Being watched by so many clansman, as if looking at a unique treasure.

This kind of treatment is something Itachi has never experienced before.

Even if he became clan’s first expert at a young age, he has never enjoyed such a treatment.

As usual, Itachi may feel honored because of the clansman’s approval.

But at this moment, Itachi only feels the feeling numb of his scalp, and his heart is filled with rich ominous-premonition.

just as expected, next moment, clansman start to talk, confirmed his feelings.

“Itachi, you are very sinful, and I will never forgive you in my life. If you commit suicide like this, I will extol your sins to descendants and make you stink for thousands of years.”

A clansman starts to talk with a cold voice.

Followingly, there is another clansman start to talk: “You must forgive your sins and escape by yourself. It is too cheap for you. The anger and hatred in my heart, Eternal Life, will never last forever. Dispel.”

They are clansman who are not against Itachi.

At this time, clansman who is familiar with Itachi also started to talk.

“Itachi, you have multiplied so many descendants for clan, which is considered to be an atonement. I forgive you, but you must obtain the forgiveness of other clansman.”

< p>“Itachi, dont think about it. You used to just go the wrong way. Dont you think its all right now? We have survived. You dont have to blame yourself too much.”

Itachis childhood sweethearts Quan, at this time, the delicate and pretty face appeared dizzy, she started to talk shyly: “Itachi, I am willing to accompany you to forgive me, and when I grow up, I will marry you.”

Quan and Itachi are about the same age. It is reasonable to say that this year should be two 12 years old, but at the time of death, they stayed at less than 12 years old. At this moment, they are still Lolita after the resurrection, so this is why Say.

She was killed by Itachi himself. Before she died, she had spent her life with Itachi in the world of Tsukuyomi. She had deep affection and she never blamed Itachi.

As Itachis father, Fugaku, who was still begging for Itachi just now, had a cold expression on his face at this time, and no longer looked like a benevolent father who was begging for his son.

“Itachi, you have committed a serious sin that cannot be forgiven. If you commit suicide and escape, and want to be a cowardly deserter, then dont blame me as a father for denying you this son, you must forgive your sins. It has to be forgiven by clansman.”

Fugaku said indifferently.

On the side, Mikoto recovered came, but was overjoyed. He pulled Itachi to his knees: “Hurry up and thank you clansman. From now on, Itachi, you must be a good man, try to forgive your sins, and try to let the clansman forgive you as soon as possible. “

Itachi was pressed by mother Mikoto and knocked a few heads for the clansman with a look of love.

Although the rest of Uchiha clansman has not spoken, their attitude is undoubtedly standing on the same front.

At this moment, Itachi wants to die.

How he didn’t know that the reason why these clansman forgive him, apart from Sasuke’s resurrection, is also to let him do what Sasuke forced him to do before, and contribute to the reproduction and growth of Uchiha Clan.

To be honest, At this moment, Itachi has the urge to commit suicide and escape.

But Sasuke on the side was staring at him with a pair of Rinnegan indifferently.

He knew that it was the birth mark of Revolving Heaven, if he dared to commit suicide and escape, the next moment horror would be pulled up by this younger brother who has the ability to control life and death.

Gradually, Itachi showed helplessness on his face and could only accept this status quo.

When a farce is over, Sasuke takes Itachi and a group of clansman to leave.

They plan to go to dinner and have a good meal to celebrate their new life.

After that, I will go to the Uchiha Growth Garden to buy some gifts under the leadership of Sasuke, to visit the sons and daughters of Itachi, and witness the growth and growth of Uchiha Clan with my own eyes.

After this, I will return to the new Uchiha Clan land and start a new life after my resurrection.

Without the influence of Sharingan, their emotions are not so extreme, they will receive re-education, and then they will give their own power to the upcoming vortex empire.

After all, Uchiha Clan at this moment is already the Royal Family. While enjoying the glory, he must also shoulder the responsibility of being the Royal Family.

Naruto stood on the spot, looking at everyone with a smile on his face, leaving, feeling relieved in his heart.

Beside, the air fluctuates slightly.

both hands crossed near chest, Uchiha Madara figure with closed eyes appeared next to Naruto, with a smile on his face, and he felt joy from the heart of the farce he had just discovered.

Madara and clansman have a deep gap.

So Madara was invited by Naruto to come to witness Uchiha Clan’s new life, but he chose to hide the figure, just looked quietly.

“It’s great.” Naruto emotionally said.

Nodded that Madara agrees with: “Yes.”

While speaking, Naruto turned around, left this laboratory, and went to another laboratory, Madara followed Naruto By your side.

“How is your body adapting?” Naruto asked Madara with a smile while walking.

The expression on Madara’s face converged and became calm: “Hashirama, the sparring partner, has adapted very well. It has restored the strength of the Peak state, and even Taijutsu has increased.”

The clone used for Madara’s resurrection, although it made Madara’s body young again, and allowed him to instantly display the strength of the Peak state, but to continue to improve, it still needs to run in.

From the resurrection to the present, Madara has completed tempering of this young body again, and will enter a period of rapid growth after continuing training.

“It just so happens that your eyes have been nurtured. When you look back, you can take the time to eat more Chakra medicine pill and supplement Chakra, and you can turn on Rinnegan again.” While speaking, Naruto took Madara into a place Small laboratory.

In this room, there is only one petri dish.

In the petri dish, there is a clone belonging to Madara.

The clone has no consciousness, but it has intact eyes.

At this moment, under the stimulation of a large number of special chakras, including Madara’s own Chakra, it has been advanced to the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan level.

In order to make this pair of eyes, Naruto spent a lot of natural resources. The tool human clones that bred the eyes were changed more than 30 times before finally successfully obtaining this pair of Peak state. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

And this is the compensation that Naruto promised to Madara, in exchange for Nagato to continue to use the pair of Rinnegan belonging to Madara.

There are many enemies in the future, and you must have enough high-end battle strength.

The resurrection clone that Naruto once prepared for Madara actually has eyes, but these ordinary eyes are too fragile to bear the Rinnegan eyes-power that has fuse together with Madaras soul .

So, when Madara was resurrected, she still had no eyes.

Next, put these eyes on Madara to make up for some of the eyes-power that Chakra bred, and then a pair of Rinnegan can be born again for Madara.

For Madara who has already-opened Rinnegan once, this is not difficult.

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