Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 166 Have you seen fireworks? It doesn’t matter if you haven’t, just treat it as a firework!


The brown-haired young man closed the book instantly.

A stream of purple light shot out of the air from his fingertips and shot toward Luo Ming.


He picked up the sky-eating spear and threw it away. It turned out to be a sharp thorn.


Luo Ming was stunned.

The brown-haired young man's body was filled with purple light, and he completed his transformation in an instant.

"It turns out to be the fusion of Cactus Beast and Purple Jade Poison Rose Beast."

His purple carapace was covered with sharp cactus thorns. The tops of those spikes were permeated with purple venom. As long as they were stung, no matter what kind of monster they were, they would instantly lose their fighting power and become paralyzed.

Of course, this does not include the Ten Fierce. After all, the Ten Fierce are not monsters, but the grandfather of the monster's grandfather.

Bang bang bang!

"What's the name of your fusion beast?"

Luo Ming asked while dodging the poisonous stings that were shot out repeatedly.

"Ghost Poison Beast!"


The opponent's body stretched out, spinning in place at high speed like a top.

The spikes shot at Luo Ming at 360 degrees with no blind angle.

At the same time, the sky sprinkled countless purple rose petals.

Once it is touched by these petals, it will explode instantly, blowing the person alive into bloody foam.

"This guy's target is not only me! But also the surrounding buildings and ordinary people!"

Luo Ming's eyes narrowed.


He released the evil blood flames, and the flames turned into a huge gluttonous beast in mid-air.

The Taotie opened its mouth and sucked in all the petals and spikes around it.

Luo Ming suddenly came to the side of the ghost poisonous beast.

"Your skills are very good, so I declare that you are mine now!"


He put one hand on the Ghost Poison Beast's shoulder.

"Unlimited plunder!"


A huge Taotie appeared behind Luo Ming. The Taotie opened its bloody mouth and sucked hard.

The ghost poisonous beast's body was shaking violently.

Shock appeared on his face.

"What...what are you going to do! Yue! Come and save me!"

he roared.

Bah! Bah!

Three strands of spider silk shot toward Luo Ming like long bows.

"What are these? Snakes and spiders?"

I saw that the fair-skinned Goth Loli girl suddenly turned into an extremely weird monster. Her lower body was a giant spider lying down, with eight legs spread out and firmly grasping the ground.

Although the upper body is human, the chest and sides of the back and body are covered with green snake scales, with a face that looks like a human and a snake, swallowing snake letters.

"Black Spider Medusa!"

She opened her hands, and instantly a stream of spider silk sprayed towards Luo Ming.

"I'm so ashamed of you! Do you know the saying that a gun is faster than seven steps away?"

Luo Ming took out the divine feather with his backhand.

A handful of Gatling appears in hand.

Luo Ming carried Gatlin with one hand.

"If I don't turn you into a plug today, I will marry you!"

Da da da!

Bullets poured out like free money, and tongues of fire filled the sky.

Bang bang bang!

The opponent was beaten and retreated steadily.


At this time, Taotie finally completed the absorption. He looked up to the sky and roared, roaring and swallowing something.


Luo Ming kicked the ghost poisonous beast away.

"Come! Look at the cactus dance! And the scattered roses!"

Luo Ming made a big move, and cactus thorns and exploding rose petals protruded from the sky, sweeping towards the two of them like a strong wind.

The Ghost Poison Beast's face turned green, and he was just about to use the same move as Luo Ming to fight against him.

It turned out that I couldn’t use it!

"Your ability...is not copying! It's plundering! You took away my skills!"

His face was full of horror.

"When did I say this was a copy? Silly!"


Luo Ming strode towards the two of them.

"No! He's too strong! Run!"

The Ghost Poison Beast's face turned pale. The three of them joined forces to deal with Luo Ming, but they couldn't defeat him!

Now that he is dead and injured, even his skills have been taken away!

If you don't run away now, you will be buried in disgrace!

"Go! Yue! Move away the cobwebs!"

he yelled.

Medusa, who was suddenly numb by Gatlin, had just recovered and was about to take action.

But suddenly, layers of swaying bloody flames appeared on the spider silk covering Xinghai State.

"I'm sorry, Xinghai Prefecture is my territory! You can enter, but you can't leave!"

"Blood Prison Cage!"


Luo Ming shook his big hand, and all the spider silk burned out instantly, replaced by iron prisons burning with blood flames!

Blood Prison Cage, blockade Xinghai State!

"Now let me see where you are going!"


Luo Ming dragged the sky-eating spear and rushed towards the two of them.

The other party's souls instantly disappeared!

"This...how can we fight like this! What traps others becomes trapping yourself!"

"So...the clown is actually me?"


Luo Ming shot down, almost shattering the carapace of the two men.

After activating the Cruel King's Tyranny, Luo Ming's strength skyrocketed. What about the two diamond-level fourth-order fusion beasts!

What he was fighting was the fusion beast!

Moreover, as the Ten Evils merged and he used their powers more and more, he became more comfortable in controlling them.

For example, Taotie, who was still carrying the Sky-Eating Spear, turned around and whipped his legs and turned into a real dragon.

An elbow strike to the stomach.

Then, the divine feather turned into a Magnum gun, pressing on your chest, just a few shots, who can bear it!

"No... Are you sure they are here to kill my brother, not to give up their heads?"

Lin Yuning was stunned.

This situation is not right!

So, where did he run to when he asked Luo Ming to run away?

Does he need it? Can he use it?

Xia Qingcheng was also a little surprised. Although she knew that Luo Ming's strength was improving quickly, this speed could not be described as fast.

Before, Xiao Tianyu and Ye He were needed to help on the train, but now it's one against three?

So you are the type who can beat one against one, crush one against two, win one against three, win one against four, and have the advantage in one against five?

But she can't be weak in front of Lin Yuning.

She must be the one who knows Luo Ming best!

She crossed her arms and looked proud.

"You don't know this, high-end hunters often appear as prey!"

Lin Yuning: "..."

I suspect you are showing off to me but I have no evidence, but I am very unhappy now!

"Luo Ming! You must not be in trouble! You are the rising star of my Xinghaizhou!"

At this time, Mo Rutian was rushing towards this side at a very fast speed.

The successive explosions made him extremely worried about Luo Ming's current situation.

"The next move will send you two to the west! Give up your beast cores!"

Luo Ming turned into a real dragon at this time. He touched the ground with one foot and leaped up in one step.

The red cloak swept through the void, and then a dragon roar that shook the sky sounded.


The golden five-clawed dragon rushed into the air, the dragon flew in the void, and then rushed towards the two with a mighty force. Along the way, the space was cracking wildly!

The golden dragon stunned those ordinary people who were hiding under the eaves and trembling in the corner.

The real dragon swept past, and the earth-shaking fluctuations almost razed the area to the ground.


Luo Ming grabbed the two people with one claw, and rushed into the sky.

"Asshole, let me go!"

"Damn it!"

The two were caught tightly by the dragon's claws.

They twisted their bodies violently and tried to struggle, but to no avail.

"Have you seen fireworks?"

The real dragon looked back and glanced at the two people lightly.

The two shook their heads.


"It's okay, you can be fireworks once."

The two: "???"

Bang Bang!

Then, the explosion sounded!

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