After listening to Naruto’s explanation, Kurama probably understood why he did it.

For teamwork 5V5 games like hero alliance, players’ sense of substitution and ambition will become extremely high.

Recall that when I was playing a game, my mentality exploded easily when I lost without a teammate being a hindrance.

Not to mention the trials that Naruto arranged for Sasuke. Even if it is Guy Rui, there will be orphan teammates dragging behind, and it will be more prone to stimulation.

An ordinary person can only be in a bad mood for a period of time, but Uchiha clansman like Sasuke needs to be stimulated enough to become stronger.

“Then why not give Sasuke a game of Glory of the King for ten minutes. Isn’t it easier to be boosted by stimulating eyes-power if you keep losing?” Kurama suddenly have a thought, some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune said.

The gameplay of King of Glory and Hero Alliance is similar, but the rhythm is faster.

Relatively speaking, you can play more per unit time, and it is easier to accumulate negative emotions if you keep losing.

“I thought about it, but in the end I chose the hero alliance. The reason is that the glory of the king is too short. Sasuke was stimulated by his teammates and the game was over, which is not good.


In addition to the instantaneous outburst, the negative emotion stimulation should also have a continuous output, so that his eyes-power can be sufficiently improved.”

Naruto Answered Kurama’s question.

“Hello SAO.”

Kurama is funny and laughed, and suddenly doesn’t refuse to get along with that Uchiha little demon.

He lifted the clone from the outside world, and returned his consciousness to the main body in the seal space. On the sofa, he was doomed on the sofa with smiling eyes opened, and he stared at playing games without watching the show. Sasuke.

At this moment, he has discovered a new way to entertain, watch the live broadcast!

After this day, Sasuke was immersed in the training mission arranged for him by Naruto with his whole body.

In addition to eating and sleeping every day, and maintaining the minimum level of daily training maintenance, the rest of the time will find a Shadow Clone of Naruto as a registrar, and go to the seal space for special training for eyes-power enhancement.

At first, Sasuke was still playing games with the idea of a little mechanized mission.

But with the ebbing of time, he gradually fell in love with this game from the heart.

In the process of constantly playing man and machine to improve rank, Sasuke is familiar with the skill mechanism of each hero, the method of production, and how to develop himself better and defeat the opponent.

And this is destined to be a process that takes a long time.

More than a month later, Sasuke finally upgraded his account rank to Level 30, and at the same time completed the exploration of the entire game, and has enough confidence in his current strength.

Also at this time, Sasuke has a little bit of his own understanding of the training mission arranged for him by Naruto.

“This game has a very high sense of substitution and can also inspire people’s ambition.

To maintain a high winning rate, you need a good overall situation awareness and The whole battle situation is concerned, and my Sharingan happens to have strong enough dynamic vision. Naruto wants me to use Sharingan continuously in the game.

Then, in the constant use, continue to satisfy Is my eagerness to stimulate my mind so as to obtain the breakthrough of eyes-power?

Is it really a good way.”

Sasuke thought confidently in his heart, this one Over the past few months, he can indeed feel that his eyes-power has improved, and the distance to reach the three-tomoe level may be just a step away.

“Then, from now on, let’s qualify.”

Sasuke has a smile on the corner of his mouth and starts his first qualifying.

“Hey, Naruto, if Sasuke’s Sharingan evolution fails, what are you going to do?” Kurama was reclining on the sofa with a faint smile on his face, and Sasuke, who was looking at the start of the ranking, suffocated a smile. Very hard.

On the side, Naruto, who came here specially to watch, also smirked, and responded telepathically: He likes this game so much. If you cant get the eyes-power breakthrough in the normal way, then Ill give He has quit internet addiction. This is also a loss of love.”

Under the gaze of the two, Sasuke matched two orphan players, two rookie player teammates, and two God players, three Ordinary player opponent, started his first journey of ranking and ranking.

The game is over quickly. With the powerful skills he has trained in the past month and the assistance of Sharingan, Sasuke has four teammates who are dragging their legs and are full of trash talking. Won this game.

Looking at the exploding crystal opposite, Sasuke’s face was a little dark.

However, the joy of victory made him ignore those bad reactions for the time being.

“Is this the ranked world? It’s really challenging, but it doesn’t bother me.”

Looked after the ranking is over, the platinum three displayed Rank, a little summary of the gains and losses of this one, Sasuke began to qualify for the next one.

While playing with one hand, although every one can meet a few uncomfortable people, Sasuke finally relied on his strong strength to come to the diamond rank promotion battle.

In this one, Sasuke met four orphan teammates unprecedented in history, and there were three God players among the opponent.

As soon as entering the game, a teammate typed on the public screen: “I am not just referring to someone, I mean everyone here is rubbish.”

Another teammate typed: “My sons lie down, daddy will take you to fly.”

There is also a typing: “Dont ask how strong I am, Zuan has parents for four years.”

The next one is also unwilling to fall behind: “I’ll climb all over, I’m in the middle of Ari.”

Sasuke’s face is a bit dark. With a good tutor, he thinks these teammates are a bit mentally retarded and chose to block.

Five minutes later, four typing teammates successfully sent 35 heads, and Sasuke’s jungler, Happy Wind Man, was not happy anymore.

Looked like this, we are set to lose. The few teammates still send joy, Sasuke finally couldn’t hold back, and while growing, he turned on the public screen input.

From where the hands flying into an afterimage on the keyboard and the constantly switching screen images, we can see how excited Sasuke is at this moment.

Naruto and Kurama watching from the sidelines, a tomoe that appeared quietly in a pair of scarlet Sharingan looked at Sasuke, and a funny smile appeared on their faces at the same time, and they exchanged thoughts: “Look, this is not quite Is it effective?”

When the base exploded and the promotion failed, Sasuke, who had a pair of 3-Tomoe Sharingan open, finally understood a truth.

“This game doesn’t exist for teammates.”

“Except for myself, everyone else is opponent, so I have to take the three-way pawn line and grab everything Its economical, and has the absolute level of operation to kill all the opponents under the interference of four mentally handicapped teammates.”

“As long as the opponent is killed, then naturally you will win.”

“Only in this way, I can become the strongest king!”

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