Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 82 White Tiger Trial! Resist the Beast Tide!

In the Temple of the Ten Evils.

"Boy, you're awake."

A resonant voice sounded, like a bronze bell ringing in the ear.

Luo Ming raised his head.

A domineering and ferocious head was swaying in front of him.

Looking around, it was a tiger with a silver-white body and black rings on its body.

He had big eyes like copper bells, flashing green light.

The hair on his body was pure without a trace of impurities, very beautiful and as bright as silk.

"White Tiger..."

"Yes, it's me, I'm the White Tiger."

He raised his head slightly.

He opened his bloody mouth, revealing his sharp teeth like white jade.

"Young man, I won't talk nonsense with you. Next, show your strength and let me see if you are qualified to obtain my power."

The White Tiger spoke coldly.

"The first trial! Killing Tribulation!"

"Open! Killing Purgatory!"


Instantly, a void of black space completely wrapped Luo Ming's body.

Then, in the darkness, the silver-white tiger strode over.

The air around him was filled with an invisible murderous aura.


The next second, the murderous aura fell on Luo Ming like a mountain.


Luo Ming's body trembled and he almost fell to the ground.

The murderous aura was so suffocating that it almost made him collapse completely.

All his muscles lost their strength, and every cell in his body seemed to be afraid.

"Come on! Boy, use your power to fight me!"

"Fight against my killing purgatory!"

The white tiger said loudly.

"Okay... then come on!"


Luo Ming gasped for breath, he slowly stood up, and then a golden breath revived from his body.


The red cloak fluttered, and Luo Ming turned into a real dragon!

The dragon's might was mighty, and waves of golden dragon might and silver-white murderous aura collided violently in the air.

"Using the might of a real dragon to counter my murderous aura... you're quite smart! Unfortunately... dragon might is suppressed by blood. My white tiger blood is not weaker than a real dragon! Who can you suppress!"


The silver-white murderous aura boiled in the air and turned into half a towering blade.

One knife cut through the mighty dragon might.

Then it enveloped Luo Ming again.


Luo Ming's body trembled. This murderous aura was actually eroding his heart!

It disintegrated his courage and perseverance.

What followed was an extreme fear.

"This is the first trial, the killing bureau. Once you are afraid, the trial will fail. Young man, let me see if you are as good as Taotie and the real dragon said!"

A stronger murderous aura covered Luo Ming's body.

Luo Ming's breath was disordered and he almost fell to his knees.

His pupils contracted and he gasped violently.

His vision began to blur, and darkness flashed in front of his eyes from time to time.

This was a sign that his consciousness was about to collapse.

"If you want to control the killing aura, you must first overcome the fear and become strong enough to be fearless of the killing aura before you can control it."

The white tiger's copper bell-like eyes flashed with thought.

If this young man is not capable, no matter what, he will not give him his power.

Among the three evils, the white tiger, the glutton, and the real dragon.

The devouring and plundering of the glutton tend to be auxiliary.

The dragon body and dragon power of the real dragon tend to suppress and recover.

Only he, the white tiger, is completely fighting, and all his abilities are born for killing.

"Master me, and you will have the most lethal power in the world."

A playful look flashed in the white tiger's eyes.

"Oh? This kid..."

Seeing that Luo Ming's consciousness was chaotic and he was about to fall, but at this time.

This kid actually emptied his consciousness spontaneously and did not resist...

It is better to open than to block, Luo Ming planned to ignore the killing aura and let it completely wrap himself up.

Sure enough, in this situation, he turned from active to passive, and the murderous aura flowed through the surface of his body like an ocean.

He gradually began to not care.


At this moment, the murderous aura faded like a tide.

"Boy, congratulations, you passed the first trial."

The White Tiger retracted the murderous aura and said expressionlessly.

Not caring is the best attitude towards murderous aura.

The more you care, the more you will be restrained and suppressed.

Only by ignoring it like Luo Ming can you not be affected by the murderous aura.

He walked the right way.

However, before Luo Ming could take a breath.

The White Tiger spoke coldly.

"Next, you will accept my second trial! Endless killing!"

[Ding! The third fierce White Tiger issued the second trial task! Endless killing! ]

[After passing, the host can obtain the White Tiger skills! Inherit the White Tiger War Atlas! ]

The White Tiger War Atlas: records all the skills of the White Tiger, including but not limited to close combat, weapons, body movements, field, etc.


The surrounding black space suddenly changed.

The next second, Luo Ming and Bai Hu appeared in a battlefield filled with yellow sand and flying dust.

"Next, your task is... to kill all the opponents in front of you. When you have killed them all, stop!"

Bai Hu said in a muffled voice.

As his voice fell.

Many black spots appeared in the sky in the distance.

When those black spots approached, Luo Ming realized that they were all people!

There are not only people, but also beasts, all kinds of beasts are among them.

Humans and beasts are mixed together, just like a huge tide flooding towards him.

And now, he wants to kill all these enemies like a tide!


"Young man!"

Baihu said coldly.

A fierce look flashed in Luo Ming's eyes.

Without madness, you can't become a Buddha!

Just do it and it's done!


He took a step forward, turned into a real dragon and started to kill!

Baihu's body stood in the clouds.

Looking at the boy rushing down.

"Temple of the Ten Evils! I hope that what you do is really meaningful, and it's worth it for the ten guys who don't get along with each other to seal themselves in it."

Baihu shook his big head and touched his ears.

There were thousands of thoughts in his eyes.

The outside world.

Luo Ming's disappearance didn't need to attract too much attention.

Until this moment, all the candidates retreated to their place of residence.

When the five war kings came out, they suddenly realized that this was the real Star Moon Beast Tide.

In addition to the most important monster King City Devourer driving the nine gold and jade level main beasts, there were also a lot of split auxiliary beasts.

A large group of them were attacking the city wall.

Ma Youde turned into a giant python, surrounded the city wall, and the artillery fire covered all directions.

The Night Warrior shuttled back and forth among the beasts like a shadow.

The Red Lie Warrior was also killing crazily on the battlefield.

In addition, the hunter beasts stationed here, with their tall bodies, also roared and fought with many auxiliary beasts.

In just a few moments, Xia Qingcheng and the others saw that many hunter beasts died tragically.

The bodies were torn apart alive by monsters, and the internal organs and flesh were all over the sky.

It was horrible!

Some students turned pale.

This is the real beast tide. Compared with it, what they had before was just like playing house!

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