Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 150 It’s not fair to fight with me, but it’s fair to fight with my senior!

"So...where is the banquet held?"

"Lu Garden, the most luxurious hotel in Yanxia Region."

Chen Hui replied.

"Oh...he is so rich."

"That's natural. Which of the three guys from the organizer is short of money?"

"By the way, where is senior Lu Ning? Judging from his record of defeating so many sophomores yesterday, he should be eligible to receive an invitation, right?"

Luo Ming said doubtfully.

"Ning Ning has been busy recently. Now he has to take care of the family business. He went back to work early in the morning and made handovers with some senior executives of the family industry. This guy has grown up."

Chen Hui sighed.

"No one will stand still. This thing in life, I don't know when it will pop out of the water like this."

The two left the school, took a taxi halfway, and went straight to Lu Yuan.

As the best hotel in the Yanxia Region, this Luyuan is magnificent and stands in the city center, just like an ancient emperor's palace.

It's even more astonishing to walk in. There are fifteen restaurants of various types including Chinese, Western, Japanese and French.

This does not include accommodation, hot springs, leisure areas, gyms, cinemas and more than a dozen entertainment projects.

A proper large-scale entertainment complex.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Luo Ming and the two stumbled to a huge exhibition hall.

There are already many people walking around in the exhibition hall. These students, wearing expensive suits and formal dresses, gather together in twos and threes to talk, compliment each other, and occasionally smile.

All of them looked full of energy.

These are the mainstays of Yanxia’s future.

"Luo Ming, this way!"

Xia Qingcheng saw Luo Ming arriving and hurriedly waved.

At today's banquet, he and Zhao Jianran were also among the invitees.

Including Luo Ming, there are only three people who can win this honor in their freshman year.

"Senior Chen Hui is here too."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Chen Hui raised her glass politely, looking polite and completely different from the pervert who was cooking in a naked apron in the villa.

"Luo Ming, let me introduce you to someone."

Chen Hui took Luo Ming's arm.

He led him to a handsome young man.

"Xiao Tianyu, Principal Xiao's biological son."

"You are Luo Ming. I have been a famous name for a long time. My father often mentions you in front of me."

Xiao Tianyu reached out and grasped Luo Ming's hand.

He looked at the young man in front of him, curiosity flashing in his eyes.

What kind of talent does it take for his father to say, "Even if you die, I will protect him."

Xiao Tianyu was a little unconvinced. He himself was also a top genius, but in the eyes of his father, there seemed to be no comparison with Luo Ming.

"I'm two years older than you. If you don't want to suggest anything, just call me Brother Xiao."

Jin Woo smiled.

"Brother Xiao."

Luo Ming nodded. Since he is Principal Xiao's son, he can be considered one of his own.

"Lin Xiao is here!"

"Zhao Jishi is here too!"

At this time, there was an exclamation.

I saw two young men with tall and straight postures striding out of the hall.

Zhao Jishi was wearing a burgundy suit with a slight smile on his face.

Lin Xiao was wearing a black coat, with his hands in his pockets, his face expressionless, and his eyes dull, as if the people around him were not interesting to him.

"You came."

Zhao Jishi took a deep look at Luo Ming.


Zhao Zairan on the side saw his brother arriving and said respectfully.


Zhao Jishi nodded expressionlessly.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the banquet."

Xiao Tianyu saw that the atmosphere between Luo Ming and the others was a bit strange, so he hurried out to smooth things over.

"Wait a minute."

At this time, Lin Xiao raised his palm.

He took a slow sip of red wine.

"Our banquet will not only get everyone together and exchange experiences, but also help everyone resolve conflicts."

"I just heard that Luo Ming caused a scene in the entire sophomore year yesterday. Even Huang Kai was defeated by you with one shot."


He gave a thumbs up.

"But... Huang Kai's brother happens to be here today. As an invited person, he is also a senior who is about to graduate in his junior year."

"I don't want Huang Ze to leave school with dissatisfaction."

"Classmate Huang Ze, please stand up today, and we can help you resolve the conflict with Luo Ming."

Lin Xiao clapped his hands.

Among the crowd, a young man with short hair came out.

"He seriously injured my brother. My brother is still lying in the ICU. It is very simple to resolve the conflict. Let him lie in the ICU with my brother."

Huang Ze said coldly.

He has a strong face, and he is not someone to be trifled with at first glance.

"Since we are resolving conflicts, Huang Ze, your request is too much! Find someone more realistic!"

Xiao Tianyu frowned.

"No, I only have this request!"

Huang Ze insisted.

Luo Ming took a deep look at Lin Xiao.

"Luo Ming, this guy is testing you. I always feel that he is targeting you."

Chen Hui said in Luo Ming's ear.

"I know, his eyes...are those of a hunter. He regards me as his prey."

"Just don't accidentally break your tooth."

Lin Xiao was testing, and this was a conspiracy. If Luo Ming retreated, it meant that he was not worthy of being Lin Xiao's opponent.

If Luo Ming didn't retreat, he might not end well today.

This Huang Ze is not an ordinary person. His strength has already reached the tenth level of gold level. He has been an outstanding student throughout his junior year. Otherwise, he would not be qualified to be invited to this dinner.

"I've been bored at school for a long time. I hope you can make some waves in my boring life...my dear cousin."

Lin Xiao sneered.

"Senior Lin Xiao."

At this time, Luo Ming spoke.

"Conflicts can never be resolved with words. I think the best way to resolve conflicts is to get rid of the person who raised the conflict."

He grinned, showing his white teeth.

"For example, let's send Senior Huang Ze in so that he can spend the New Year's Eve with his younger brother."

After Luo Ming finished speaking, the whole place fell silent for an instant.

"You...are you serious when you say this?"

Even Xiao Tianyu looked shocked.

In his entire life, he has never seen such a crazy boy!

"Of course it's true, but if after I deal with Senior Huang Ze, his eldest cousin, eldest cousin, parents, grandparents, etc. appear, it might be a bit troublesome."

"In principle, I don't hit women or old people unless they are really mean."

Luo Ming spoke again.

"Don't worry, there won't be anyone else."

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"So...Luo Ming, you are going to have a head-to-head battle with Huang Ze?"

"Who said that?"

Luo Ming asked back.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Didn't you say that you would deal with the person who raised the conflict?"

Lin Xiao was confused by Luo Ming.

"I want to solve it, but I didn't say I would solve it."

"Student Huang Ze is two years older than me. He wants to compete with a junior like me. I don't think it's fair."

"So, for the sake of fairness, I also called a senior. Senior versus senior, this is fair."

Luo Ming smiled.

"Which senior did you find?"

Lin Xiao's eyes swept across the crowd, and everyone looked away the moment they touched his eyes.

Obviously the senior Luo Ming was talking about was not among these people.

Then the question arises, who else... has the strength to fight Huang Ze?

Chen Hui? If it were him...

But Chen Hui shook his head.

"not me."

At this time, Luo Ming smiled slightly, faced everyone's puzzled eyes, and spoke.

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