Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 194: Unwilling to go back, the Lin family’s evil ambitions!

The legend of the totem did not appear in Yanxia at the beginning.

There was a girl in the Lin family in the Magic City. When she was young, she accidentally fell into the Huangpu River. At the bottom of the river, she saw an incomparable ancient giant beast, which gave her the totem and saved her life.

Lin Qingxin survived by chance.

That was her first encounter with the totem.

The totem has the power to make monsters evolve. Each totem has its own powerful characteristics, which were slowly discovered later.

Lin Qingxin's incident did not make a big fuss, but the totem legend was circulated in a small area of ​​the Magic City.

It was three years ago when the totem entered the eyes of the Yanxia high-level officials.

"Then the totem on his body is the one on the totem girl back then?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"Li Lin, you have lost the bet with my nephew, haven't you? Your twelve sons were all killed. Why, you still don't admit defeat?"

Li Lin's face became extremely ugly.

"This kid actually attacked me openly and even threatened to challenge me. How can I admit defeat!"

"It's just a momentary arrogance of a young man. You, the Overlord of the Demon City, are you going to fight him?"

Li Lin stopped talking.

The relationship between the Lin and Li families in the Demon City is not bad.

On weekdays, Li Lin and Lin Yuan have some personal exchanges.

He said with a dark face.

"Okay, then I will give you Lin Yuan a face this time and not fight this kid, hum!"

He is in his prime, with many sons. If he dies, he can have another son. It's okay to spend more time.

There is no need to make the relationship with the Lin family too stiff because of this.

"Thank you, Overlord. I can also ask my nephew to apologize to you."

As he said, Lin Yuan raised his eyes and looked. Where is Luo Ming?

No one? ?

"Over there."

Someone reminded.

The two looked up and saw Luo Ming coming to the side of Li Shaoyang who was nailed to the ground with a calm face.

Li Shaoyang had been poisoned by the Spear of Longinus, and he was dead and could not be angry anymore.


He pulled the Spear of Longinus out of him.

Then he went to the bodies of Li Lin's other sons and pulled out the guns. One of them might have been stuck in the bone, so it was not easy to pull out.

Luo Ming put his foot on the body and pulled out the gun.

"Ah! This is convenient, it was stabbed to pieces."

Luo Ming happily pulled out the red gun from the remains.

At this time, he already had four Spears of Longinus in his hands.

Li Lin's face was extremely gloomy.

"Lin Yuan, is this what you call an apology?! This bastard is desecrating my son's body!"

Lin Yuan also frowned.

This Luo Ming is too unrestrained.

Luo Ming walked back slowly and put away the Spear of Longinus.

Li Lin was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

They also took my gun away. This is a forbidden weapon, very expensive!

"Luo Ming, give me back my gun!"

"No, it's my trophy."

Li Lin: "???"

Lin Yuan's face also darkened.

"Luo Ming, give the gun back to Li Bawang."

Luo Ming raised his eyelids.

"Who are you? It's none of your business."

Lin Yuan: "???"

He calmed down and spoke in a good tone.

"Luo Ming, I am your mother, Lin Qingxin's brother, and I am your uncle."

"Now that your parents are no longer in this world, our Lin family is your only relative in this world."

"This time I came here to ask you to go back to the Lin family with me, so that we can celebrate the New Year together."

"Besides, I heard that you and my son Lin Xiao have some conflicts. We are all brothers and can reconcile."

"According to seniority, you should call him cousin."

Lin Yuan explained patiently.

But when Luo Ming heard that he was going back to the Lin family, his face became very strange.

"I said, I don't want to go back to the Lin family. I promised Qingcheng that I would spend the New Year at the Xia family in the imperial capital this year."

Lin Yuan's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

He made a look at Lin Yuning beside him.

Lin Yuning stepped forward immediately.

"Brother! Why do you want to spend the New Year with her family? It doesn't matter. You are unfamiliar with the imperial capital. Go back to the Lin family, we are all relatives."

"Brother Lin Xiao and I are your family."

As she said this, she wanted to take Luo Ming's arm.

But Luo Ming took a step back and pulled his wrist out.

"Sorry, I don't have any family anymore."

"Also, don't call me brother in the future, okay? I don't want to have anything to do with your Lin family..."

Lin Yuning was stunned. She couldn't believe that Luo Ming actually spoke to her like this.


"No buts, Patriarch Lin Yuan, I want to ask you two questions. First, since my mother is the princess of the Lin family, why did she marry my father in Xinghaizhou and finally die in Xinghaizhou."

"This is the first question."

"Second, you Lin family always say that you are my relatives, then why have you never come to see me three years after my parents died, and have ignored me, and even my parents' funeral was handled by the Xinghaizhou military."

"I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer to these two questions."

"Otherwise...I have to suspect that you came to me this time just for the totem in my body."

"I once read a book where people from the same clan dug out the bones of their younger brothers and transplanted them into their bodies."

"Don't you think you also want to dig out the totem in my body and give it to me, your so-called cousin, your precious son?"

As soon as he said this, several pairs of eyes fell on Lin Yuan.

"If the Lin family really has this idea, even if they overthrow the entire imperial capital today, you won't be able to take Luo Ming away."

Ye Changan was the first to express his stance. He strode over and stood side by side with Luo Ming.

"My Yanxia University means the same thing. Although Lin Xiao and Luo Ming are both students of our Yanxia University, we will not favor anyone, but if something happens to our students, our Yanxia University will naturally not sit idly by and watch!"

Xiao Ping'an also immediately expressed his position.

"Luo Ming has promised to spend New Year's Eve with me. He won't go back with you. Give up."

Xia Qingcheng stood beside Luo Ming, holding his hand and crossing her fingers.

Lin Yuan frowned.

"Luo Ming, the Lin family is your home and we are your family. You should not be so hostile to us."

"My Lin family didn't know about the marriage between your mother and your father. They eloped from the Magic City to Xinghai Prefecture."

"At that time, the Lin family didn't know about your existence. Naturally, it was the same for those three years. It wasn't until you were admitted to Yanxia University and came into contact with Lin Xiao that we knew that you were a descendant of Qingxin. We also regretted that we did not find her in advance. , causing my sister to die in the war."

As he spoke, he showed a heavy expression.

"Yes! Brother Luo Ming, uncle has always felt guilty. You can't speculate on him like this!"

Lin Yuning also spoke.

But Luo Ming didn't believe it. He felt that Lin Yuan was hypocritical!

The plot of the Lin family is definitely not small.

Otherwise, with the energy of the Lin family in the capital city, how could they not find two people for decades?

If they really wanted to take action, wouldn't it be easy?

"I believe you, but I can't go back to the Lin family. Since my parents died, I have been alone."

Even though Lin Yuan explained nicely, Luo Ming still refused.

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