Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 232 The Cruel Emperor of the Holy British Empire! The Korean Country, Experts in Talking! Lu

Yanxia Country has entered the top ten!

Luo Ming alone has already killed the entire Britain!

This is undoubtedly very amazing!

The whole network is now boiling, and the netizens with British IPs don’t even dare to speak!

For fear of being collectively dissed to death by Yanxia!

It’s too embarrassing that so many people can’t beat a Yanxia person!

“Asshole! Asshole! Trash! All trash!”

British Imperial City, Fog City!

In the palace, the seventh generation of the British Holy Empire, wearing a crown and holding a scepter, the great emperor was so angry that he kicked over his diamond-studded chair!

“Damn Yanxia people!”


He looked at the cold-faced boy on the screen and wished he could eat his flesh alive!

It’s too embarrassing!

His son was beaten into a dead dog by Luo Ming!

A real dead dog!

"Your Majesty, Guilford is already handling the funeral for His Highness Ed, and his body should be shipped back soon."

A minister spoke respectfully from the audience.

"Why ship it back? It's a disgrace! It's embarrassing for the empire!!"

"Feed it to the dogs!"

The emperor, Edesnod, waved his hands angrily.

The ministers in the audience were all horrified.

As expected of him... the first tyrant in the history of the empire!

Too cruel!

This is his own son!

"Tell the Hand of God! I agree to join their alliance!"

"I must make Yanxia pay the price! Especially this damn kid!"

"Luo Ming, right? I remember this name!"

His eyes were gloomy, but like a tiger, staring at his prey!

"Your Majesty, I think our empire cannot join the plan of the Hand of God. This is really a bit..."


"It violates the...personality and dignity of being a human being!"

"Personality and dignity?"

Edesnod smiled coldly.

"You have so much personality and dignity?"

"Guards! Drag him away, chop him up and feed him to the dogs, and send his family along. I want to see how many people in the empire have personality and dignity."

When these words came out, the minister was frightened and sat on the ground.

Trembling, the others did not dare to speak.

"Personality and dignity? Can these things be eaten? As long as you can become stronger, as long as you can survive, these things... are not worth a dime!"

The emperor sneered.

"History is written by the victors, and time is enough to wash away everything."

"In the future, hundreds of years later, our descendants will no longer call themselves human beings."

"But... monsters! Monsters at the top of the food chain, and humans... are just food!"

The ministers below were all numbed, but they did not dare to disobey this tyrant in the slightest!

The next round of the competition is the top ten.

The current seeded teams are Yanxia, ​​Sakura, Lighthouse, Asan, Gallic Chicken, and Mao Xiong. Only these six countries are left.

And four other countries.

"Luo Ming, now Koreans are saying on the Internet that you got the power of the totem from them!"

"Besides, you have half Korean blood in you, you should compete on behalf of Korea!"

During the halftime break, Xia Qingcheng came over with a mobile phone.

Luo Ming: "???"

"I remember there is Korea in the top ten battle, right?"

Luo Ming asked.


"Don't worry, these guys will be honest after a scare."

Luo Ming smiled slightly.

The second battle is about to start.

As usual, draw lots.

Luo Ming is the first to go up, and everyone is very concerned about which country he will draw.

If the popularity of this 100-school competition is 90%, Luo Ming alone accounts for 9.5%.

Others owe 0.5%.

"If you ask me, Luo Ming's popularity is enough to start live streaming and selling goods! A lot of advertising companies want to sign him!"

"Luo Ming has the potential to become a big internet celebrity! As long as he wants, earning a million a year is not a dream!"

"I remember that the minimum subsidy for members of the four holy teams seems to be 1.5 million a year."

"Luo Ming: Thank you."

"It's Tiangang!"

"You're so rude!"

"The Tianchi Holy Team is also on good terms, and they can even hang out with Luoshen!"

"The Tianchi Holy Team: First of all, I didn't provoke any of you."

Luo Ming drew a stick.

"If you ask me, Luo Ming should come to our Korean team and fight for us Koreans!"

"That's right, he obviously has Korean blood!"

"The Yanxia people are so shameless, they plagiarized our Korean blood!"

"Luo Ming has become so powerful because he has our Korean blood!"

Korean netizens all over the country were talking nonsense.

Luo Ming took out the stick and smiled slightly.

"No pressure in this round, Korea, it's stable."


All Korean netizens were silent.

"Give up?"

"How about...give up this time?"

"My stomach hurts before the game even starts."

"That's enough, just for show, hurry up and admit defeat."

The talented players in the Korean team were very excited when they heard that their opponent was Luo Ming.

"Captain, my stomach hurts a little."

"That...Captain, my grandma is going to give birth to my dad, I'm going to go back and see if it's a boy or a girl!"


There was silence, and the entire Bangzi country was in a state of panic!

The Prime Minister immediately issued an urgent message, asking the entire team of Bangzi Country to admit defeat.

They don't want to be like Britain and be slapped by Luo Ming in front of hundreds of countries.

"We surrender!"

The captain of Bangzi Country raised his hand and said.

Luo Ming smiled slightly.

"Oops, I made a mistake. The one I drew was not the Bangzi Kingdom, but the Asan Kingdom."

The whole Bangzi Kingdom: "..."

You may be kidding us, but there is a feeling of relief across the country!

"Seize the bamboo shoots! Luo Shen's move is too hellish!"

"Bangziguo has already given up, but he made a mistake!"

"I suspect that Luo Shen may have done it on purpose!"

"Please remove my suspicion!"

This round, although Bangziguo was lucky enough not to encounter Luo Ming.

But they encountered a lighthouse.

Bao gave in.

And Mao Xiongguo faced off against the Gallic Chicken, and Lecia wanted to fight the savior saint!

Ah Sanguo faced Yan Xia.

"Referee, we request...a change of venue."

The captain of the Three Kingdoms, the ascetic who was carrying a human stick, said.


The Immortal King raised his eyes and looked at him.

"Because... this arena is too small, not enough to release all the power."

Strangely enough, in the previous round of battle, he didn't transform at all, and just relied on a few team members to defeat his opponent.

Therefore, no one knows what this guy's monster is.

"Okay, I agree, then... the battlefield will be moved to the ruins outside Guilford for the time being."

"We will broadcast the entire event live, and at the same time, we will send two referees to follow."

The Immortal King agreed.

"Jiejiejie! That's really great!"

"Yanxia people! Give me unparalleled pain!"

"You must be the greatest gift God has given me!"

"I will carefully taste all the pain you give me, and I will not let you die so easily!"

The human stick monster looked at Luo Ming excitedly and laughed wildly.

He seemed very happy.

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