Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 30: A wall separates us! The garrison, a cruel era!

"Okay, Luo Ming, I allow you and Xia Qingcheng to go out of the wall, but... you are all geniuses of Yanxia, ​​I need to protect you secretly, is this okay?"

Mo Rutian asked solemnly.

After thinking for a while, Luo Ming nodded.

"Okay, sure, Mo Kuishou, then I'll trouble you."

"Oh yeah, now I can go out and play too!"

Ning Susu shouted excitedly.


Xia Qingcheng clenched her fist and tapped Ning Susu's head lightly.

"We are not going out to play. It is very dangerous outside the wall. We are just wandering around the three-kilometer range around the wall. If we go further, powerful monsters will appear. Susu, do you know how many holy groups are wiped out outside the wall every year?"

"They all died heroically for Daxia. The blood of those warriors was not shed in vain. This is a very serious matter. Don't think we are going out to play."

Xia Qingcheng warned.


"Sorry, Qingcheng, I was wrong."

Ning Susu covered her head and said apologetically.

A blue light lit up at the military teleportation array of Xinghaizhou.

The figures of the four people disappeared in the blue light at the same time.

Through the teleportation array, you can go to the Yanxia military garrison. This circle of garrison is surrounded by walls. If the wall is breached.

Then this circle of Yanxia garrison will be the first to be destroyed.

Thirty-six regions and seventy-two states have their own territories in the garrison.

Mo Rutian appeared in the garrison with a few people.

As soon as he walked out of the formation, a breath of murderous and tyrannical breath came to his face.

In this garrison, it seemed that the air was much heavier.

"This is..."

Ning Susu widened her eyes.

"The garrison is only separated from the ruins by a wall."

Xia Qingcheng said.

She had come to the garrison with her elders once, and that time was when the Xingyue beast tide broke out.

Her father, a war king of Yanxia, ​​came to suppress the monsters in the wilderness.

That battle was very bloody. She stood on the wall and watched her father fight with the monsters in the wilderness.

The warriors of Yanxia fought through the ruins of a hundred miles.

This hundred miles of land was paved with blood, with the bodies of Yanxia warriors and monsters.

The scene was extremely shocking.

Xia Qingcheng still remembers these vividly.

Boom boom boom!

The earth trembled, and not far away, there were giant beasts more than ten meters tall lined up and walked towards this side.

These beasts carried giant spears as thick as a foot in one hand and shields as high as three or four people in the other hand.

The armor all over the body was rusty, and the rust and blood of various colors were mixed together, and it was hard to tell whether it was someone else's or his own.

There was only a strong and tough look in the beast's eyes.

And the exposed muscle lines of the beast were also tense at all times, so that they could fight at any time.

"Hunter Beast, this is just a C-level monster, its characteristics are large size and strong power, but its growth space is extremely limited."

"Many people in Yanxia have awakened this kind of monster. They are stationed in the place where they keep the monster posture all day long, patrolling day and night. Sometimes, after staying for a long time, you don't even know whether you are a human or a monster."

Xia Qingcheng said solemnly.

As we all know, there are many people awakening in Yanxia, ​​and this kind of monster is also the cannon fodder that rushes to the front line every time the Star Moon Beast Tide.

It seems that their duty is to protect this city until death.

Luo Ming's mood is a little heavy.

Although some people have always emphasized that this is a cruel world, he has been staying in Yanxia City, and the walls are not as dangerous as he imagined.

Until he came to this station, he realized that his previous thoughts were still naive.

This place is simply purgatory, and the air is always filled with the smell of blood.

There are walking giant beasts patrolling everywhere, and there are also roars of monsters outside the wall.

Countless monsters want to break through the wall, occupy human territory, and turn humans into food.

"Let's go, let's go to the teleportation array."

Mo Rutian led everyone to the teleportation array of the garrison.

A moment later.

"After leaving the teleportation array, there are ruins. Then you will see this cruel world with your own eyes."

He said solemnly.

Then, he handed a map to Xia Qingcheng.

"The monster you want to kill, the water frog, is in a lake about three kilometers outside the city."

"As long as you are not in danger of life, I will never take action."

Mo Rutian said.

Xia Qingcheng nodded.

The shadows of several people disappeared in the teleportation array.

"Boss! Will this water frog really be attracted out?"

"Of course, the water frog likes to eat fish the most, and this delicious fish of the third-level black iron is delicious and rich in energy, which is the favorite of the water frog."

"It will definitely come out. The water frog out of water can only exert one-tenth or one-twelfth of its strength at most."

"By then, this monster ranked 45th on the hunting list will be ours."

In the ruins, monsters are rampant in the mountains and forests.

Among them, there are three figures lying in the grass beside a clear lake.

They are the mercenary group.

In the monster era, the legion is under the jurisdiction of the military, but the requirements for joining the military are very strict.

Not everyone can join the military, so the mercenary group came into being.

The mercenary group, as the name suggests, is profit-oriented. As long as there is money, they will do anything.

After hunting monsters, the mercenary group will also use the resources on the monsters to exchange for money.

This is their way of life.

However, mercenaries are extremely insidious and cunning because they have worked hard among the people. They will do anything for the sake of profit.

Even in large-scale battles, they will go to loot and search for property and resources on corpses.

They are also called wild dogs on the battlefield.

Very disgusting.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the water surface began to tremble wildly.

The gurgling water spread to both sides.

The next second, a huge blue creature leaped out.

The body of the water frog is more than three meters long, and the longest tongue can even stretch out more than ten meters.

It has strong jumping ability and controls the power of flowing water. There is mucus on the surface of the body, which can resist ordinary close-range attacks.

"Here it comes!"

"Hide! The water frog is very alert, don't let it find you!"

The mercenary captain Liu Li said softly.

The three men lay in the bushes, very cautious.

However, they underestimated the strength of the water frog.

The water frog can even sense the flow of air to determine whether there are natural enemies around it.


It let out a loud cry, opened its mouth, and its red tongue shot towards the three mercenaries like a sharp arrow.

The speed was extremely fast.

"How is it possible! It found us!"

The three people's faces changed drastically.

They hurriedly wanted to escape.

But the tongue shot too fast, and they had no time to dodge.

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