.

A golden lightsaber of the length of a hundred zhang appears out of thin air, slashing out at an extremely fast speed.


The sound of cracking silk.

The Lightning-Style armor Kinoe, known as absolute defense, is easily pierced like a thin piece of paper. The forward thrust of the Fourth Raikage’s tall body is suddenly stopped, and it falls into two sections toward the earth. .

In the distance, the Eight-Tails Gyuki figure of Tailed Beast Ball is also stiff.

The Tailed Beast Ball just formed by the mouth cracked, and then the whole body cracked.


The Tailed Beast Ball exploded, and Gyuki’s figure was suddenly dissipated, exposing Killer B’s body, and was thrown away like a broken sack.

Although Hinata’s golden wheel reincarnation exploded not at all at all, but Eight-Tails Jinchuriki and Rails teamed up, it is still not the enemy of the same, directly without the slightest resistance to the ability to be killed.

Hinata raised his hand and grabbed Eight-Tails Gyuki from the body of Killer B who was dying from serious injury.

The existence of Eight-Tails is still very useful, and he can’t simply die like that.

The battle scene is over.

Konoha ruins.

everyone looked Naruto, and an extremely shocking expression appeared on the face.

They didn’t expect that the younger generation who was more than ten years old in front of them had such a great spirit.

To destroy the entire Ninja World all opposed Ninja Village and country, establish a unified human empire, in order to eliminate wars and bring true peace to all.

Such a thing has never happened before, and it can be described as a major event of splitting heaven and earth apart in the history of Ninja World.

Even Tsunade, who has already known the whole plan, can’t help but feel excited and proud now seeing this magnificent plan succeeding little by little.

Because she is also one of the participants in this project.

At this moment, she is making history with Naruto.

At this time, Hashirama still doesn’t understand how Naruto destroyed Konoha.

At this moment, Naruto holds in his hand the absolute power to unify Ninja World, bringing people true peace, so he is the general trend of this World, the absolute justice of this era.

As Naruto said, Konoha was destroyed because it became an obstacle to peace.

The birth of the new order is always accompanied by the destruction of the old order.

At this moment, Hashirama looked Naruto, the eyes are very complicated.

Hashirama is still unable to accept the fact that Konoha is destroyed because of his sensibility. After all, this is where he worked for a lifetime.

Rationality and reality tell Hashirama that the path of peace he wants to pursue is wrong and a failure, and this junior named Naruto may be on the right path.

Tobirama, Mito and Hashirama have similar ideas.

As for Minato and Kushina, at this time, only gratification is left in their eyes.

Their son has really grown up, not only in strength, but also in his soul to a height higher than that of their parents.

For Naruto like this, if he wants to take care of himself in the future, even if the couple died, they would not have any regrets.

On the side, Madara didn’t think so complicated. His eyes looked towards Naruto with rich appreciation.

“If I met you decades ago, I would definitely lead you to be a confidant. Because of your ideas, the path of peace you pursued is exactly what I wanted at the time.”


looked Naruto, Madara start to talk praised.

Madara didn’t say the last half of the sentence, but Naruto could guess his thoughts.

“Are you thinking that this kind of peace is not perfect, it has many flaws, and now I have found a more perfect path of peace, that is Infinite Tsukuyomi.”

Look After taking a look at Madara, Naruto start to talk.

Madara’s face appeared astonished, and I just wanted to ask how you knew it.

Immediately, it suddenly dawned on me, with a frenzied expression: “Naruto, you and that little demon of Uchiha Clan, I also turned on Rinnegan. Do you want to see the stone tablet under Nanga Shrine?”


“Then you should also understand that your peace is indeed imperfect. Even if you truly establish an unification human empire, there will still be struggles between people, and the order you create will continue to welcome Come challenger and try to destroy this peace.”

“And in the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, there is no war, no hunger, no failure, only victory, only laughter, and only peace. That is perfect world, Naruto, do you want to achieve that kind of world? I can help you!”

Up to now, how Madara still doesn’t understand, the back hand he left has failed.

Neither Obito nor Nagato will be the opponent of the youngster called Naruto. Nagato like Nagato has even become a cluster of Naruto at this moment.

Obito, who has never appeared, didn’t know if he died or hid.

But Madara still wants to pursue Infinite Tsukuyomi and wants to achieve true peace.

Even if this peace was not achieved by him, now he is defeated by Naruto.

Then if Infinite Tsukuyomi is turned on and Naruto is the person who realizes true peace, then Madara can accept this result.

Its just that Madara found that Naruto was not at all instigated by herself, but looked at herself pityingly.

In this regard, Madara is a little confused and wonders what Naruto is thinking.

Moreover, he hates the look in Naruto’s eyes at this moment.

Naruto not at all said anything more, just whispered: “Black Zetsu.”

In the face of Madara seeing a ghost, Black Zetsu drilled from the ground Come out and appear next to Naruto, grinning at Madara: “long time no see, Madara Lord.”

Looked Black Zetsu’s vivid expression, although it is called Madara Lord, but the tone does not show any respect , But with a strong ridicule.

“Black Zetsu? Are you not my Willpower incarnation? Even you betrayed me?”

Madara looked incredible, and was deeply shocked inside.

Not even your own Willpower incarnation is obedient, what’s wrong with this World? Is there any reason? Is there a king?

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