Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 175 The mission begins, the Phoenix motorcycle, Xiao Tianyu is extremely envious!

It seems that the huge movement happening here attracted the so-called Judge King.

Fortunately, the secret of the totem was only circulated among the upper echelons of the Yanxia clan with a long history, and other countries in Blue Star did not know about it.

Otherwise, like the ambitious lighthouses, the Nordic countries, and the Japanese island countries, their methods may be even more unsightly.

"The sudden appearance of a human, the killing of an earth dragon with one punch, the unknown monster, the face of an Oriental, you are very suspicious."

Suddenly, Grand flashed in front of Luo Xuan.

"For now, just come with me to the Ten Kings Association to be investigated."

Immediately, there was a slap on his head.

"I am from Yanxia. Even if I have problems, I have to hand them over to the Yanxia Military Department! You, the Ten Kings, will not have the chance to judge me!"

Luo Xuan raised his hand and punched it out, his whole body squirming and his muscles swelling.

"Everything that appears within the confines of the Lighthouse Country belongs to the Lighthouse Country. I am the Judge King. I judge everything in the world. Now I want to judge you!"

Boom boom boom!

The evil spirit is boiling, and the golden King of Judgment is about to transform.

"Luo Xuan, run! You are no match for him!"

Lu Wu's voice sounded.

The King of Judgment, this is a powerful man comparable to the King of Yanxia!

Stand in the black jade realm and fight against the powerful fighting power of the Beast King.

"Golden Raven, King of Twilight!"


The dark golden light rolled and surged, covering the Judge King like a rising rain curtain.


There was an earth-shattering roar, and the air was pierced by something unknown. The roar of the raven turned into invisible sharp energy, which seemed to be able to pierce the eardrum.

"Luo Xuan, let me control your body! Let's go!"

The voice in my head yelled.


Luo Xuan's eyes burst with golden light, his hair grew swollen, and his expression became more and more ferocious.

His legs jumped out like a tiger or a cheetah, and he jumped into the sky. His snow-white wings spread out, and he rushed deeper into the ruins.

"You are indeed not a human! In just that moment, you showed the physical characteristics of many monsters. You are a fusion beast in the ruins, transformed into a human. Today, you fall into my hands. I will judge you on behalf of God. !”

The huge golden raven was like a gilded fighter jet, tearing through the air and chasing Luo Xuan.

"Keep the green hills here and don't worry about running out of firewood. Luo Xuan, you only have one year!"

"Run deeper into the ruins!"

Lu Wu reminded him loudly.

At this time, Luo Xuan's body had almost completely transformed into that of Lu Wu.

"The raven is a raptor among birds of prey. This creature can even feed on such ferocious beasts as the Skybreaker and the Golden Roc. This guy's raven has reached an astonishing height. He has the magic of the Golden-winged Roc. He is stronger than you. You can't escape!"

During the conversation, the golden raven had already caught up with him.


"Kunlun Divine Palm!"

Lu Wu took action and slapped him in the air.

A chaotic palm print with a radius of ten feet appeared, surrounded by a halo of light, and shot towards the golden raven like a beast's claw.


The raven neighed and tore the palm open instantly.

"If you escape, can I still be called the Judge King?"

With a sweep of the raven feathers, a golden halo of light immediately bound Luo Xuan.

"No more!"

Luo Xuan gritted his teeth, raised his hand and threw the bloody totem away.


The bloody totem turned into a stream of light and disappeared deep into the clouds in an instant.

"What did you throw out just now?"

The golden raven asked with a gloomy look.

"you guess?"

Luo Xuan sneered.

The golden raven's eyes were gloomy, with golden light holes like yellow buds appearing in the corners of its eyes.

I want to see, but I can't see clearly.

That thing has already flown to an unknown destination.

"Okay, don't guess. I'm telling you, it's a distress signal. I've already asked Yanxia for help. Yanxia's military headquarters will negotiate with your lighthouse soon."

"Are you General Yanxia?"

"That's right, I am General Yanxia, ​​from the Lin family in the Demon City...Lin Yaoxin!"

The golden raven's pupils shrank suddenly.

This man cannot be killed!

After putting on his Martin boots, Luo Ming put on a brown coat, which made his figure stand out.

"Success or failure depends on today!"

He strode out of the mansion.

This battle is also very important to him, as it means whether he can break into diamond level before the end of the year.

At the same time, there are many things waiting for him in the battle for serial weapons and the competition between hundreds of alliance schools.

After leaving the Xia Family Courtyard, Xiao Tianyu was already waiting for him outside.

He was riding a black motorcycle with a fighting attitude. The motorcycle was lying on the ground, as powerful as a beast, and it had great visual impact.

"The Xia family is really big. It took me thirty minutes to ride from the Imperial University, but it only took me fifteen minutes to ride to the Xia family."

He put his hands on the handle and threw a helmet to Luo Ming.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"How is it? It's cool, isn't it? After the last one exploded, Lao Deng spent a huge sum of money to customize a new one for me. This one costs 2.88 million. It's fast and can fly airplanes."

"I called him Ye Ying. It's a pity that I didn't get the plane by cheating, but this one is not bad either."

However, Xiao Tianyu seemed very satisfied with this motorcycle.


Luo Ming shook his head.

He threw the phoenix feather, and the next second, a motorcycle with red fire as its main body, white decoration and gold rims appeared next to Xiao Tianyu's Night Shadow. There is even a pair of sharp eyes on the front face. Looking at it, the whole car looks like a swooping divine phoenix.

"I'll go, you baby... what kind of black technology is this!"

The corners of Xiao Tianyu's mouth were trembling.

"Would you like to compete and see who is faster?"

Luo Ming chuckled.

"Compete, let's compete, who is afraid of whom!"

The two got on the motorcycle at the same time and put on their helmets.

"I'll count to three, two, one, and then turn the throttle together."

Xiao Tianyu said.

"three one!"


The roar came out, and his night shadow shot out like a black lightning.

"Alas, young people don't respect martial ethics, so they came to deceive me, a twenty-year-old... No, I am younger than him."

Luo Ming shook his head, and Shen Lingyu disappeared from the place like a fireball, so fast that it seemed like an afterimage appeared.

Luo Ming and the motorcycle became one, like arms and fingers, and the gushing exhaust gas pulled a long burning red chain through the air.

Xiao Tianyu was still complacent that Luo Ming didn't catch up with him.

As a result, there was only a phoenix cry.

The next second, a red meteor flashed across, and he could only suck in the exhaust fumes from behind and cough loudly.

Xiao Tianyu: "???"

Are you a motorcycle? The afterimage has popped up, why don't you fire the rocket?

By the time Xiao Tianyu arrived at the specimen exhibition hall of Yanhuang Technology on the outskirts of the imperial capital, Luo Ming was already leaning on the motorcycle, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

All that's left of the cigarette is the butt.

"Damn, your car is... perverted! Lend it to me for two days!"

He looked at the divine phoenix-like motorcycle with uncontrollable envy in his eyes.

"no way."

Luo Ming shook his head.

"Damn it! No, think of a way to scrap this machine as well! I have to report work damage again!"

He gritted his teeth.

"I must make a motorcycle faster than yours!"

He spoke angrily.

Luo Ming didn't say much, and flicked the hem of his clothes.

"Let's go, let's take a good tour of the cultural activities and learn a lot."

The motorcycle turned into a divine feather and fell into his hand, and Luo Ming put it away casually.

Xiao Tianyu became even more envious and jealous when he saw this.

He can take it with him everywhere!

Damn it!

Really want!

I want my dad to buy it for me!

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