Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 199 Qiongqi Tenfold, passed the test! I have a stomachache, I also have a stomachache!

"Damn it, he's going to be caught in just two minutes, so I have no choice but to fight him."

Luo Ming's face was ugly. The power of this Qiongqi was also a monster, controlling the power of sound and wind and thunder.

It was extremely fast, and it actually summoned endless strong winds to block his way.

It was really tricky!

"God's Feather!"

Luo Ming clenched the God's Feather.

Red flames burned the sky, and the inexplicable mechanical weapons on the God's Feather increased.

It turned into a set of weapons to wrap Luo Ming's body, and two fist-thick gun barrels protruded from his left and right hands.

Two more protruded from the top and bottom.

Luo Ming sat in the mecha weapon transformed by the God's Feather, and the four black gun muzzles in front of him were facing Qiongqi.


Bang bang bang!

The red Nirvana God Fire condensed into real bullets, and one after another flew out from the four gun barrels.

"What is this?"

Qiongqi was confused.

Why did he get a big iron block?

However, there was no time to think about it. The endless Nirvana divine fire condensed into bullets, pulling out a series of bullet lines in the air.

Crackling, the divine fire turned into bullets and approached Qiongqi.

Blocking the roads on all sides of him, the bullet lines intersected to prevent Qiongqi from approaching.

"Wind and Thunder Jie!"

Boom boom boom!

Qiongqi opened his mouth, and purple gusts of wind wrapped in the power of wind and thunder broke through the air.

A series of thunder balls and bullet lines collided.

"Want to stop me! Dream on!"

"Wind and Thunder Protect Your Body!"


Qiongqi was covered with rolling gusts of wind and roaring thunder, looking like a light shuttle, rushing towards Luo Ming.

The fire bomb hit him, but was offset by the gusts of wind and thunder.

"Damn it."

Luo Ming switched modes, the divine feather turned into a long sword, and he rushed up directly.

"Here we are! Qiongqi Tenfold!"

Qiongqi laughed and waved his claws to slap Luo Ming's red long sword.


The moment the claws and the blade touched each other, Luo Ming's face changed.

He felt that the power in Qiongqi's body was like waves, one stronger than the other!

After five strokes, his palms were numb, and after eight strokes, the long sword slipped out of his hand.

Finally, he was slapped away by Qiongqi, and turned into a meteor and fell into the mountain.

"This is Laozi's third ability, Qiongqi Tenfold, ten times superposition, the power increases step by step!"

"Now I can have a good meal!"

He laughed loudly and swooped towards the smashed mountain.

"Five minutes left, fight!"

Ten evil spaces, no taboos!

"Nine deaths and nine nirvanas!"

The Phoenix cried out, reborn from the fire, and spread its wings to fly!


Luo Ming rushed towards Qiongqi fearlessly.

"Even if we both perish, I can die with you nine times! I don't believe I can't survive for more than five minutes!"

The Phoenix, burning with raging flames, rushed towards Qiongqi.

Qiongqi's face turned black.

"Damn... this kid, a piece of ass!"


Outside world.

"Can't find Luo Ming."

The members of the Tianchi Holy Group came back and said softly.


Ye Changan was confused.

"Did this kid fall into a pit?"

"Are you sure you've looked everywhere?"

"I even looked in the women's restroom."

The member covered his face and said.

"What's wrong with your face?"

"I got hit."

Ye Changan: "..."

"Why, it seems that the Tianchi Holy Group will have no successors, and there is no newcomer who can take on the responsibility."

Yu Xianglong was overjoyed.

After losing for so long, he can finally beat Ye Changan once.

"Ye Changan, I don't want you to do anything. The loser will give up a spot in the competition for the sequence weapon."

Ye Changan's face darkened.

"Get lost."

"Who told you I lost?"

"Our team members are in the toilet and will be here soon."

Ye Changan secretly poked in his heart.

"Luo Ming, Luo Ming, don't mess with my mentality. I can't afford to lose."

"If I really lose, I won't have to live with this old face anymore."

Trial space.

"Fuck! You win."

Qiongqi lay on the top of the mountain and gasped.

"You kid, you are a pervert!"

"You're playing with your life, you don't want to!"

He was covered with black and gray, and even his hair was burned by Luo Ming.

"Eight lives, and I only lasted five minutes. If the senior set eleven minutes, I would be dead."

Luo Ming smiled bitterly.

If it was the real Shenhuang, it would never be so miserable.

He was far from fully mastering the power of Shenhuang.

"It's nothing. If you lose, you lose. I, Qiongqi, always keep my word."

"You passed my test."

Qiongqi shook his huge head.

"The power of wind and thunder is the fastest in the world. If you use it well, you don't have to be afraid of the Golden Winged Dapeng, which is famous for its speed."

"Qiongqi Tenfold is my own magical power. Ten vibrations can increase the power tenfold."

"If you can use the power of other beasts to apply Qiongqi Tenfold, you may get unexpected surprises."

"Raging sound of waves is a soul attack, shocking the beast soul and taking it by surprise."

"At the same time, the power of my voice can also confuse people and affect the other party's memory."

"The above is my inheritance."

"Congratulations, kid."

Qiongqi looked at Luo Ming, but found that the other party was not as happy as he imagined after getting his inheritance.

He couldn't help but frown.

"Boy, what's wrong with you?"

"Senior Qiongqi, I shouldn't eat people, right?"

Qiongqi was stunned.

"Hahaha! I never eat people, I was just joking with you!"

"I don't know who spread the rumor that I like to eat people, I just like to make friends with humans, because the IQ of other fierce beasts is too low, and chatting with idiots is a headache."

"So I want to make friends with smarter humans, but unfortunately, they seem to be very afraid of me. Every time they see me, they are scared to death."

"After death, the body was eaten by jackals and wild dogs, and in the end, they all blamed me, saying that I like to eat people."

"I don't like to eat people at all. Our Qiongqi clan has a super high IQ. How can we eat people? It's funny."

"I am a genius who is proficient in the languages ​​of all races."

Qiongqi looked arrogant, shaking his head, and was very proud.

Luo Ming: "..."

"Okay, the inheritance is over, kid, you can go out."

When Luo Ming came to his senses, he was already in the bathroom.

He opened the door silently and walked out, but bumped into a member of the Holy Team.

The two of them stared at each other.

The member of the Holy Team pointed at Luo Ming with a look of horror and screamed.

"You... I just looked for this pit, and there was no one there. Did you just climb up?"

Luo Ming: "???"

"You are wrong. You didn't look here just now."

His voice was filled with waves of magic sound, and the team member scratched his head.

"Yes, I don't think I have looked here."

"Okay, we are going to compete, let's go."

Luo Ming walked out of the toilet.

The team member followed him, frowning.

"I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't remember it."

Yu Xianglong waited confidently.

Not far away, two figures came.

After Xiao Zixuan and Feng Tianyang saw the figure.

Their faces changed instantly.

They looked at each other.

"Didn't they say Luo Ming was not there? The information was wrong, and he didn't come from outside. Could he have been in the Tianchi Holy Team?"

The faces of the two people suddenly became ugly.

No need to fight, they don't have masochism, two of them together probably won't be enough to beat Luo Ming.

And Yu Xianglong was still talking.

"Looks like he's finally here, it's not easy."

Yu Xianglong had never seen Luo Ming, so he didn't know what he looked like.

"Who of you two is going to go?"

He turned to the two people behind him and asked.

"You go first, I have a stomachache."

Xiao Zixuan covered his abdomen with a face full of tears.

"What a coincidence? I have a stomachache too."

Feng Tianyang frowned, his face instantly paled a little.

Xiao Zixuan even thought for a moment that this guy was learning Peking Opera face-changing.

"I guess he has diarrhea, I need to go to the toilet."

"I should be too."

"Then let's go together."


After saying that, the two turned around and left.

Yu Xianglong: "???"

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