Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 143 Blooming, the white king is roaring!

"Holy...the leader of the holy group is dead!"

"How is this possible! This is the top combat power of mankind! What kind of monster is the owner of this claw?"

All the members were frightened and turned pale.

A black jade-level warrior couldn't stop this monster's move!

Could it be said that his strength is stronger than the serial-level and number-level beast kings!

"Run! Spread the news!"

"The leader of the holy group is dead! Don't ah ah ah!"

"How is it possible! How can humans win with such an existence!"

"The world is going to be destroyed!"

Once the backbone was scattered, the hearts of the entire Eternal Calamity Holy Group were also scattered.


When that slap fell, all the creatures present were turned into blood foam by him.

It became one of the countless wrecks left on this land.

"Lord Beast King, calm down!"

A shadow appeared in mid-air.

Kneel down towards the abyss.

"I have sent the first batch of students who have successfully experimented in the academy to cross the mountains and seas. They will enter the human kingdom and look for totems!"

"Act as quickly as possible! I don't have so much time to waste with you! The thirteen guys in front were all killed by humans. Without the help of the power of totem, I will never believe that they have this strength!"

The beast king's deep voice came out.

"I'm about to recover, you guys...as soon as possible, I need a lot of nutrition!"

"Don't worry, Lord Beast King, we are at your service!"

The figure spoke respectfully.

Red Fire Mountains.

The four teams waiting outside felt that something was wrong as they waited.

What the hell is going on? There was constant vibration in the valley, and the communicator also lost its function.

There is no way to communicate with the inside and outside at all.

Could it be that... something happened to Deng Baikui and the others?

It shouldn’t be. Deng Baikui himself is still very strong. In addition, there is Zhao Jigui, a genius in Yanxia. His strength is not weaker than that of a captain!

Logically speaking, the two of them should definitely not be able to kill a giant lava crocodile if they join forces!

"What Xiao said makes sense. Sure enough, there are many humans out there showing off."

"Then I'll kill you all!"

At this time, a playful voice came.


I saw a figure wearing a black hood on a small slope not far away.

"Who are you!"

When everyone saw his sudden appearance, their faces looked alert.

Especially the eyes of the four team captains became extremely solemn.

This man in black robe exudes an extremely ominous aura. He is coming with bad intentions. First of all, rule out the possibility that he is a helper!

"I...I'm here to kill you!"

He smiled slightly and stretched out his white arms from under his black robe.

"I'm sorry! All of you will die here!"


He turned his palm, a knife appeared in his hand, and then rushed towards the crowd.


The sword flashed across, and a captain's throat was sealed instantly, without even a chance to transform.

"No! It's an enemy! Could it be a killer from another country? Transform quickly!!"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. This guy's movements were too fast, which made them feel frightened. His attacks were too ruthless!

"Killer? I am indeed a killer, but I am not a killer of humans!"

"I... am a monster!"


A bloody light flashed.

The figure instantly turned into a huge bloody bat.

"The black domain shrouds you!"


The black realm enveloped everyone.

Three seconds later, the black area dispersed, and the bloody bat had long disappeared.

There was only a figure in black robe, gently wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with his white arm.

"My mission is completed, you are the only one left, Xiao."

He picked up a dagger from the ground and smiled.

Turn around and leave.

"When you're full, go back... and take a nap."

Among the mountains.

"Get out of the way!"

Luo Ming's body rose into the air and turned into a golden dragon.

"hold head high!"

The real dragon roared and rushed towards the opponent.

"Hey, hey, hey! What kind of monster are you! You are so powerful! If I kill you and fuse your core! The guy who is number one in our class is definitely no match for me!"

He laughed wildly, his whole body shaking crazily.

"Kill me! Try it!"

Luo Ming's eyes were filled with cold murderous intent, and now it was time to reach the speed of life and death.

Either this guy dies, or all of them die!

"Senior Baihu, this time, I really have to rely on you!"

Luo Ming spoke in a low voice.

"Yeah, I know, that's what I'm here for."

"Boy, live on! I'm waiting for the day I can see you again! Now... I'll get some sleep first!"

In his mind, a huge white tiger lies on the ground.

Then, it turned into little bits of white light and merged into Luo Ming's heart.

"Ah... I can't hide it any more, so there's no need to hide it anymore!"

Luo Ming shook his hand.

"Qingcheng, please, please keep those two guys from waking up for a short time. There are some things that they cannot see."

Luo Ming said to Xia Qingcheng.

"Luo Ming, what are you going to do!"

Xia Qingcheng was stunned and looked confused.

"I want to kill someone! If I don't kill this guy today, I won't be willing to do it!"

Luo Ming threw away the True Dragon Sword.

He even exited the state of a real dragon.

"Hey! Little pony, have you ever seen the anger of a king!"

Luo Ming's eyes flashed coldly, and he hooked his finger at Xiao.

"Hahaha! Boy! You are foolish! This is the battlefield commanded by me! You are all my food!"

The golden Zhan Tianma laughed wildly.

He really didn't think that a gold-level boy could play any tricks!

"No, now... this is my home court."

"Attack and defense have changed! Bastard!"

"Cover your ears! It will be a little loud!"

The next second.

Luo Ming held his breath.

He exhaled slowly.

Xia Qingcheng rushed to Deng Baikui and Zhao Yishi.

The two of them were already showing signs of waking up.

Then she lifted a big stone and hit them directly on the head, one by one.

After finishing, she was still a little worried, and froze the two into ice sculptures.

Zhao Yiran saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

My poor brother.

At this moment, Luo Ming moved.

He spoke in a low voice.

"White... Tiger!"


Behind him, a snow-white figure emerged, standing tall!

A roar that shattered the entire mountain range!

The huge white tiger stood behind Luo Ming, roaring and roaring, the roar of a king, resounding through the sky, shocking all those who disobeyed!

The vertical lines of the word "king" on his forehead added a strong aura of dominance!

The black-ringed white tiger, the killing star bloomed!

"Hey! Little horse! Are your legs weak!"

"This is the king! I'll carry you! I'll admit it! I'll recognize it!"

Luo Ming put his hands in his pockets and walked towards him step by step.

"I'll... kill you!"

The white tiger behind him opened his bloody mouth and bit Luo Ming.


The white hurricane rushed into the sky, dancing all over the place, and the killing aura spread like a tide.

At that moment, everyone's face turned pale, their legs went weak, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

That murderous aura, unstoppable!

At this moment, the killing star White Tiger appeared!

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