Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 205: Fight against Chimera! Chimera's true form! Lin's father and son arrive!


When Chimera turned around, he saw a huge bloody beast attacking him in mid-air.


A bloody stream poured down from mid-air towards him.

A killing opportunity flashed in Chimera's eyes, and she turned around and spit out a circle of sound waves towards Luo Ming.


Two attacks exploded in mid-air at the same time, and at this time Luo Ming fell from the sky.

"You guys get out of the way and I'll deal with this guy!"

His face was slightly condensed, and he obviously felt a powerful wave in this Chimera, which was extremely threatening.

"This guy……"

Looking at the Chimera, Luo Ming couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

There was human wisdom in this guy's eyes, and the most important thing was that he felt a familiar feeling in the Chimera's body.

Luo Ming shook his head, wondering what kind of illusion this was.

"Hey! Silly guy, I'll be your opponent!"

The huge Taotie's eyes were full of ferocity, and he challenged Chimera.


Chimera roared angrily and rushed towards Luo Ming.

The three giant pythons behind him also circled in the air and pounced on Luo Ming in an extremely weird and twisted posture.

"Let's separate!"

Luo Ming jumped out of Taotie's body.


He glowed with golden light and transformed into a real dragon to fight with him!

The beast-shaped Taotie Pu fights with the Chimera.

Luo Ming himself, holding the True Dragon Sword, turned around and struck at your three giant pythons with his sword.

"The third level of Sapphire is indeed very strong!"

"However, I will never be afraid of you under the circumstances!"

Luo Ming stood on Taotie's head. He was holding a golden sword, his eyes were cold, and his red cloak was flying behind him.

Like a king going to war!


Taotie waved his palm and swept it towards the opponent.

Luo Ming rose into the air and slashed down with his sword from above!

"Nine Dragons Yin!"

"hold head high!"

Dragon roars sounded one after another, and the nine divine dragons bit together towards the three demonic snakes behind Chimera.

At the same time, a manta ray appeared in the sky above the station.

Lin Xiao and Lin Yuan stood on the back of the manta ray at the same time, looking down at the battlefield below.

"See that chimera?"

Lin Yuan said calmly.

Lin Xiao nodded.

"I saw it, father. Is it the one that killed Luo Ming's parents back then? That's why Luo Ming has such hatred for him!"

"However, with Luo Ming's strength, it is only a matter of time before he is defeated by him. Even if Chimera's strength is no longer at its peak, the Sapphire level is still the Sapphire level, and it is not something Luo Ming, an ant who has just entered the Diamond level, can deal with."

Lin Yuan smiled and said nothing.

"Xiao'er, in a real sense, it was not Chimera who killed Luo Ming's parents, but it was also Chimera."


Lin Xiao was stunned.

"Father, what do you mean by this?"

A flash of recollection flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes.

"You should know that your aunt, my sister Lin Qingxin, fell into the Huangpu River due to an accident, and then encountered a totem."

Lin Xiao shook his head, this is the story of the totem girl of the Lin family, and now everyone in Yanxia's upper class knows about it.

"That totem sucked up all the water in the Huangpu River, and Lin Qingxin was saved."

"At that time, we didn't know what this totem represented. It wasn't until one day that Lin Qingxin's A-level monster unexpectedly evolved and defeated an S-level monster. Then we were shocked to discover that the totem has the power to allow monsters to evolve. The terrifying power!”

Lin Yuan couldn't help but sigh. If Lin Qingxin was born in any other big clan, with a totem, she would definitely become the best disciple and be supported by the entire family.

But he was born in the Lin family. At that time, the head of the Lin family, Lin Qitian, was trapped by the lack of monster potential and could not make further progress.

He fell into madness many times, and became greedy after learning that his daughter had something that allowed monsters to evolve.

Lin Qitian is a generational hero. He came to Magic University to study when he was young.

I am motivated to do something great, and I also feel that I am like gold and can always shine.

Because of this, you were ridiculed by your classmates. You are indeed gold, but even the floor of the Magic City is paved with gold. You have an A-level talent, which may be good in a small place. In the Magic City, a meteorite falling from the sky can kill you. pile.

However, it only took him three years to make all the students at the University of Magic shut up and respect him like a ghost!

And the classmate who once mocked him had his hands and feet disabled by him.

Lin Qitian's original name was not Lin Qitian, but Lin Zhiming.

He fought his way out from the bottom, and finally established the Lin family in the Magic City and then changed his name to Lin Qitian!

Knowing one's destiny means asking him to know his own destiny and learn to accept it.

But Lin Qitian was unwilling to give in. He once shouted to all the teachers and students in the Hundred Schools Competition, "My fate is up to me and I can't help it!"

So he changed his name to Qitian!

"My father is a person with a weak temperament. What he talks about most often is that people will be destroyed if they don't do it for themselves."

"We kids are just tools to him."

"After learning about the totem in Qingxin's body, my father became greedy and wanted to dig the totem out of her body."

"On a rainy night, Qingxin didn't know where she got the news, so she ran away from the Lin family overnight. She even sealed the totem, kept her name anonymous, and then disappeared."

"Until many years later, when Xinghaizhou was in turmoil, Qingxin was forced to use the power of the totem, and was sensed by the family. It was at that time that your second uncle Lin Yaoxin was sent by your father to arrest your aunt."

As Lin Yuan spoke, the battle below became more and more thrilling.

Luo Ming was even forced to fight hand-to-hand with Chimera.

The True Dragon Sword was knocked away, and Luo Ming punched Chimera's head directly.


The opponent raised his claws and blocked Luo Ming's punch.

Then, the Taotie behind Luo Ming jumped up, opened his bloody mouth and bit towards Chimera's wings.


He turned over and dodged in an instant, then wiped his mouth with his claws.

Finally, he spoke human words.

"This feeling... You are Qingxin's son!"

Luo Ming was stunned in place.

"Chimera was in turmoil, and was killed by Qingxin with the power of the totem Taotie. After that, Yaoxin came to take Qingxin away, so Qingxin fought with Lin Yaoxin. She was exhausted and could not defeat Yaoxin, and finally had to die with him."

"However, in that battle, Qingxin died, but Yaoxin did not die completely."

"The monster awakened by Yaoxin was the ghost beast. The ghost beast has a very powerful innate skill, soul transfer! This is a passive skill that can only be triggered at the critical moment of life and death."

"After the body was shattered, Yaoxin's soul left the body and occupied the body of the dead Chimera!"

"Then, they completely disappeared from the wall."

Lin Yuan continued to explain.

"Brother, since you are already here, there is no need to hide in the sky and tell stories all the time."

Below, Chimera spoke in human language and spoke lightly.


Lin Yuan smiled, so he grabbed Lin Xiao and jumped down from mid-air in an instant.

A suspended silver mechanical ball appeared in his hand.

"Thousand Machine Cage!"


A huge steel cage descended from midair, enveloping Luo Ming and Lin Yaoxin.

"Long time no see, Yaoxin."

Lin Yuan strode towards the two of them with Lin Xiao.

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