For the next two days, Chen Jun, Shi Sen and others were training in the hotel.

Shi Sen is good at hand-to-hand combat, Chen Xiao is shooting, Wang Tian is off-road, Lin Xiao is electronic information warfare, and Chen Jun is very comprehensive, all of them are targeted training to keep themselves in the best physical condition.

This is no way, after all, it is passive training, and it is naturally very passive.

Until now, Gao Shiwei and others are not clear about what specific events will be held in the games, and the answer they got is that they are still studying, and they will have to wait until the time of the competition.

And the people of Tianzhu Kingdom used the excuse of protecting dignitaries and not letting them come and go at will, so that they could rest in the hotel and recharge their energy.

This is something that fools can see, they are targeting Yan Guo and want them to make a fool of themselves.

Faced with such an arrangement, although Gao Shiwei and Zhang Tao were angry, they couldn't help it, if they left in anger at this time, it would really become a joke.

When the time comes, the Tianzhu Kingdom will definitely advocate such as saying that the Yan Kingdom has no guts and will run away halfway...

So just wait!

Everyone held their breath and waited for the sports meeting to explode.

Chen Jun's mentality is very stable, he has experienced life and death, what else is there to worry about? In a word, if you don't accept it, do it!

In the past two days, Chen Jun often received text messages from Enron in his free time.

This daughter-in-law of his, the courage began to grow fat.

"Chen Jun, when you come back, we will fight again, I am not afraid of you, I was not used to it last time, and I am not used to your profundity and day after day."

Chen Jun frowned when he saw this text message.

Because he couldn't have imagined that a woman like Enron would think of such elegant words describing what happened that night.

Sure enough, it is a long-term relationship, and after a man and a woman are intimate to a certain extent, they can really say anything.

After Chen Jun thought for a while, he replied with the word "ramming" and the word "kun".

About a minute later, An Ran sent a blushing expression, and then didn't text again for a day, obviously understanding the meaning of these two words.

Just after six o'clock in the morning of the third day, the white-eyed wolf came over and urged Chen Jun and the others to leave, because they were in a hurry, and they didn't even prepare breakfast.

It's intentional!

It is clear that he wants to influence Chen Jun and others to a certain extent through such a little chicken and small hair, whether it is physical or emotional, in short, I just want them to be uncomfortable.

The white-eyed wolf is such a person, a small family, what kind of country will cultivate what kind of soldiers, this is an ancient saying in the Yan Kingdom, dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice are born to dig holes in the ground.

Zhang Tao had long expected that the white-eyed wolf would make small moves, and had already prepared eggs and milk for Chen Jun and the others in advance, so that they could solve it by themselves.

However, according to the consumption of the game, this calorie supplement is obviously not enough.

Zhang Tao went to negotiate with them, but one by one he suddenly became blind and deaf, pretending not to understand Chinese.

In a fit of rage, Zhang Tao gestured in front of them with a loaf of bread and a fritter, and the fritter was inserted into the bread.

As a result, the white-eyed wolf in charge of the reception replied angrily in Chinese: "Don't insult the old lady, I complain to you!" "

Sven people like Zhang Tao almost kicked over, what kind of person is this, just this quality, no wonder this is the most bizarre country and nation in the world.

Gao Shiwei looked much more generous, patted Zhang Tao's shoulder, and said: "There is a gap between people and people, don't expect an animal to be able to talk to people." The

white-eyed wolf left angrily....

As for whether he will complain, Gao Shiwei and others don't care.

By the time Chen Jun and the others arrived at the competition venue by car, many tents had already been set up around them, and the dividing lines were drawn between the tents, and the flags of different countries were planted on them.

The beautiful country, the country where the sun never sets, the country of big sticks, the country of dog skin plasters and other countries have all sent people, and it seems that it is not a day or two.

Each of them exuded an aura of iron and blood, full of energy, and a strong confidence in their eyes, it was obvious that they had been training here for a long time and had used this place as a daily training ground.

This is discrimination, unequal treatment.

Other countries can train here in advance, adapt to the game environment, familiarize themselves with the venue, and prepare for the game in advance, but Yan Guo can only nest in the hotel, and the door will not be let out until the game time.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Tao, who is used to letting others write hundreds of thousands of novels, was angry.

"A group of kings, licking dogs to such an extent, and the soldiers have such energy, the people can imagine it, white-eyed wolf, white-eyed wolf." Zhang Tao couldn't hold back his scolding.

Gao Shiwei said: "The more they are like this, the more they represent a kind of inferiority complex in their psychology, a distorted psychological disease, this kind of villain psychology, it is difficult to be elegant, and people who can make cow dung into cakes to eat, what can they say to them?" Hard fists make sense for them, so as long as we beat them up, they will be honest.

Zhang Tao said: "It's just holding my breath, it's not worth it for our martyrs."

Gao Shiwei said: "If you see the essence of a nation, you will know how to deal with them." "

This is someone else's home stadium, and visitors must obey the requirements of the organizers or they will be disqualified.

Tianzhu Kingdom is also able to play prestige at this point.

Gao Shiwei didn't say anything more to Chen Jun and others, but was full of confidence in Chen Jun and others.

The soldiers of the Yan Kingdom are not frightened by difficulties!

The more difficult the situation, the more amazing potential can be exploded, and the white-eyed wolves want to fight in this way, they are doomed to miscalculate.

Soon, a third general walked towards Gao Shiwei and the others and asked them to prepare for the first game immediately.

"You're late, so you only have five minutes to prepare." The general said indifferently and turned away.

Zhang Tao said: "Even this is tricky, I really don't know how their brains don't think about it, they used to say that they have a small belly and chicken intestines, and I feel that I overestimate them."

Gao Shiwei said: "A small person becomes a big person, but he can't do it, so it's this kind of distorted psychology."

It was at this moment that the voice of the system sounded in Chen Jun's mind: "The host's team suffers unfair treatment, and the principle of hackers is to be ruthless, the truth exists in the fist, fearless, sneaking thousands of miles to kill!"

"The host's mission is not only to make itself strong, but also to build the country into a matrix, to promote the country's prestige, and to reward 200 experience points."

Hearing such a prompt, Chen Jun's spirits perked up, and a strong fighting spirit burst out.

This is even stronger than the fighting spirit when he and Enron hurt each other that day.

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