The white soldier frowned as he looked at Shi Sen, whose hands were wasted, but still rushed towards him.

He was a little curious, why was the other party injured like this, why did he have to be so reckless? This is just a competition on the field, not a real battlefield, so you don't have to fight so hard, not to mention that the other party has no chance of winning at all.

What about rushing over and fighting with yourself? You can knock your opponent down with one punch!

If you are in the opponent's position without any consideration, the first choice is to admit defeat, and when your first shoulder is broken, you will admit defeat and will not continue to compete stupidly.

This is very stupid behavior.

What if you lose the game? Your own body, your own life is the most important thing.

If your life is gone, what kind of bullshit dignity do you want, what's the point?

How do the white soldiers know that for the soldiers of the Yan Country, the competition is also a battle of life and death.


The white soldier threw a punch at Shi Sen to end the fight once and for all.

At this moment, Chen Jun under the stage shouted: "The limbs and even the whole body are weapons, and every leaf and tree can kill the enemy!"

Shi Sen faced the bombardment fist, his body swung, and he actually avoided the opponent's fist, and the next moment, his head slammed into the opponent's face door like a hammer.


A heavy thud sounded.

The white GI had two of his front teeth broken and his mouth was covered in blood.

Because the white soldier's body is bulky, he does not have the flexibility of Shi Mori to turn, and of course, the most important point is that he never thought that the other party would adopt such a style of play.

This is so hurting each other!

Ishimori slammed into him again.

The bridge of the white soldier's nose was broken, and blood spurted from his nostrils.

Bang bang bang....

The muffled grunt continued to sound on the field.

The white soldier shook his body and retreated, but his entire face was covered in blood.

It was just a mistake of judgment that cost him dearly.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

Where is this fighting competition, it is desperate, and there is not much difference compared to the underground black boxing they have seen.

The soldiers of the Yan Kingdom are crazy.

At this time, the players of the Big Stick Country and the Dog Skin Country who had just won the opponent also stopped and looked at the battle on Shi Sen's side.

It was a very important fight for them, but it was the first time they had seen it so violent.

The hands of the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom had been broken, and when they hung down, they were still dripping with blood, but in this case, the other party was attacking with his head up.

Is he crazy?

Only a madman fights like this, preparing to die with the other party.

They have an ancient saying in Yanguo, those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, and when they are put together, whoever is more ruthless will win.

Ishimori roared like mad and slammed into the white soldier again.

The white soldier was hit in the face by Ishimori continuously, he was dizzy and almost unconscious.

He subconsciously hugged Shi Sen, and his strength exploded, wanting to Le Yun Shi Sen.

"Minotaurs must die!"

Shi Sen was also completely crazy, under the continuous impact, the strength on his body was almost exhausted, and the reaction force of the impact made him dizzy.

After being tightly strangled by the other party, Shi Sen didn't think about it, and opened his mouth to bite the other party's neck.


The white GI let out a scream.

The stinging pain in his neck made him sober up a little at once.

"Bastard, this is a game, not a battlefield of life and death, FUCK! Why should I die with him, I don't want to die, and I can't die! The

white soldier's thought flashed, and he immediately let go of his hands, raised them in front of everyone, and then knelt on the ground and shouted: "I lost, I surrender, I surrender, it's just a game, why be so crazy, there's no need." "

I surrender, I surrender!"

Teesderman of the beautiful country stood up in surprise, looking at the soldier kneeling on the ground, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

It is a great shame for the beautiful country to kneel down, raise your hands, and shout surrender.

Now it's a live broadcast to the whole world, and a lot of people are watching, why are you kneeling and raising your hands in surrender, where does this put your face? What would others think of GI Beautiful?

In order to create the image of the GI of the Beautiful Country, countless Hollywood blockbusters of the Beautiful Country have portrayed the GI as a hero who saves the world, which is invincible.

This kind of shaping makes many people around the world think that this is the case.

But now, the invincible soldiers of the beautiful country are kneeling on the ground, raising their hands and shouting surrender.

It's so ironic!

Tisderman only felt a burning face, as if someone was slapping him incessantly.


Tisderman wanted to shoot the GIs.

The tall image that the beautiful country has built up all over the world for so many years may be ruined and imperfect at this moment.

The people of the Big Stick Country, the Dog Skin Plaster, and the Eagle Sauce Country looked at this scene, and their eyes all showed complicated looks.

Such a huge change came too quickly.

Half a minute ago, the white GIs were completely dominant and could easily kill each other, and now... The soldiers of the Yan Kingdom are too crazy, they are just crazy.

Fighting such a madman is a life-and-death battle!

They all heard that when the people of the Yan Kingdom fought, they were the most desperate, and they thought it was a bit exaggerated, but now they have seen it.

At this time, Shi Sen, who was in a semi-comatose state, heard that the other party surrendered and admitted defeat, so he subconsciously slowly let go of his mouth and stumbled to stand, as if he might fall down at any time, but he just didn't fall, just like a tumbler.

The soldier of the beautiful country, who slowly stood up, couldn't help but touch his bleeding neck, looked at Shi Sen and said, "Why is this happening? It's just a race, if I push harder, you're going to die, and I'm just retiring with a serious injury, is that necessary?

Shi Sen laughed miserably: "That's right, don't say it next time, for our Yanguo soldiers, any event related to national honor is not only high and low, but also life and death!" The

white soldier's huge body shook slightly, staring at Shi Sen, a hint of admiration appeared in his eyes.

Fight for the honor of the country, even if you pay with your life, you will not retreat half a step and fight to the end.

This is the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, a terrible nation!

The white GIs now understood why the mighty and beautiful country could sweep the world, but when faced with the Yan country, they lost the battle and signed a surrender.

To fight such a group of madmen, if you want to defeat them, you must be prepared to die.

What a terrible nation!

Everyone in the world knows that the polar bear is a fighting nation, and now it seems that the real scary thing is the Yan nation nation.

The white soldier nodded and said, "I see."

Shi Sen didn't pay attention to the other party anymore, but turned around and yelled at the dog skin plaster and others who were standing on the other side: "Come on, life and death hand-to-hand combat, you come here...!" "

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