The off-road vehicle drove all the way, and as it drove to the city, it stopped at a bank.

Chen Jun immediately pulled Lei Keming to withdraw money.

Although his father is the richest man, it is his father, not him, Chen Jun has not applied for a VIP card, and he has not made an appointment in advance, so he can only withdraw 50,000 yuan.

Lei Keming had a black face, brushed 50,000, and 50,000, a total of 100,000, and most of the belongings he had accumulated over the years disappeared all of a sudden.

Back in the car, Chen Jun opened another big bag and put all the money into the bag.

Lei Keming was surprised to see that there were still envelopes in the bag, and the envelopes were all blank, bulging inside, and they should all contain money.

"It's... What does it mean?"

Chen Jun said: "These money are donated by comrades-in-arms in the regiment, and the meaning in the regiment is that it is anonymous and it is not easy to return it, so the squad leader has no choice, it is everyone's mind."

"Originally, I wanted to give him 5 million directly, but the squad leader is a person, and the country doesn't want to trouble, let alone a comrade-in-arms?" "5 million?"

Lei Keming looked at Chen Jun in surprise, "You have so much money? You kid won't rob it, are you touching the corpse at the border?"

Chen Jun grabbed it casually, and immediately had an extra mobile phone in his hand, quickly logged in to the bank APP, and then handed it to Lei Keming.

"What nonsense, the pocket money for three months that year, recently the family rewarded another one, I don't know how much, you transfer 100,000 yuan to your own account and return it to you.

Lei Keming subconsciously took his phone and glanced at the balance of the account.

, eight figures!

Lei Keming's little eyes widened instantly.

Although he knew some of Chen Jun's situation, he didn't know his identity as a rich second generation, so he couldn't help but complain: "There's nothing wrong with

you kid, is there anything wrong with you, you are so rich and still a soldier?"

Chen Jun said while driving: "You are a literary and artistic soldier of an art troupe, you can take a gun to the battlefield, what if I am the rich second generation?"

Lei Keming was a little dumbfounded, is this kid praising me or hurting me?

"Among the rich second generation I know, at your level, you are either a female star or an Internet celebrity, and changing girlfriends is as frequent as changing NEI pants, you kid is good, the super rich second generation goes to the battlefield with his head, and he fights so hard. "

It really came as a surprise to Lei Keming.

After all, I fought in the gray area for a month before, and it was really a game of death, not a joke.

If Lei Keming himself was in that environment and fought for a month, he would not be sure that he would survive to the end.

Can Chen Jun, a rich second generation, dare to fight like this? Rich second generation

, in this peaceful society, they can enjoy this life to the fullest, as chic as they want, squandering themselves,

wishing that they would be younger for a longer time and live longer.

Chen Jun, the super-rich second generation, feels like he has too long a life!

" "You kid surprised me again. "I'm getting more and more curious about you.

Chen Jun said: "Who stipulates that it must be the poor who protect the motherland? If the country needs it, I believe that there will be many people like me, who will take a gun to the battlefield as soon as possible, and if there is a call, they will go!"

Lei Keming pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "You said it very well, don't say it next time." "

If the rich second generation had such thoughts as you, there wouldn't be so much lace news every day.

Chen Jun is definitely an alternative, but it also makes Lei Keming admire.

At this point, Chen Jun's arrogance has capital.

Lei Keming was not ambiguous, and transferred money directly to his account, but he only transferred 90,000.

"Ten thousand yuan, my heart. Lei Keming handed the phone to Chen Jun.

Chen Jun said: "Anyway, it's also a captain, can't you be generous?"

The corners of Lei Keming's mouth twitched, and said: "Do you think everyone is like you, the rich second generation, I have contributed a month's salary, really, I don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive." The

car ran wildly, and after about four hours, the car slowly drove into Shi Guo's village under the navigation.

Chen Jun parked his car in a clearing on the side of the road.

"Uncle, where is Shi Guo's house going?" Chen Jun got out of the car and saw an elderly villager coming, so he asked forward.

"Shi Guo's home?" the villager looked at Chen Jun and hesitated, "That, it's gone."

Chen Jun was surprised: "No, why is it gone?" The

villagers looked at Chen Jun in military uniform, and saw Lei Keming walking down, guessing that they should be Shi Guo's comrades-in-arms, and said in peace: "It's not ready, now the village is engaged in a beautiful village, as long as it is an old house, it will be bulldozed if it is not lived in for three years." "

Shi Guo hasn't come back for many years, so he just needs to sign, hey, the hateful person who contracted this project lacks morality and tricked him into signing, he thought he could divide the land, but as a result... There is nothing, the old house is still someone else's. "

I don't know how Shi Guo did it, he was crippled, and he brought back a woman with a big belly, his hometown is ready to be bulldozed, where else can he go? There is not even a place to stay, how can he live this life in the future?"

"Hey, those who engage in projects by beautifying the countryside are lacking in morality, Shi Guo is disabled, and he bullies people like this, so he is not afraid of retribution?

When Chen Jun heard these words, his heart tightened.

He knew that in order to refuse the state's funding, the squad leader estimated that many procedures had not been completed, and the people in the village did not know that he was a hero.

They know that Shi Guo is disabled and retired home, as for what is the reason for retiring... The squad leader will definitely not tell anyone else.

Now, those ruffians and bullies have come to the door!

"Where is Shi Guo's home?" Chen Jun asked urgently.

"Walk along this road, about 500 meters, and then turn left, and I saw, hey, Shi Guo is a hard-working child, he is the only one left in the family, I thought that being a soldier would be promising, I didn't think it would be like this, you are Shi Guo's comrades-in-arms, right? Help him, this child is too bitter. The villagers said helplessly, "The road is not easy to walk, you can walk faster."

Chen Jun immediately rushed in the direction of the villagers, and Lei Keming hurriedly followed.

When the two of them ran out of about 500 meters and turned left, they saw a group of people surrounding there, which seemed very noisy, and there was a faint cry of a woman inside.

Chen Jun's face was pale, and he could hear the voice of his sister-in-law!

He rushed over like a cheetah, quickly squeezed through the crowd, and saw Shi Guo lying on the ground, and the wheelchair had already flown to the side.

And standing less than 5 meters in front of Shi Guo, stood a bald man with a fat face, a thick neck, and a golden flower shirt hanging from him.

The other party's face was full of arrogance, his eyes were full of disdain, and he looked at Shi Guo who fell to the ground, and he was even more contemptuous.

The golden dog pointed to the sister-in-law who was blocking in front of Shi Guo and scolded: "Hurry up and pull your man away, he has already signed, it is written very clearly in black and white, this project must be implemented immediately, don't embarrass us, it's all for a bite to eat, big-bellied woman!".

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