Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 156: Fusion beasts attack, train disaster! Deep swamp mud silkworm!

"Brother, you're here."

Seeing a figure coming from another car, Xu Kun was overjoyed and hurried to greet him.

"What happened?"

The young man came closer and asked curiously.

"This is what happened..."

Xu Kun leaned close to his ear and told him the whole story.

Because Luo Ming was present, he did not deliberately exaggerate, but just stated the facts.

After hearing his words, the elder brother was furious and slapped Xu Kun in the face with his backhand.

"I'll teach you a lesson later!"

After saying that, he came to Luo Ming.

"My friend from Yanxia University, I apologize to you on behalf of my brother! It's my elder brother who has no discipline. Give me some face and let him go?"

Luo Ming glanced at him lightly.

"Friend, are we familiar with each other?"

The other party's expression froze.

"I have a brother who is also a squad leader in the Yanxia military, just like you. I can introduce him to you and we can have some exchanges."

He said again.

"Exchange? Not everyone is qualified to exchange with me. At least, your friend's face is not big enough for me to reveal everything."

"After failing to flirt with him, he provoked others to find fault and even wanted to attack me. If this happened on the train, I would have to send him to the ICU for the New Year."

Xu Kun shuddered.

My god, what a cruel guy.

And... this guy is crazy.

He turned his eyes to his eldest brother as if begging.

The eldest brother gave him a look.

"My friend, my name is Tang Chuan, a member of the Tang family in the imperial capital."

"So your method is to threaten with your identity if peace talks fail?"

Luo Ming asked back.

Seeing that the man in front of him was unmoved, Tang Chuan's face darkened.

"You are right."

He glanced at the ticket Luo Ming placed on the table in front of him.

"Xinghaizhou... Excuse me, there doesn't seem to be any big family in Xinghaizhou... that can make our Tang family afraid, so I advise you not to refuse a toast! You know my Tang family's eldest daughter Tang Momo! She is now a student at Yanxia University."

"Although I am not a direct descendant of the Tang family, I can still talk to Miss Momo. If you don't want to have a hard time in school..."


Before he finished speaking, Xia Qingcheng couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, sorry, please continue. I usually don't interrupt others unless it's really funny."

She waved her hand gently.

Tang Chuan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He felt that these two guys were playing tricks on him.

"Do you dare to tell me your name!"

Xia Qingcheng restrained her smile.

"Then don't be scared. My name is..."


Boom boom boom boom!

At this moment, the train drove into a pitch-black tunnel.

The whole carriage suddenly darkened.


At the front of the train, on the top of the driver's carriage, a black-robed figure fell down with a bang.

"Cigarette, I leave it to you, hahahaha!"

"From now on, this train is held hostage by us!"

The black-robed figure laughed loudly.

Behind him, a super fat figure climbed onto the train with difficulty.

This was a fat man weighing more than 400 kilograms. The largest size of clothes on him was like a baby's bellyband, which could not cover half of his body.

His facial features seemed to be buried in the rolling waves of flesh. As the wind blew over the roof, his fat body trembled up and down as if it had lost weight.

"Jie, can we succeed like this!"

He opened his mouth with a dull sound.

"It will definitely succeed. I have already investigated. There are no masters on this train. Moreover, Luo Ming, one of the four heroes of Yanxia, ​​is also on the train. Our main target this time is him."

"Just kill the other genius mice. Don't worry, I will make sure you enjoy the meal this time."

The figure in the black robe laughed softly.

"Okay, okay, as long as you can eat enough, hehehe, Jie, you are such a good person."

"So don't be so nagging, and do it quickly!"

Jie kicked Yan's fat with a strong kick. He didn't stand firmly and was almost sucked in by the fat.

"Okay, okay!"

"I jump!"

Yan laughed loudly, and he bounced off the roof like a ball.


The huge body, the fat all over his body, expanded violently like a bat spreading its wings.

In the end, it turned into a huge snow-white silkworm covered with spikes.

Lying at the front of the train.

"The swamp beast controls the terrain, and there is also the Nine-Layer Sky Silkworm, which has a Nine-Layer Tower and can absorb all attack rebounds."

"This is the power of Yan, the deep swamp silkworm! It is most suitable for offensive battles in complex terrain. This time, I succeeded. Hahaha! The night begins!"

Jie laughed.

He slowly raised his head, and the white pupils under the black robe instantly turned blood red.

At the moment when the train was about to rush out of the tunnel, a darkness centered on him spread in all directions.

At the same time, the track ground was twisting violently, and the route that originally led to the next state was completely distorted.

Ten kilometers away from this tunnel is the stationing place, that is, the edge of the wall.

He wanted to induce the train to hit the wall and disintegrate the wall from the inside.

"Something is wrong. Why is this tunnel so long? It has been so long and we haven't finished it yet."

Inside the carriage, Xia Qingcheng frowned.

"It's really not right... I always feel that the train is running too smoothly."

Luo Ming also frowned.

Because the track has been in disrepair for many years, the train has been bumping up and down violently along the way.

But after entering the tunnel, the train became unusually stable, as if walking on flat ground.

"There is a problem."

"Eye of Taotie!"

Luo Ming opened his eyes, and the blood-red flames instantly covered his eyes.

Everything in front of him became clear in his eyes.

The veins of the entire train became clear in his eyes. Luo Ming passed the twelve carriages in front and saw a black-robed figure in the driver's cab holding the conductor's neck and greedily sucking blood.

"Huh? Discovered?"

Jie casually threw away the conductor's shriveled body and looked at Luo Ming sideways.

"Not good! Something happened!"


After Jie noticed Luo Ming's movement, he flew towards Luo Ming like a thunderbolt.

"Get out of the way!"

The speed was too fast, just like lightning. He only needed a few seconds to pass through the twelve carriages.

Boom boom boom!

Luo Ming did not dare to hold back. He opened fire directly. After transforming into Taotie, he even used the cruel king's brutality, reflecting the whole carriage in blood red.

"What do you want to do!"

Tang Chuan and Xu Kun's faces turned pale, thinking that Luo Ming was going to attack.

But Luo Ming was too lazy to pay attention to him now.

He picked up Xia Qingcheng, then took Lu Cheng's collar and dodged to the side.

"What the hell is going on!"

The others looked puzzled.

"Get out of the way if you don't want to die."

Luo Ming shouted at everyone.

But the voice had just fallen.


A gust of black wind whistled past. No, it was a figure.

After Luo Ming dodged, a girl who was standing in the same place was instantly pierced by the black shadow.


Blood stains appeared on her body, and the next second, she was reduced to pieces of meat on the ground.

The others saw this scene and were so frightened that they couldn't say a word.

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