Lao Gao smiled: "Reference, reference, who said that it was copied?" I promise absolutely no pasting copy.

"Damn, do you still want to paste and copy?"

Lao Gao: "Just kidding, just kidding, when I didn't say it."

In Fan Tianlei's scolding, a military off-road vehicle drove over quickly and stopped in the open space in front of Fan Tianlei, Lei Zhan, and Lao Gao.

As soon as the car stopped, Fan Tianlei rushed over to open the door.

Seeing Fan Tianlei running over to open the door in person, Lei Zhan and Kotou Lao Gao were speechless for a while.

can make Lao Fan so condescending, there are only two people in the wolf's tooth, one is the wolf-headed He Zhijun, and the other is Gao Shiwei.

Could it be that these two big guys came at the same time?

Lei Zhan and Kobor Lao Gao both straightened their waists, and their expressions became serious.

There is no way, they are all guilty of meritorious service now, and whether they can return to their original state depends on the decision of Wolf Head and Gao Shiwei.

They don't want to keep pigs on a pig farm all the time!

When their eyes were all focused on the car and they were looking forward to it, one shoulder was exposed first, and it was actually a captain rank.

The expressions of the two immediately became a little strange.

When the captain walked out, looking young and handsome, both of them were stunned.

Lei Zhan lost his voice and almost screamed.

"Chen Jun!? What is he doing here, and has he been promoted to captain?

Lei Zhan's mouth made the sound of grinding his teeth, and his heart was full of anger.

If it weren't for him, how could he go to the pig farm to raise pigs, how could he still write a 200,000-word report, the most hateful thing is that the woman he likes becomes someone else's woman.

And he almost became a eunuch because of him!

In short, because of the appearance of Chen Jun, the entire wolf tooth regarded himself as a joke, and even these things about him were spread to other military regions.

Does this kid dare to come and watch the joke?

Lei Zhan naturally didn't think that Chen Jun would come to Wolf Tooth, before the three of them went to invite him, but they only said that they would consider it, and in the end there was no news.

Then all three of them came to the pig farm, raising pigs and writing novels at the same time.

If it weren't for the start of the special soldier selection, none of them would have had a chance to come out and breathe some fresh air.

At this time, Chen Jun appeared here, what does it mean?

Lao Gao was surprised: "Good guy, it's okay, it's all captains, it's fast enough, it's almost overtaking Lao Tzu."

Lei Zhan said in a deep voice: "This is not the point, what is he doing here!"

Lao Gao was puzzled: "Yes, what is he doing here?" Didn't Lao Fan just say that the big boss was coming? How is he?

Lei Zhan said with a little disdain: "The dignified chief of staff actually went to open the door for a captain, what did Lao Fan think?" Licking a dog doesn't mean that.

Lao Gao nodded and said, "It's really a bit too much, do you think he will come to participate in special training?"

Lei Zhan snorted coldly and said, "We went to invite him to join him directly, but he didn't come, and now he came to participate in special training, isn't there something wrong with him?"

Lao Gao smiled and said, "You can't say that, maybe people have figured it out?" Do not allow people to change their thinking and raise their consciousness?

Lei Zhan said disdainfully: "Okay, eighty percent is here to show off." And

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu and the other three were targeted by the Thunderbolt Commando, and they were tortured very badly, and they couldn't bear it anymore, but when they saw Chen Jun, a force inexplicably poured out of their bodies.

"Chen Lian is here!"

"Can't lose Chen Lian's face!"

"Stand up straight!"

Chen Jun was their spiritual pillar and once left a strong seed in them.

Now that they suddenly appeared at the assessment site, even if He Chenguang and the others were desperate, no matter how tired or difficult they were at this time, they had to bear it.

Chen Lian told them before that he would take the strongest soldiers of the fourth company of sharpshooters to participate in the special forces assessment, so that those old people could see that they were not waste!

Chen Lian is here now!

As for the other newcomers who participated in the assessment, they didn't know Chen Jun, and they were a little stunned when they saw Fan Tianlei, Kotou Lao Gao, Lei Zhan and other three instructors personally greet a captain.

What's going on?

These instructors are all very dragged by wolf teeth, here they are the boss, and the shelves they put up are bigger than the king of heaven.

No matter what the identity of the newcomers who come to participate in the special training, they are all regarded as rookies and pests, and they can give whatever kind of face they want, and they can toss as much as they want.

What's going on today, when was it so polite to a young captain? He even asked the three major bishops to greet him in person, and asked Staff Officer Fan to personally go to the car door.

Is this going to change the sky?

"Whose subordinate is this? A certain prince? "

The lone wolf all returned to training because of Xiaozhuang's affairs, and their eyes were focused on Chen Jun.

Paratrooper Deng Zhenhua looked curiously at Chen Jun, who had red lips and white teeth, and actually had a feeling of heartbeat, quickly blinked his eyes, and muttered softly: "It's strange, I seem to like the feeling of a little white face, the other party is obviously a man, how is it possible, I am an eagle in the sky, a tiger on land, how can I like a little white face, female stars are upside down, I don't even look at it."

"Damn, it's a captain, whose subordinate is it?" So fierce! Staff Officer Fan seemed to be smiling at everyone, but in his heart, no one looked down on him, so he actually went to open the door in person, and it was very hanging!

Hygienist Shi Dafan grinned and said softly: "It's very hanging, the key is that he is more handsome than you, a pilot, and has a good figure, Lao Tzu is about to be blinded, it is said that such a high-spirited appearance should be a married man, and the temperament that can only be improved through conquest, but the other party is so young, not like a married man, this kid is a bit powerful, and he is a master." "

He was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and he knows how to look at his face to push the root source, and he can see at a glance that Chen Jun is definitely not a little virgin, but an experienced veteran driver.

Deng Zhenhua scolded softly: "You just blow it, this is the temperament of conquering women?" Lao Tzu has been on dozens of them, why don't you have this temperament? The boy chicken is still pretending to be big-headed, and if he doesn't pretend, he will die.

Shi Dafan laughed directly and said, "Do you know him?" Who knows? "

Qiangzi, Lao Pao, Lao Geng and the others all shook their heads, if they knew who this kid was, they wouldn't have to look at this guy pretending to be so forced.

After all, about Chen Jun's affairs, their chief instructor Goutou Lao Gao is raising pigs, so naturally he has no time to tell them about Chen Jun.

They had heard of the ghosts of the gray area, but they had not seen Chen Jun with their own eyes, so naturally they didn't know that the deity had arrived, and they only regarded the other party as a newcomer who came to participate in the assessment halfway.

It's just that this newcomer is very good at pretending to be forced, so let the three major instructors greet him personally, and Lao Fan also went to open the door for him.

With such a high standard of treatment, people who don't know it think that the superior head came down to inspect the work.

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