Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 187 I, Luo Ming, would rather kill someone by mistake than let him go!

Chapter 187 I, Luo Ming... would rather kill by mistake than let go!


Taotie's true body burned with bloody flames and then disappeared.

Luo Ming's figure fell from mid-air.

He returns to his human form.

People crowded around and walked towards him.

"That's awesome! Luo Ming!"

"As expected of my junior fellow student!"

Xiao Tianyu limped over and gave Luo Ming a heavy blow on the shoulder.

He almost fell to the ground.

Luo Ming stretched out his hand to support him.

"Senior Xiao, you are a little weak."

"Luo Ming, you%\u0026%...%7!"

Xiao Tianyu cursed loudly.

"Luo Ming, I give up. You are really powerful, I am not as good as you."

Zhao Jishi smiled bitterly.

Luo Ming's words came true. He, Zhao Jishi, was indeed not qualified to compare with him.

Luo Ming nodded and didn't say much. His impression of Zhao Jishi could not be said to be good or bad.

He's just a friend's brother.

"Awesome, I, Shen Huaqing, have never admired anyone before. You are the first. Thank you for saving me and Nangong."

Shen Huaqing pushed up his glasses and reached out to Luo Ming.

"You're welcome. You're quite handsome. You rush to the front for your girlfriend."

Luo Ming smiled.


Shen Huaqing was confused.

"Girl? What friend?"

"She's my sister!"

Luo Ming: "???"

"We are just half-mother. I have my father's surname, and she has her mother's surname."

Luo Ming: "..."

"Thank you for saving me, I'll give you meatloaf."

King Lu also strode over, took out a beef pie that was bigger than Luo Ming's head from the bag he carried and handed it to him.


Luo Ming was a little curious. It's rare that your pie was not destroyed in the battle just now.

"The way King Lu showed respect to a person was to give him his favorite beef pie."

Shen Huaqing explained.

"The monster he awakened needs to eat constantly, otherwise it will easily starve to death."

"So, King Lu would carry more than ten kilograms of pies as food every day."

A big battle brought everyone closer to each other.

Except for one person.

"Luo Ming! You are obviously so powerful, why did you hide in the first place!"

"My hands were chopped off by monsters! I think you have ulterior motives and are deliberately harming people!"

Li Quan asked Luo Ming with a sinister look on his face.

"Li Quan! Shut up! If Luo Ming hadn't saved you, you would have died long ago!"

Feng Tianyang scolded.

Even though he and Li Quan were from the same school, he couldn't stand his behavior now. It was so shameless!

"He obviously has the ability to take action! But he kept waiting! The hand that hurt me was cut off! I think he did it on purpose, to avenge public and private revenge!"

Li Quan had a look of resentment on his face.

"My Li family will not just let this matter go. I will report it to my father!"

Luo Ming's face was expressionless.

He raised his hand slightly.


A large gun passed directly through Li Quan's other intact shoulder.

The huge force actually took him away, and finally stuck him hard on the wall.


The barrel of the sky-devouring gun trembled and pinned Li Quan's body to the wall, unable to move no matter what!


Everyone gasped.

What a cruel Luo Ming!

What a cruel attack!

"I rescued you out of love, but it was my duty not to save you. Not only are you not grateful, you are blaming me here."

"Both good and bad will come to seek revenge, so why not just...I can kill you."

Luo Ming's eyes showed cold expression.

Li Quan's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he was trembling all over.

Luo Ming really dared to kill him!

"Luo Ming, you... don't be impulsive! I am the pride of Yanxia, ​​and we should not kill each other. If you kill me, you will not get any benefits. You will go to a military court!"

Li Quan swallowed heavily and gasped.

Blood trickled down the wall. He had already lost a lot of blood, and now he was shot through by Luo Ming. If he didn't faint, it was considered that he was in good physical condition.

"That's right, Luo Ming, don't be impulsive! I know that you once defeated Overlord Li Lin's son, Li Tian!"

"But Li Quan is different from Li Tian. Li Quan is the best of all Li Lin's children! He will hopefully inherit his position as overlord in the future. If you kill Li Quan, Li Lin will not let you off lightly!"

"You don't want to set up this great enemy of the Li family for no reason!"

Feng Tianyang also stepped out to dissuade him.

"You can kill if you want. If the sky falls, I will carry it. If I can't carry it, the old man will carry it."

At this time, several figures walked into the herbarium.

The leader was clearly Ye Changan, and he was the one who spoke just now.

"Ye Changan! You are crazy! You instigate Yan Xiajiao to kill each other, what do you want to do!"

Zhou Ruyin's face was also very ugly.

"Luo Ming, you can't kill Li Quan! He is a student of Magic University!"

"The law of Yanxia does not allow our own people to kill each other!"

"Stop now, I'll pretend nothing happened!"

Zhou Ruyin's face darkened and he comforted him.

"You have the greatest credit for this mission! But if you kill Li Quan, not only will your credit be wiped out, but you will also be charged with killing Yan Xiajiao!!"

Luo Ming's expression was unmoved.

No one could see through his unwavering eyes what he was thinking.

"Li Quan, if I let you go today, can you promise me that you won't seek revenge on me in the future?"

Luo Ming looked into Li Quan's eyes and asked.

Li Quan nodded vigorously.

"Of course! As long as you let me go, I won't care about what you did today! On the contrary, you saved me, you are my benefactor!"

"We are both the pride of Yan Tian, ​​maybe we can be friends! Luo Ming, you are right! You can come to the Magic City, and my Li family will be your guest! We will welcome you!"

"The Li family will be your backing and help you to go to the next level! My father's disciples are all over the military, and they can all help you!"

Luo Ming's face was unmoved.

"It's a very tempting condition. The friends of the Magic City Li family do have a very strong background."

Li Quan showed a happy face.

"Yes! That's right, you can walk sideways when you come to the Magic City! Beautiful women, money, resources! We have nothing in the Li family! Whatever you want, you can do it!"

But Luo Ming was still talking to himself.

"But I am just a commoner, a country bumpkin. I have never seen the lights and wine of the Magic City, and I don't know if I am worthy of the Magic City where gold is everywhere."

"Of course I am worthy! With me, Li Quan, no one dares to say that you, Luo Ming, are not worthy! If anyone dares to say so, I will sink him into the Huangpu River to feed the fish!"

Luo Ming closed his eyes.

"Li Quan, what you said makes sense."

Luo Ming clenched the handle of the gun and slowly pulled it out.

Li Quan looked at his movements and felt relieved.


Finally survived!

This bastard dared to threaten him!

He must pay the price. If he doesn't take revenge, he is unworthy of being the son of the Overlord!


At this time, Luo Ming's eyes suddenly opened.

In his pupils, a fierce light flashed.

"But, Li Quan, I can see the murderous intent in your eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul and they won't lie!"

"But you are lying to me. If I let you go today, you will find ways to kill me tomorrow, so... I can't let you go!"

"I, Luo Ming... would rather kill someone by mistake than let him go!"


He pulled out the Heaven Devouring Spear and then whipped it towards Li Quan's head at lightning speed!


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