Qiangzi's face sank, and he seriously suspected that this kid was driving in front of him!


Chen Jun said solemnly: "Aren't you being used as a gunman?" Forget it, I just want to run, you can come along. After

saying that, there was a pop.

Chen Jun took out four iron plates from his backpack and threw them on the ground, then tied them to each of his calves and one to his arms.

His physical fitness reached 6.6, which is 6.6 times that of ordinary people, whether it is physical strength, endurance, or even explosiveness, it has been greatly improved, which is much stronger than before participating in the Military Games.

Now if you want to achieve the training effect, you must add a lot of weight on your body.

The weight of these four steel plates is 10 kilograms each, and the four pieces add up to just 40 kilograms, which is 80 kilograms.

Qiangzi looked at Chen Jun in a daze, a little dumbfounded.

It's a morning jog, so fierce? 40 kilograms, which is double the weight of their usual training!

Such a terrifying amount of training is equivalent to more than the sum of their training in a day, and the other party is just a morning jog?

That's a bit too big!

Qiangzi took a deep breath and said, "Captain Chen, are you sure it's not a joke?" It's just morning exercise.

Chen Jun nodded and said: "You are good, normal basic exercises, or light, just came, I haven't applied for equipment yet, I will use it." Hadron

stumbled and almost didn't stand firm.

Normal basic exercises? Still lighter? Dog day! Driving and pretending to be forced, it is more than the weight of the special forces, it's okay, pretend to be forced with my brother, and see how long you can run like this!

Hadron is a special soldier, trained all the way, and knows very well whether it is 80 pounds in the morning, or directly on the arms and legs, and how much consumption it will have on the body.

As an assaulter, Hadron's physical fitness is stronger than Zheng Zhenhua's, and he doesn't dare to come so fiercely all at once.

How fierce can Chen Jun, a young boy with red lips and white teeth, be?

"Pretend, pretend, wait until you become a dog!"

When Qiangzi complained in his heart, with a sigh, Chen Jun's figure ran past him, bringing a wind on his face.

The ghost's nickname is not called in vain, the explosive power exploded instantly, the speed soared in an instant, and in just a few breaths, it was a hundred meters away from the hadron.

Hadron immediately chased after him.

But what made him very speechless was that he couldn't catch up at all.

"! What a speed this is! "

Hadron is the assaulter of Lone Wolf Group B, and what he is best at is assault, so his physical fitness requirements are very high.

Instant explosiveness and staying power are the most critical, otherwise the enemy didn't catch up, and he fell down first, and he still fought?


Hadron followed with a burst of crazy output, desperately chasing Chen Jun who was sprinting in front, trying to catch up with the other party.

I am light, and I can't catch up with the other party's weight of 80 pounds, do I still have the face to say that I am a special soldier and an assaulter?

But after running three laps in a row, Hadron almost foamed at the mouth, and the distance between him and Chen Jun was getting farther and farther.

He couldn't help but shout forward: "Hey, men are useless, they are useful if they last!" "

Qiangzi forgot that Chen Jun was sprinting with a weight of 80 pounds, and he was traveling lightly, so he couldn't catch up with Chen Jun.

Is the gap so big?

If Qiangzi knew, Chen Jun would have sprinted at the beginning of the Military Games, rushing all the way to the end, and making the strong people in the world doubt their lives.

What's that sprint now?

Hadron shouted from behind, but this guy with red lips and white teeth didn't look back at all, and continued to output crazy to him, and his speed was obviously improving.

Is this human?

After a frantic output, Chen Jun managed to overtake Hadron again on lap six.

That's right, Chen Jun has already run one more lap, which is a distance of one thousand meters.

When Chen Jun passed by Qiangzi's side, he gently patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm not only fast, but also very durable, my daughter-in-law said." As he

spoke, Chen Jun had another burst of crazy physical output, leaving Hadron behind completely.

Qiangzi looked at Chen Jun who rushed forward, and spat out the white foam.

"Holy shit, perverted, the landlord's livestock can't run like this, this is what Lao Fan said about the relationship soldiers who have never seen the world? A newcomer who got in on a relationship? it! "

Qiangzi now kind of understands why people live directly in luxury single rooms.

People have this strength!

Qiangzi is not a person without self-knowledge, when he saw Chen Jun who was still sprinting wildly, he knew that his physical fitness was not the same level as the other party, and if he ran down, he didn't know how many dog pens he would be trapped.

"Shame on you." Hadron slipped away directly and did not continue to follow.

He had just run more than ten meters when Chen Jun's shout came from behind him: "Your physical fitness is okay, barely one-third of mine, what's your name?" The

corners of Qiangzi's mouth twitched, especially he was pierced!

Barely a third of yours, or can you call it? Are you praising me, or are you scolding Lao Tzu?

This is the legend, killing people and punishing the heart?

Qiangzi ran and shouted, "Captain Chen, I am a nameless rat." He

hurriedly turned around and ran around the corner, and vanished.

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment and said, "This is running away?" Nameless rats... What kind of soldiers is this bringing out, and there is no staying power at all. At

this moment, the hadron was frantically output and suffered a huge blow, but fortunately no one saw it, otherwise he would have been disgraced to his grandmother's house.

"This guy is a madman, a pervert, a dog's old fan, a pit goods, and Lei Zhan, no wonder he is green, he is all uneasy and kind, and he digs a pit together."

Qiangzi scolded and returned to the dormitory.

He kind of understands why Lao Fan and Lei Zhan came to encourage them, instead of going on himself, such a powerful person, let alone him, even Lei Zhan, the king of soldiers for three consecutive terms, has to be defeated.

I was really used as a gun.

As soon as Qiangzi returned to the dormitory, Deng Zhenhua and the others had just gotten up and saw Qiangzi walking in with a sweaty face and a pale face.

It's like being frantically squeezed by two for a day and a night.

Geng Jihui and the others all looked at the hadron in surprise, they knew the physical fitness of the hadron, it was just now, why did they go out for a while and collapse like this.

It doesn't make sense.

Shi Dafan studied medicine, and when he saw that the strong son was like this, he said: "Strong son, what are you doing?" Didn't I often tell you in the past that you should be modest, not too often, and the sequelae will come to your door. Qiangzi

looked aggrieved, and a mouthful of old blood almost didn't spurt out.

Lao Tzu didn't!

But can you tell them such a shameful thing?

Suddenly, Qiangzi understood what it meant to be dumb and eat coptis!

Deng Zhenhua saw that Qiangzi was silent, and couldn't help asking: ", did you go to a nightclub last night?" It's overdrawn like this, I haven't slept all night, and I've been a few times! "

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