Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 9 Falling from the altar, no one dares to want her? Su Wanqing is favored by the War King, a

"It's over! King Gu Zhan is angry! This guy doesn't know what's right! He offended King Gu Zhan! He's done!"

"This kid is really shameless! That means King Gu Zhan doesn't have the same knowledge as him. If I have to go up and feed his two big mouths!"

"He is really too self-righteous! Does he really think that his SS-level talent is invincible? Yan Xia is not a genius without SS-level talent! Or does he think that he can stand up to King Gu Zhan after awakening an SS-level talent? At a high level!”

"Let's not talk about whether he has the potential of Gu Zhan Wang, even if he does, even if he is really comparable to Gu Zhan Wang back then! However, only those who have grown up are War Kings! Those who have not grown up are at best geniuses! And Yanxia doesn’t lack geniuses! What Yanxia lacks are those who can go deep into the ruins and fight monsters!”

"He, Luo Ming, is not yet qualified to compare with King Gu Zhan!"

Netizens criticized.

And the principals of Monster University seemed to have lost interest.

"Forget it, you guys can fight. I have withdrawn from Jinling Monster University. I feel that this young man is not suitable for our school."

"We don't want it in the Magic City anymore."

"Zhehai also gives up. There is no shortage of geniuses in the world, but there is a lack of people who understand the general picture. Zhehai does not need students who are proud of their talents."

"The same goes for the Imperial Capital. If you want to come, take the exam yourself."

As a result, the whole place was in an uproar.

It only took one minute for Luo Ming to go from being the favored son of heaven that everyone admired to falling off the altar and becoming an unwanted weed on the roadside!

It made the War King dissatisfied, and he lost all his support in an instant!

The presidents of the four top universities also think very simply.

Although you are excellent, we do not have to do it for you, and we will not do it for a genius who has not yet grown up.

Offending a Yanxia War King at his peak.

What's more, the person standing behind the Yanxia War King...is one of the five clans in the imperial capital, the Qin family.

That is the Heavenly King family!

"I thought about it, SS-level geniuses are too good, and our Hurricane Monster Academy is not worthy of them."

"We at Zijing also feel that our qualifications are a bit low."

"I don't want Bihai either."

"Our Yingfeng School is developing into a girls' school and will no longer recruit male students."

Even the four monster academies in Xinghai Prefecture didn't dare to ask Luo Ming anymore.

At this moment, Luo Ming seemed to have turned into a piece of poisonous gold.

Although it is very attractive, it is poisonous and no one dares to touch it. If you touch it, you will die.

And this is just a word from the Yanxia War King.

This is the terrifying thing about overwhelming power!

Even if you have talent, no one dares to ask for it!

No one wants to offend a War King for you, not even the Qin family behind the War King.

It's not that you don't dare, it's because your value is... not enough!

In full view of everyone, he fell off the altar in an instant and was abandoned by everyone.

But even so, Luo Ming's expression never changed.

Let him be strong and let him be strong, and the breeze blows on the hills.

No matter how the attitude of the outside world changes, he, Luo Ming, has enough confidence!

After a moment of silence, footsteps sounded.

Luo Ming walked towards the awakening stone brought by the military headquarters.

Gu Yumo glanced at him and stopped paying attention.

So what if it tests out to be SS-level?

If no Monster Academy dares to hire you, you won’t even be able to take the college entrance examination.

As for Monsters University, no one will admit you without exception.

He said to Jin Pingtao.

"Dean Jin, when I come back this time, I also want to thank my alma mater for educating me and repay my alma mater."

"So, I plan to select an outstanding student from Xinghai Monster Academy to join our Tianyu Holy Group and become a registered member. After graduating from college, I plan to become a full-time student. Dean Jin, do you have any recommendations?"

As soon as these words came out, Jin Pingtao's eyes widened instantly.

All the students began to become restless.

The Tianyu Holy Group no longer wants Luo Ming, so this benefit will fall on them!

Although Tianyu Holy Group is inferior to the four major holy groups, it is also the top holy group in Yanxia.

And the assessment to join the four major holy groups is very difficult! The pass rate is often only one percent!

The most important thing is that people don't want special recruits unless you have SSS-level talents. But how many SSS-level talents are there in the entire hot summer?

One in a million!

In contrast, the Tianyu Holy Group can enter without taking the test. Who wouldn't be tempted by this!

The students present all hoped that they could be favored by Gu Yumo. They all had straight postures and stern eyes.

It's a pity that Gu Yumo only wants S-level students.

"King Gu Zhan, this time, our Xinghai Monster Academy has a total of four S-class students."

"Here's their list, take a look."

Jin Pingtao handed a stack of brochures to Gu Yumo, and Gu Yumo flipped through them casually.

"Our holy group has no shortage of fighting monsters. In fact, I want to find a student who can assist Lin Xiao."

"Eh... the one named Su Wanqing is pretty good. The healing monster, the Qingyu Spirit Deer, and my Tianyu Canglong both have the same character as feather. They are quite destined to be hers."

Gu Yumo chuckled and spoke.

"King Gu Zhan has such a good eye! Su Wanqing has always been among the top three in our Xinghai Monster Academy. She is very outstanding!"

Jin Pingtao quickly flattered him.

Then he shouted to the crowd.

"Where is Su Wanqing? Where is Su Wanqing!"

Su Wanqing slowly stood up when she heard someone calling her name.

There was a look of confusion on his face.

"Congratulations, Su Wanqing, you have been selected by King Gu Zhan and can become a registered member of the Tianyu Holy Group! When you graduate from college, you can officially become a member of the Holy Group!"

Jin Pingtao said loudly.

Suddenly, Su Wanqing's expression became very exciting.

Thick ecstasy filled her face.

I was chosen!

I can join the Tianyu Holy Group!

The one chosen was not Luo Ming, but Su Wanqing!

Her whole body trembled with excitement.

Others also looked at Su Wanqing with envy. They originally thought it was Luo Ming who was the only one who excelled, but they didn't expect that the winner turned out to be Su Wanqing!

"Okay! Wanqing has been chosen to join the Tianyu Holy Group! It's really great. She is indeed my good daughter, the son of my Su Daqiang! My Su family has a real phoenix! This is no better than that poor loser Luo Ming, a dead loser Too much pressure, let’s see if he still has the face to show off in front of Wanqing!”

On the parents' stage, Su Daqiang stood up excitedly, pumped his fists vigorously, and showed pride on his face.

Now he can have a big showdown with those poker friends when he goes back.

Although Wang Lirong on the side was excited, an unnatural look flashed across her face when Su Daqiang mentioned certain words.

"Su Wanqing, since you are already a registered disciple of my Tianyu Holy Group, I happen to have a special recruitment spot at the Demon City Monster University, so I will give it to you."

Gu Yumo spoke again.

The whole place exploded, this is the road to heaven!

Gu Yumo directly paved a way for Su Wanqing to reach heaven!

Everyone looked at her with envy and jealousy.

Su Wanqing enjoyed the attention of all the people and the stars in her eyes, as if she were a high-ranking princess.

That's right, that's where she should go. She, Su Wanqing, should be the proud daughter of heaven, enjoying the enviable gaze of everyone!

"Thank you so much, King Gu Zhan. I will definitely work hard and live up to King Zhan's kindness!"

Su Wanqing reached out and brushed the hair beside her ears and said softly.

"Well, I hope you can assist Lin Xiao well in the future."

Gu Yumo nodded lightly.

"Don't worry, King Gu Zhan, I will definitely take good care of Mr. Gu!"

Su Wanqing looked at Gu Linxiao's handsome face and had a lot of thoughts in her heart.

This Gu Linxiao has outstanding talent and a top family background in Yanxia. If she can catch up with Gu Linxiao, wouldn't her future be...

The young lady of the Qin clan in the imperial capital!

A word that made her tremble with excitement appeared in her mind.

This is not much better than Luo Ming! A hundred times stronger! Ten thousand times!

No matter how talented you, Luo Ming, are, if you have no resources or background, how can you compare with others! You don’t even have to go to college! What's the use of your talent?

Speaking of this, her eyes moved to Luo Ming again.

There was condescending scrutiny and disdain in his eyes.

Luo Ming, the situation has reversed. This is the price you pay for rejecting me. From today on, we are really not from the same world.

I will fly farther and farther, and even become the young lady of the Qin clan in the imperial capital, and you... without support, you are destined to disappear from everyone.

At this moment, Luo Ming had arrived in front of the awakening stone at the military headquarters.

His eyes were calm and calm, as if no outside noise could affect him.

"Senior, please give way."

He said to Mo Rutian who was standing in front of the Awakening Stone.

"oh oh."

Mo Rutian quickly backed away, but there was regret hidden in his eyes when he looked at Luo Ming.

Such an outstanding genius should have had a bright future, but it was ruined by his arrogance.

He shook his head. Although it was a pity, he couldn't help Luo Ming. Don't look at Gu Yumo and call him "Mo Kuaishou".

But in fact, this was just Gu Yumo giving him face, otherwise he would only need a word from the other party.

He has to go outside the wall and be cannon fodder tomorrow.

No one pays attention to Luo Ming. Even if he is SS level, if he offends Gu Yumo, he will be useless.

Although Gu Yumo didn't explicitly target him, he didn't stop others from targeting him. This was a signal.

For people like Gu Yumo, if they want to do something, they don't have to do it themselves.

There are so many people who want to take a stand.

At this moment, Su Wanqing was the proud son of heaven, and eyes of admiration, envy, and jealousy were focused on him.

Gu Yumo and his son were the center of the crowd, with countless admiring eyes falling on them.

As for Luo Ming, no one cares about him.

At this time, he pressed his hand on the awakening stone.

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