Fang Tangjing's face completely changed.

He never thought that things would evolve like this, he originally thought that Chen Jun was unconscious, turned into a vegetative person, and no longer had any potential, who would care about a vegetative person? So he thought that Kang Tuan would not turn his face.

But where did he think that Kang Tuan pulled out a gun directly at him for Chen Jun, and he was still at the scene of the trial.

This is no longer a provocation to Fang Tangjing, but a provocation to the entire picket team!

If Kang Tuan does not accept punishment, who will be afraid of the pickets in the future?

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene became extremely strange and quiet, and everyone stared at Kang Tuan and Fang Tangjing.

Fang Tangjing slowly stood up, looked at Kang Tuan and said, "You pointed a gun at me, do you know what it represents?"

At this moment, a voice came from the door: "Lao Kang, put down the gun!"

followed by Gao Shiwei and Deputy Tan strode in.

The two of them are the bosses of the group army!

Everyone present saw the two of them walk in and stood up, including You Junda.

Everyone stood honestly.

Gao Shiwei walked in, and when he passed by Kang Tuan's side, he directly kicked him and scolded: "Don't point your gun at your comrades!" Kang Tuan tried to stand up: "Report, he is not my comrade-in-arms!"


Shiwei scolded: "You kid, is it the other way around? You don't look at what kind of place this is, no big or small, the small ones are not sensible, and you don't understand the old ones?" is also the leader of the regiment, okay, all stand up, I will deal with it, I will definitely satisfy you!"

Yes!" Kang Tuan shouted.

And after Deputy Tan walked in, he saw Tan Xiaolin and Tang Xinyi.

Tan Xiaolin whispered to Dad, but Deputy Tan's face sank, and he scolded: "Get out of the way for me, be embarrassed!"

Gao Shiwei walked over and said, "Don't leave yet, we listened outside for a while, you two deliberately concealed that Chen Jun had woken up."

Tan Xiaolin and Tang Xinyi's faces changed slightly, while Fang Tangjing looked at the two of them in surprise.

Why didn't anyone tell me that he was paralyzed, and he was pitted by

the two of them!

There are no vegetative people and vegetative people, Fang Tangjing will be two different ways to deal with it, if he knows that Chen Jun has woken up, even if he gives him ten guts, he will not dare to come to trouble the other party.

The 200,000-word report has not been completed by Fang Tangjing now.

Director Wang's evaluation of Chen Jun was so high, didn't he slap the tiger's ass? Looking for death?

He was pitted, he was cheated by two women

! They were all pits!

Fang Tangjing only felt the cold sweat on his back running down, and now he stabbed Lou Zi, and the two leaders of the military region were shocked.

What should I do?

Director Wang will let him write more reports at most, but if he offends these two bigwigs, he can take off his military uniform.

For a moment, Fang Tangjing felt that his soul was going to smoke.

Gao Shiwei roared: "After the two of you go back, write a 100,000-word profound thought report for each of me, and also, don't go back to your original troops first, go to the pig farm to write first, when it is ready, and then come back and hand it over to me!"

Tang Xinyi was shocked, went to the pig farm to write a report, and returned 100,000 words, didn't this kill her? It stinks so much, is it a place for people

? The most hateful thing is how can he punish himself?

He is obviously a victim...

Tang Xinyi still wanted to explain, but Tan Xiaolin glanced at her father, and saw that her father didn't care about her at all, so she knew that this matter was not negotiable, and immediately shouted: "Yes!"

She hurriedly grabbed Tang Xinyi and walked out.

Now the situation is already obvious, and if we continue to stay here, I am afraid that there will be a greater punishment.

Tan Xiaolin's temper is hot, but her ability to observe is there.

When the two of them left, Fang Tangjing hurriedly said, "Chief, you came just in time, otherwise I will be shot."

Gao Shiwei roared: "Shoot you? That's what you deserve! Who gave you the right to judge a combat hero, what qualifications

do you have?" Fang Tangjing stubbornly said: "Report, but he blasphemed lesbians, it's also true, there is a video to testify..."

Gao Shiwei scolded: "You are really paralyzed, you are not even as good as a woman, do you know why Chen Jun is in a coma?"

That's because he met the international killer scorpion, which the special forces can't help, and was injected with a special drug, but he didn't reveal any secrets of our army. "

Do you know why he was caught by the other party? He was passively arrested in order to save four border people, and even so, he still killed eight militants and let the notorious international killer flee, such a combat hero, I decided to give him a first-class combat medal, but

you are here to judge him?"

"What are you going to do? Are you going to judge me directly, right?"

Fang Tangjing's face changed drastically, and he felt as if he had been hit by a million critical points.

Is Chen Jun a first-class combat hero, or

is it awarded by Chief Gao himself?

It's time to finish the calf!

Is he doing this against Chief Gao, isn't he lighting a lamp in the toilet and looking for death?

This is even more serious than the last time he faced Director Wang.

Don't be pitted, you were cheated, and you were cheated by Tan Xiaolin, you shouldn't be soft-hearted for a while, and you shouldn't still have thoughts about her.

Fang Tangjing said bitterly: "Report chief, these are all mistakes in my work, just listen to one-sided words, I will definitely correct it, and do my work meticulously in the future, such a thing will never happen."

"One-sided, you uncle! How did you become the captain of the picket team? Did you hang your head on your ass? Fortunately, Lao Tzu came here today, otherwise there would be a big joke, do you want the heads of other military regions to see Lao Tzu's jokes?"

"If that's the case, Lao Tzu will personally shoot you down, and you don't need Lao Kang to do anything!"

"Get out!"

Fang Tangjing was granted amnesty, and hurriedly said: "Yes! I will go to raise pigs now and write a 100,000-word ideological report, but if I don't write it well, I won't come out." With that

, he put away the notebook on the table in a trance and hurriedly walked out.

He didn't dare to stay here for a moment, otherwise, his life would be finished!

The last time he was taught a lesson by Director Wang, he felt that his future was already very hanging, and now he was scolded by Gao Shiwei so bloody, will he still have a chance in the future? No,

how could he believe Tan Xiaolin's words, why did he get into it, he shouldn't, he shouldn't.

Fang Tangjing was a hundred thousand annoyed, if he was given a chance to do it again, he would not provoke Chen Jun if he was killed.

"Stop, it's not for you to raise pigs, you apply for early retirement, just get out of the army and go to the elderly!" "You go to raise pigs, you insult pigs!"

Gao Shiwei said angrily.

In an instant, Fang Tangjing felt that he had been hit by tens of millions of critical blows, and his whole person instantly softened.

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