Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 130: Heavenly Sword, Blazing Shield, the Holy Leader Appears!


A black jade-level king symbolizes the peak combat power of Yanxia. The gap between Ye Changan and him is as big as the sky and the earth!

"Don't blame me for bullying you! If you can force me to transform today, you will win!"

Old Master Qin said coldly. He punched out, and the whole air seemed to be squeezed by something, and then punched through!


The exploded air actually shot towards Ye Changan like a sharp arrow!


The dragon spear collided with the fist force, and Ye Changan was uncontrollably knocked back dozens of meters away!

"So strong, is this the black jade level! Even if you don't transform, you already have this kind of strength!"

Ye Changan looked surprised.

"But... it's not impossible to fight!"

"Thunderfire Golden Spear!"

Since the last time, when he was defeated by the weird Imperial City Devourer in a battle, Ye Changan went back to study hard for a while.

Finally, he completely combined his three elemental powers and spear skills together.

This move came out, the Thunder Fire Golden Spear!


The spear body was shining with dazzling gold, extremely eye-catching, and at the tip of the spear, there was a raging flame burning, extremely flamboyant.

At the same time, around the flames, there were also bursts of violent thunder tearing through the sky, like a dancing silver snake!

"This breath..."

Old Master Qin narrowed his eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Ye Changan had used this move just now, his son Qin Haoran might have directly... snapped!

Wouldn't he have been seriously injured!

It can be seen that he also held back!

A hint of murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

This Ye Changan, the growth rate is too amazing!

Give him another ten years, no, even eight years, Qin Hongguang would have to retreat, especially this guy is so unfriendly to his Qin family.

Thinking of this, Qin Hongguang's eyes flashed with murderous intent!

Why not take this opportunity to cripple him...


The Thunder Fire Golden Spear exploded, and as Ye Changan thrust out with his spear, a golden dragon shot out with the power of thunder and fire!

Straight at Qin Hongguang!

"Tian Gang Overlord Lion!"


The earth-shaking roar resounded throughout the Qin Family Manor, and a huge lion with a black body and dark golden lines suddenly appeared, standing like a small mountain in the Qin Family Manor.

The body of a black jade-level monster can be as big as desired, and this Tian Gang Overlord Lion is now as big as 50 meters!

In comparison, the dragon born from Ye Changan's spear is as small as a loach!

"Tian Gang Roar!"


The lion roared.

Suddenly, the entire Qin Family Manor was like an earthquake, and everyone covered their ears with painful expressions.

The roar of a black jade-level lion, this is not a joke with you!

Qin Hongguang once used this move to roar through the ruins for 300 miles!

Countless monsters were almost blown apart by that roar!

"Damn you, old man! You have no moral principles!"

Ye Changan was at the center of the sound wave, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Is this what you call not changing? Not only did you change, you also want to kill me!

"Hey! Old man! Don't look at me! If you look at me again, I'm going to kill you! If you die in the ruins in the future, no one will collect your body!"

Ye Changan cursed through the air.

"Hahahaha! Xiao Anzi! You also have things you can't solve!"

A loud laugh came!

In an instant, the sky changed drastically!

The clouds in the imperial capital began to roll violently. Through the rolling white clouds, it can be seen that layers of golden light appeared in the depths of the clouds!

The next second, the golden light penetrated the clouds and shot towards the earth!

No, to be precise, it was rushing towards the fifty-meter-tall Tiangang Tyrant Lion!

"That's... the Sword of Heaven!"

Qin Hongguang's eyes flashed with fear!

"This old thing is already here!"


He roared at the golden stream of light!

Waves of black sound waves turned into substance and rolled out, and in mid-air, the two collided with each other!

The next second, the golden stream of light instantly penetrated the black sound waves.


A golden light brushed Qin Hongguang's body, and a burst of blood spurted out.


Immediately, a golden long sword was seen inserted into the ground, like a spear of judgment descending from the nine heavens, punishing the gods!

Everyone was shocked when they saw the golden holy sword.

"The Sword of Heaven... that person is back!"

Looking up, the clouds slowly dispersed, and a figure descended from the nine heavens!

It was a golden centaur, with four hooves wrapped in red gold armor, and on the body, there was a golden armor that burned like flames, covered with three white belts, and dotted with white jade-like diamonds.

Like crystal, shining, he had wings on his back, like an angel descending from the sky!

With the figure's single hand, the Sword of Heaven fell back into his right hand. In addition to the Sword of Heaven in his right hand, he also held a prismatic shield in his left hand!

This is the Shield of Blazing!

The two together are called Tian Chi!

The sword and shield intertwined, the golden flames burned the sky!

This is the emblem of the Tian Chi Holy Group, and he...

is the faith of the Tian Chi Holy Group!

Ye Liukong, one of the nine kings of Yanxia, ​​the leader of the Tian Chi Holy Group of the four holy groups.

At the same time, he is also Ye Changan's adoptive father.

There are nine Heavenly Kings in Yanxia, ​​and the five clans in the imperial capital occupy four Heavenly King seats. The Tang family is not included in the Heavenly King because they have a Tang Yanhuang who is in charge of the economic lifeline and is a Heavenly King!

In addition, the four holy groups occupy three seats, and the headquarters of the Holy Group of Divine Punishment is guarded in the Shanhai Pass, so they are not included in the Heavenly King seat.

The other two are in the Magic City.

Among these nine Heavenly Kings, Ye Liukong's strength is enough to rank in the top three!

He is much stronger than Qin Hongguang. If the two fight, Qin Hongguang will definitely suffer!

"Hahahaha! Why is Brother Qin so nervous? I'm just joking! You don't think I'm really going to fight you! We are all Heavenly Kings of Yanxia, ​​how can we fight and kill at every turn!"

The golden centaur walked down from the sky.

Transformed into a middle-aged man wearing a black coat, with slightly thick hair and a beard on the corners of his mouth.

He took out a Zhongnanhai and lit it as if nothing had happened.

Ye Liukong is fifty years old this year, but he looks like he is only in his thirties, like a mature and unrestrained charming uncle.

He touched his hair.

"Okay, peace is the most precious, peace is the most precious!"

The huge pupils of Tiangang Overlord Lion stared at the man in front of him who was blowing smoke rings nonchalantly.

You cut me with a sword, and now you tell me to be peaceful?

But he didn't want to force Ye Liukong, because he might not be able to beat him in a fight.

Ye Liukong is still very young, not much older than his son-in-law.

But he has become an old man.


The figure of Tiangang Overlord Lion gradually shrank, and the tall Qin Hongguang looked taller than Ye Liukong.

Ye Liukong showed an indifferent expression on his face.

He patted Ye Changan's shoulder and then poked his chest.

"Little Anzi!"

"As the old saying goes, if you are not good, practice more, and if you can't count, don't play!"

Ye Changan's face darkened instantly.

"Get lost!"

He yelled in a rage.

"Do you want to smoke?"

Ye Changan took the cigarette and the lighter, lit it and put it in his pocket.

"Fuck! You thief! Give me back my lighter! You stole several of my lighters! Damn it!"

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