Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 79: The power of the King's City Devourer! The King of War retreats! Gu Yumo goes crazy

Didi didi! Didi didi!

Almost at the same time, sounds rang out from all the candidates' military merit scorers.

"Can you hear me? I am Ma Youde. Now I am announcing that the assessment is over. There are 171 people left in this assessment. Everyone will return to the station immediately."

Luo Ming and others raised their eyes slightly.

"Let's go, the assessment is over, go back."

All the candidates began to shrink in the direction of the stationed place.

"Haha, sixth, I didn't expect that I, Zhao Jiran, would be like this."

Zhao Jianran looked at the scorer in his hand and shook his head silently.

"It would be great if we come back from the Freshman Competition! Damn Luo Ming, he actually wanted me to be his pet. If I hadn't run so fast, he would have succeeded!"

Chu Qingning clenched her fists and said angrily.

"They don't want to keep you."

Zhao Jianran shook his head.

"Otherwise you won't be able to leave."

"Find a time to show mercy to him."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Qingning instantly looked like a little wild cat with explosive hair.

"What did you say? Submit? How could I possibly submit? I am Chu Qingning of the Chu family!"

Zhao Jianran sighed.

I have to say that the eldest lady is quite angry.

I have not been beaten up by society.

"Okay, let's go back."

He shook his head.

The two retreated in the direction of where they were stationed.

But at this moment, deep in the ruins, on the distant skyline.

The huge devourer of the royal city that was looming in the clouds trembled suddenly.

The next second!


A violent explosion sounded, and the terrifying fluctuations turned into reality and swept away in all directions.

The pressure was rolling, and even the space seemed to be torn apart as the wind howled.

"what happened!"

All the candidates' faces changed drastically, showing fear.

"Something's wrong! Something happened to King Punishment War and King Gu Zhan!"

The three generals stationed on the ground looked stern.

The next second, as expected, two figures retreated from the depths of the ruins like fireballs.

A golden monster with an eagle head and body, carrying wings on his back, surrounded by terrifying thunder.

In one hand he held a blue copper hammer with roaring thunder, and in the other hand he held a thunder nail the size of a dagger.

This is Tang Momo's father, the King of Punishment War Tang Tianci.

SS-class monster, Thunder-Huangmon.

The other figure is a black and white dragon-shaped monster, holding two pale swords. It is Tianyu War King, Gu Yumo.

"Damn it! This King City Devourer is not only the main beast, but also an auxiliary beast. The split monster is so powerful."

Tang Tianci said with an ugly expression.

It was so strong that all the three generals were damaged in it.

This time Yan Xia really suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, after devouring three generals, this King City Devourer became even more powerful.

If both of them were devoured, then this monster would be able to evolve to the level of the tenth level of gold and jade.

At that time, only the king-level powerhouse can suppress it.

Now, more than half of the Nine Heavenly Kings of Hot Summer are in the Human Federation, sitting at the forefront of the Federation at the mountains and seas, where there are the most monsters.

"No, the King City Devourer has started to move!"

Gu Yumo said coldly.

I saw a humanoid spotted creature with a mushroom head flying out of Cheng Castle.

The white body is covered with black spots, and the opening on the head is constantly spitting out spores.

The spores split again into monsters in the air.

To put it simply, the King City Devourer split into nine main beasts.

The strength of these nine main beasts are all at the third level of the Golden Jade level.

And these nine main beasts split into more monsters.

There are too many!

The two war kings were surrounded by countless humanoid monsters in mid-air.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

The monsters laughed eerily.

As if mocking the incompetence of the War Kings of Yanxia.

"King Gu Zhan, King Zhan Tang, what's going on now!"

The voices of three generals came from the wireless communicator.

"It's hard to handle. This King City Devourer is more powerful than we thought. Let the candidates return to their camp quickly, and then...ask the Imperial Capital for help. This monster's strength requires at least five war kings to solve it!"

Tang Tianci said.

"Withdraw! Everyone withdraw immediately!"

He shouted like thunder to the many candidates below him.


Seeing Tang Tianci surrounded by countless monsters, Tang Momo's eyes instantly turned red.

"Let's go! Retreat to the stationed place. This kind of battle is not something we at our level can intervene in! Don't cause trouble for Tang Zhanwang."

Luo Ming said loudly.

The group of people retreated towards the stationed place one after another.

"Strange, where has Lin Xiao gone?"

Gu Yumo glanced down. He did not see his son Gu Linxiao among the retreating candidates.

Instead, he saw a bloody figure galloping on a blue sky dragon horse beast.

"That's...Luo Ming?! Why would Lu Cheng hang out with him!"

Gu Yumo felt his heart skip a beat for no reason.

"Director Ma, where is my son Gu Linxiao?"

The voice on the communicator trembled suddenly.

The next second, Ma Youde made a faint sound.

"King Gu Zhan, you must be mentally prepared."


Gu Yumo held the communicator tightly, and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He felt that his heart had slowed down by half a beat.

"Master Ling...has fallen!"


Gu Yumo's eyes widened, and his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Are you serious when you say this? Say it again! You are not kidding me!"

"It's absolutely true. I'm really not joking. There is no figure of Young Master Ling among the one hundred and seventy-one candidates who evacuated."


The communicator in his hand was instantly crushed by him.

"Lin Xiao...Lin Xiao is dead?! How is this possible? He is my son, Gu Yumo, the future War King of Yanxia. How can he die!"

"Impossible, this is impossible, who on earth! Who killed him! Ahhh!"


The roar of Tianyu Canglong shook the whole world.

"Lin Xiao, my son!"

"It must be Luo Ming, it must be Luo Ming who killed him!"

Gu Yumo's eyes turned red.

His eyes locked on Luo Ming below, and then he swooped down towards him.

"Luo Ming, die!"


He waved his swords, knocking all the countless monsters away, and then left the battlefield regardless.

Kill towards Luo Ming.


Tang Tianci's face suddenly turned green, and Gu Yumo went crazy and ran away.

In an instant, his pressure doubled.

All the monsters rushed towards him.

At this time, the nine main beasts that split from the King City Devourer were also heading towards this direction.

Targeted Tang Tianci.

He was really in trouble and couldn't tell, and his face turned green.

"My god... I have to be buried here today!"

"Come to fight and die! War King Yanxia, ​​would rather die than retreat!"

He gritted his teeth and killed directly towards the nine main beasts.

At this moment, Luo Ming suddenly felt a terrifying energy locking onto him.

Looking up, he saw a murderous intent.

A figure swooped towards him with a sword in hand.

"Tianyu Canglong, Gu Yumo!"

His expression changed.


No, not possible.

Then...it's just Gu Yumo's own guess.

Are you going to attack him based on mere speculation?

What a domineering Summer War King!

"No, Gu Yumo has gone crazy! Stop him quickly!"

The three warriors on the city wall all changed their expressions and roared angrily, jumping down and rushing towards this place.

However, the distance is too far.

"King Gu Zhan, stop!"

They roared with dismay.

At this time, in the teleportation array where they were stationed.

A figure wearing silver armor and holding a silver gun on his shoulder walked out of it.

He glanced up at the sky.

The silver gun in his hand made a dragon roar.

"Follow me...kill the enemy!"

Jiuxiao Silver Dragon Ye Changan descends into the ruins!

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