Blood debt and blood repayment!

At this moment, Chen Jun had nothing else in his heart except the monstrous killing intent.

Under the impetus of this hatred, Chen Jun's strength was brought into full play.

Because the [Hacker Tracking Technique] directly traces back to the source, the smoke produced by the smoke bomb will not have any effect on him at all.

After discovering the lone of the opponent's snipers, Chen Jun immediately came around from behind and killed the opponent.

The next moment, Chen Jun was a little under his feet, and his figure disappeared into the dense forest like a ghost.

On the other side of the jungle, the scorpion led everyone to the location where Chen Jun had fired, and soon found a black muzzle poking out of the bushes.

Sure enough, it's here!

The scorpion took a deep breath and immediately made a gesture to his subordinates.

A black old man took out a grenade, pulled out the safety neatly, shook his arm, and threw it directly.


The grenade exploded at the location where Chen Jun was lurking.

A cloud of gunsmoke rose from the surroundings in an instant, and the surrounding trees were blown to pieces.

The next moment, the battle-hardened scorpion and others immediately rushed over and shot at the place filled with gunsmoke.

This is to shoot indiscriminately and kill the other party.

"Where are the people?"


When the smoke of gunpowder cleared around, Lao Hei saw that there was only a discarded rifle here, and there was no one at all.

"There was no blood around either."

"It's impossible for the other party to run so fast, this is deliberately arranged by the other party!"

Others quickly searched the surroundings and found no signs of human activity.

When the scorpion heard the report from his subordinates, he only felt a cool air coming out of his spine, and immediately called into the headset: "Oak, Oak, receive an answer, receive an answer."

But no one responded for a long time, and

everyone's faces became ugly again.

No need to guess, Oak must be dead.

The other party must have taken advantage of their pursuit to get here, and went around behind to kill Oak.

This is all calculated by the other party.

What a terrible opponent!

Hei Lao said: "Boss, the other party is very cunning, and the speed of movement is amazing, and he actually went around behind us, or we retreat, and if we continue to entangle with him, we may not be able to rush out."

"There are so many of us, scattered everywhere, one person can't track so many people, who can go, whose luck is counted."

Another white man looked at the scorpion and said, "Boss, think of a way, the other party is too strong, in the words of the Yan people, each has a destiny." Everyone

also wanted to kill that bastard, but according to the current situation, it was almost impossible, and the strength of the other party was far beyond their imagination.

The scorpion shuddered and said, "Shut up!" If we run separately, none of you will be able to escape! When we join forces, the other side will still be suspicious. "

Don't you understand that Oak was killed when he separated from us? If you want to stay alive and kill him together, this is the only chance.

"This cunning fellow, I know his skills better than all of you, and I will cheer up from now on!"

The scorpion suddenly raised his head and roared: "I am with my father, I am friends with my mother, I know it's you, come out for Lao Tzu!"

The black old man looked at the scorpion in surprise and said, "Boss, you seem to be scolding yourself." A

person next to him said, "What do you mean?"

The black old man said a little embarrassed: "It's the boss who said that the boss once his mother, and he was not afraid of this, but he was afraid of any enemy." "


A big tease covered the black old man's face and directly knocked him more than a meter away.

It was the scorpion that did it.

The scorpion roared angrily: "Come out, don't you want to fall in love with my mother, come on, hurt each other, see who survives, don't hide as a grandson, Lao Tzu will only despise you." "

Didn't you say that you want to avenge your brother and your squad leader? Come on, Lao Tzu is here, you come to kill!

"Lao Tzu is waiting for you here! Say anything to hunt down and kill Lao Tzu at the ends of the earth, don't let Lao Tzu go, and tell you that there are too many people in this world who want to kill Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu can't remember who they are. The

scorpion cowered behind a hidden stone.

There was no response around, and it was clear that the scorpion's agitation had not worked.

Because the scorpion's words are too stimulating, if Chen Jun hadn't tamped Kun with An Ran and broken through that relationship, he might have no scruples to kill the other party as quickly as possible in order to vent the anger in his heart, but he promised An Ran to survive, and he would go on a date.

Revenge is definitely wanted, but now it is the scorpion and others who are anxious.

Chen Jun spent 30 days in a gray area with militants, and the most important thing he lacked was patience.

The last time he took over with the scorpion, Chen Jun was passively involved in the front and was led by the scorpion, but this time Chen Jun took the initiative.

In a passive situation, Chen Jun was able to beat the opponent to the ground, and this time he completely let go.


Hidden in the grass, Chen's army approached the militants on the far right.

Under the [Hacker Assassination Technique], Chen Jun is the king in close combat.


Chen Jun suddenly rushed out from the right like a cheetah, originally more than 7 meters away, a breathing time.


The dagger in Chen Jun's hand pierced the opponent's temple like lightning, directly piercing it.

Crisp and neat, without any superfluous movements.

The militant didn't notice anything, only felt a sting in his brain, his eyes went black, and he lost his life.


Chen Jun pulled out the dagger, and a stream of blood splattered out with the dagger.

He rolled on the ground and lunged at the other militant.

"He's here, kill him!"

The militant shouted loudly as he turned his gun to target Chen.

However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, Chen Jun got up and pounced, directly knocking the other party to the ground.

The two of them just hugged each other like this, and in front of the scorpion and others, they rolled unscrupulously.

The militant who was hugged by Chen Jun was extremely shocked in his heart, as if he was caught by a huge iron clamp, and he couldn't break free no matter how hard he tried.

The most terrible thing was that the terrifying force strangled him to breathe, and his ribs were about to be broken.

And in the tumbling, the head of the militants constantly hit the stones on the ground.


The back of his head slammed into a raised rock, and he screamed in pain.

"Grass!" The scorpion roared, "Quick, surround him, kill him, don't let him run!" The

scorpion immediately switched into a pistol and aimed it in the direction in which the two were rolling.

This bastard is too much of a bully!

Assassinating his subordinates directly in front of him, and rolling the sheets in front of him, is there such a bully?

Anyway, Scorpion is the world's top killer, who doesn't know him?

Who would dare to be so arrogant in front of him?

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