Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 44: Explosive! Those who lose money will lose everything, and those who earn money will earn

"No... wasn't he the Meteor Fire Wolf that he awakened? What kind of monster is this? I've never seen it before! It's so domineering!"

"Oh my goodness! Why is this monster so handsome? It must be a dragon!"

"Is he a double awakener? This is too rare!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Ning Susu covered her mouth in surprise.

"This, this, this..."

he stammered.

"Qingcheng can't be..."

Xia Qingcheng nodded in approval.

"Yes, this is Luo Ming."

No wonder he was so determined to call himself and others Yalang, it turned out that he himself was Yalang!

Should have thought of it earlier!

"Luo Ming has already broken through the bronze level. With the strength he has shown...a demon lion at level 8 bronze will not be his opponent."

Xia Qingcheng shook her head.

"Be prepared to collect money. We made a lot of money in Susu, but we owe Luo Ming a favor."

Xia Qingcheng rubbed her eyebrows.

If I continue to owe this favor, I won't know how to repay it.

Do you really want to serve him like a cow and a horse for the rest of your life?

"Great, big profit! Hahahaha, hey, why aren't you happy, Qingcheng?"

Ning Susu jumped up and down excitedly, but when she turned around, she saw Xia Qingcheng looking sad.

"It's nothing, I'm a little tired."

Ning Susu tilted her head, making too much money, feeling tired?

"This fang wolf actually hides his strength! This aura is much stronger than the meteor fire wolf he transformed into before!"

"Hey, this game won't be capsized in the gutter, right? I bet three million magic lions to win!"

"Don't worry! No matter how strong the Yalang's second monster is, its level is there! There is a huge gap between the strength of the first-level bronze and the eighth-level demon lion's bronze!"

"That's right, the gap is there, it can't violate the hierarchy."

Some people are worried, some are worried, and some are comforting themselves.


Lin Moqing looked at the figure in the red cloak, a look of worry flashed on her face.

Is this going to capsize in the gutter again?

She spent all her savings betting on the magic lion and won.

"Don't worry, it's okay, Mo Qing. The level gap is as huge as a natural chasm. There is no way Yalang can win."

Wang Zhe hugged Lin Moqing's shoulders and comforted her.

Lin Moqing's attention was always on the ring, not looking at him.

Otherwise, you will find that Wang Zhe's face is pale now, and even his lips are trembling.

Although I know there is a huge level difference between the two, the aura of this fang wolf feels more than a hundred times stronger than that of the demon lion!

"I didn't expect you to be a double awakener! It's interesting!"

The demon lion smiled ferociously.

Luo Ming's aura was indeed very strong, and he looked quite intimidating.

But he is also experienced in many battles and has experienced many battles.

I have encountered many silver gun candleheads with strong momentum and average strength.

And his greatest confidence comes from the grade mark on his chest.

Bronze level eight versus bronze level one.

"Come die!"

"Roar! The lion roars!"

Boom boom boom!

On the arena, gravel rolled, and the sound waves of the demon lion's roar turned into substance, rolling towards Luo Ming like a cannonball.

"The level gap is indeed like a chasm, but if you are in the same level as me, sorry, this chasm is just a small ditch, you can cross it in one step."

In the same large level, Longwei's intimidating power can suppress 50% of the opponent's combat power.

Let me ask you, no matter how strong the Demon Lion is, how can you still play after being suppressed by 50% of its combat power? Are you playing with your head?


Luo Ming's pupils moved, and an overwhelming coercion rushed towards the demon lion.

"hold head high!"

The deafening roar of the dragon instantly overwhelmed the roar of the demon lion.

"How can this be!"

The Demon Lion's expression changed drastically, and he felt a pressure enveloped him. Under this pressure, all his energy seemed to be locked.

Regardless of speed, explosiveness or strength, all aspects were suppressed by at least 50%.

"Okay, ready to collect the money."

Luo Ming stepped forward and reached towards the demon lion with one hand.

"damn it!"

The Demon Lion wanted to raise his hand to resist, but Luo Ming just pressed down with one hand, and the Demon Lion's arms felt as if they had been hit by heavy hammers.

It twisted into a weird arc in mid-air.

Drooping at ninety degrees.

"You don't really think you can fight me, do you? If it weren't for the purpose of increasing the odds, I wouldn't have worked so hard in the last match."

"To be honest, it's easy to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but it's really difficult to have a 50-50 fight with a pig."

Luo Ming sneered.

Outside the court, Ghost Face, who was still bandaged, heard this and his face twitched.

I have always been acting with myself when it comes to relationships!

He still looked unwilling to suffer the loss, feeling that he had capsized in the gutter.

In fact, it was purely for walking the dog.

"Okay, now that it's been exposed, I don't want to waste any time."

"Hurry up and get the championship and end this farce."


Luo Ming kicked out suddenly and hit the demon lion on the chest.

The demon lion's body flew out uncontrollably.

Then Luo Ming's body flashed and appeared above him again.


He put his hands together and hit the demon lion's chest like a sledgehammer.


A figure fell to the ground fiercely, and a huge collapse sunken in the chest.

The magic lion turned back to human form, and now there was air in but no air out.


The whole audience was in an uproar!

Everyone was stunned!

The magic lion lost!

Bronze level 8 lost to Bronze level 1!

And the strength displayed by this magic lion made people feel that it had no momentum of bronze level 8 at all!

"Damn, this guy is not a drag! How can the strength of bronze level 8 be shown like black iron, this is too water!"

"That's right! This rotten drag, I really give in!"

"Did he deliberately cheat our money and want to split it 50-50 with Yalang!"

Everyone cursed at the magic lion.

Especially the friend who bet 3 million, almost jumped down from the audience and ate the magic lion alive.

But they didn't know that under the deterrence of Longwei, the magic lion could only exert half of his strength.

"Lose... Lost..."

Lin Moqing's lips trembled.

This is 330,000 yuan, all the money she has, is it just going down the drain?

"Wang... Wang Zhe, what should I do! 330,000 yuan, this is all my money!"

She looked at Wang Zhe with a helpless look.

But Wang Zhe's face was a hundred times uglier than hers.

Damn, I bet a full 3 million yuan on it!

Now you tell me that I lost, what should I do?

I borrowed it.

If I tell my father that I lost 3 million yuan, my father will really break his legs in anger.

He is not a direct descendant of the Wang family, and he is not as good as the three brothers of the Wang family!

"330,000 yuan is nothing! I lost 3 million yuan! Fuck!"

Wang Zhe's eyes were red, and he roared with a ferocious face.

Lin Moqing was shocked by his appearance.

"You... you are mean to me."

Wang Zhe suddenly realized that he had lost his composure.

He hurriedly calmed down.

"Sorry, Mo Qing, I'm sorry, I lost my composure. I'll find a way. I'll find a way for you."

He took out his cell phone.

There was no other way, so he could only ask for help from his brothers, the three direct descendants of the Wang family.

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