Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 16 Add money! Add more money! Raise the stakes! A life-and-death battle! I predicted your pr

"Add money?"

Zheng Peng looked confused.

"Why are you so stupid? Since it's a life and death fight, there must be some stakes. I won't do it without stakes."

Luo Ming curled his lips with disdain.

"What bet do you want?"

Luo Ming stroked his chin and thought.

"Monster essence and blood, potions, beast jade, beast cores, Yanxia coins, anything can be used."

Zheng Peng's eyes were uncertain.

This Luo Ming... actually dares to make demands?

Want benefits?

Do you think you are satisfied with yourself?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Although Luo Ming awakened an SSS-level monster, it was naturally very strong.

But he has only just awakened.

And it has been three full days since the monster awakened.

Moreover, in the past three days, I was still under the accumulation of various essences, blood, medicines, and beast core resources from my father-in-command.

The strength has reached the terrifying fifth level of black iron!

This combat power ranks among the top among his peers in the entire Xinghai State!

Luo Ming is a newly awakened person, and it would be incredible to have a third-level person!

Besides... I still have a trump card!

There is no reason to be afraid of him!

correct! correct!

This guy must have done it on purpose. He must have been scared, so he deliberately said he would take out the bet just to fool him into quitting.

Okay, okay, kid, I have already predicted your prediction!

This young master has never lost the mental game!

Isn't it just a bet? I have it!

"Okay, Luo Ming, since you want to bet, then I will give you the bet, but don't regret it!"

"I will give you the blood essence of three bronze-level third-level monsters!"

"Do you dare to take a bet with me?"

Zheng Peng took out three blood-colored potions from his body.

It contains a powerful and violent aura.

Luo Ming's eyes lit up.

Monster essence and blood, this is a good thing for tempering the body.

However, just blood is not enough!

"Too little, do you have any more?"

"What! Do you want more? Luo Ming, are you crazy!"

A look of disbelief flashed across Zheng Peng's face.

"These three blood essences are worth 70,000 to 80,000 yuan!"

"Only 70,000 to 80,000 yuan! Damn it! The blood essence of my gold-level first-order monster is worth at least one million!"

Luo Ming fiddled with the golden potion in his hand with a look of disdain.

The blood of gold-level monsters can indeed crush Zheng Peng's three bronze-level bloods in all aspects.

"Your bet is too small, not enough."

Luo Ming shook his head.

"Damn! Good, good!"

"Then I'll give you three more beast cores from bronze-level third-level monsters! And three hundred thousand Yanxia coins!"

Zheng Peng said angrily.

As a result, Luo Ming raised a finger.

"One million Yanxia coins, otherwise there is no need to discuss it."

"Damn it! Luo Ming! Are you going crazy thinking about money! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Zheng Peng shook his head wildly.

"Oh, it's impossible. Then we won't fight. I'll go back."

Luo Ming curled his lips and pretended to leave.

"Oh, what a pity! I thought you, Zheng Peng, would vent your anger for the goddess at all costs, but I didn't expect you to back down after one million Yanxia coins. It seems that Su Wanqing is not worth one million in your eyes."

Luo Ming's faint voice came.

The tone was full of sarcasm.

Zheng Peng was shocked when he heard this.

He quickly turned his head and found that Su Wanqing's face was not pretty.

He suddenly became anxious.

"You fart! Luo Ming, don't try to drive a wedge between me and Wanqing!"

"Isn't it just one million Yanxia coins! I'll bet you! Come here, get over here!"

Zheng Peng roared with red eyes.

He secretly swore that he would cut this bastard Luo Ming into pieces!

The corners of Luo Ming's mouth turned upwards. He was indeed a young man, and he was easily provoked and got his head turned on.

Compared with him, an old fried dough stick who has experienced countless workplace tortures and refuses to take soft and hard work, Zheng Pengnen is too much.

"Damn it, you guy!"

A clear fear flashed deliberately in his eyes.

Seeing this fear, Zheng Peng felt extremely proud.

Humph, this Luo Ming must be scared!

Sure enough, my guess was right!

Although he has great talent, his strength...is far inferior to mine!

This battle is settled!

I'll kill Luo Ming in public later!

Give Wanqing a good vent!

Zheng Peng twisted his wrist and stood opposite Luo Ming.

"Luo Ming, this is a battle of life and death. When you get on this stage, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. If you die, then your skills are inferior to others!"

"No one can be held accountable!"

Zheng Peng's eyes flashed with vicious killing intent.

"Of course, I know."

Luo Ming nodded calmly.

Zheng Peng couldn't help but feel confused. It was strange that this kid looked a little scared just now.

Why are you not afraid when you get on the stage?

"Then... let's ask a few deans to be the referees!"

Zheng Peng said to Jin Pingtao and others in the audience.

"You're such a shitty referee! Boy, don't think I don't know what you're planning!"

"You have been awakened for three days, and your level is definitely not low now. How can Luo Ming, who has just awakened, be able to beat you!"

"That's right! You naughty boy, I don't think you are a good person!"

The four deans all felt very unhappy.

They all scolded Zheng Peng.

Zheng Peng's expression remained unchanged.

"Deans, you can't say that. Luo Ming agreed to this himself. He doesn't care. Why do you need to sit back and worry about it?"

This made the four deans angry.

Zheng Peng relied on his father being the military commander and a member of the Blood Rock Holy Order, and he didn't take the four of them seriously at all!

"Zheng Peng is right. This is Luo Ming's own decision. We should respect him."

Jin Pingtao also spoke lightly.

He said this with some selfish motives.

Anyway, it is impossible to repair the relationship with Luo Ming.

If he can be killed like this, it will be great!

After all, Ye Changan also said that he doesn't care about the competition among the younger generation.

So, if Luo Ming died in Zheng Peng's hands, it was just because he was not as skilled as others!

No one can be blamed!

"Damn it! Lao Deng! Don't think I don't know what you are thinking! Are you looking forward to Luo Ming's death!"

"Lao Deng! If you can't get it, you will destroy it. Why are you so perverted!"

"Jin Pingtao! Break up, people don't make friends with dogs!"

Even though the four deans were angry, Jin Pingtao still didn't care.

"Okay, you guys fight, I'll be the referee!"

He said coldly.

He looked at Luo Ming with a cold look.

If I can't get it, I'll destroy it. I'm just that kind of person. Do you have any opinions?

"Okay, Luo Ming, come on, feel the fear!"


Zheng Peng roared to the sky.


A strong breath emanated from him, and Zheng Peng was surrounded by a golden light.

"S-level monster! Jin Huangpeng!"

"Luo Ming, I will peck your head open myself!"

A sharp and sinister voice resounded throughout the venue.

A scream resounding through the sky came from Zheng Peng's throat.

The sound waves turned into substance and swept in all directions, and many students covered their ears involuntarily.

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