An armed group on the other side rushed towards it almost simultaneously.

Their faces were full of excitement, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

The boss is the boss, dragging the other party to shoot all the bullets, and the other party has no bullets, isn't it equivalent to letting them slaughter?

To be honest, they all retreated just now, considering whether to leave for a while.

Now spread out and run away, there is only one person on the other side, and it is impossible to catch up with all of them, maybe you can escape if you are lucky.

If they continue to spend time in the woods with each other, they will definitely die.

The opponent's combat power is too strong, and it is the master they have encountered who is too strong.

However, when they rushed out of the woods, they heard a thud, and saw their boss kicked and flew up, and a dog gnawed on the spot.

That's as embarrassing as you are.

The four militants' eyes widened instantly.

, this is the boss's temptation? This is so bullied into a memory!

Who is a scorpion? The top killer who is famous in the world, he has always abused others, when was he abused like this?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.

What kind of freaks are the people chasing them?

The four of them only felt a chill coming from behind them.

"Shoot!" Someone reacted and roared.

"Kill him, take advantage of this time, otherwise the boss will be killed, and it will be our turn to do the rest!"

At this time, Chen Jun, who was running, immediately turned into an S runner, and they were all sticking to the scorpion.

It is the use of [Hackerspace] to predict in advance.

The sudden change made the four guys hold their guns, but they couldn't shoot at all, and if they were forced to shoot, the most likely thing was that the scorpion would be killed, while the other party was still alive.

In desperation, the four of them could only catch up and look for opportunities.

"Boss, stay away from him to avoid accidental injury." One shouted.

"Boss! Hurry up and give us a chance! "

The four militants are in a hurry, and it can be said that this is the last chance.

The scorpion said angrily: ", do you think Lao Tzu doesn't want to get rid of it, find a way to keep this madman away from Lao Tzu and kill him!"

They all thought so, but Chen Jun was like a man and a woman rolling the sheets, clinging to him, and they couldn't be separated for a moment.

Of course, Chen Jun has a chance to catch the scorpion, but after all, the scorpion is an international killer, and its combat effectiveness is still very strong, and it is not the best time to carry out a hug kill.

Chen Jun was looking for an opportunity, constantly using the [Hacker Space] and [Hacker Tracking Technique] to stick to the scorpion, while the four militants scattered behind him, cautiously looking for an opportunity to shoot.

"I'm a fellow believer with your father..."Chen Jun just used the agitation method, and the scorpion scolded, "You can't hurt me by saying anything, it's almost, I said that the black cat cut off the task, and I hit a periphery and didn't carry it out, think about it, who needs the energy of your No. 1 island?"

"That's useless to me at all, I make money by performing tasks, not energy development, what I do is a hammer deal, why do you always have trouble with me?"

Chen Jun shouted indifferently: "Because I am a soldier of the Yan Kingdom, the debt of the black cat will be calculated on your head first!" "

Today the scorpion must stay!

If nothing else, I was stabbed last time, and I was injected with obedient medicine and almost became a vegetative person, this account is not you, who is it?

Of course, the main thing is because of the squad leader!

The scorpion was out of breath and scolded: "! How do you count it on Lao Tzu's head? I didn't do anything, I was inexplicably cleaned up by you last time I fought, you want to let your compatriots go, I didn't embarrass them, you also my ancestors, am I angry?

"I'm worthy of you, you're sorry for me, you know? I have no grievances with you, don't work so hard, brother, it's not worth it, you are still so young, you still have a lot of good days to live in the future, why do you want this? It's not worth it.

"I'm so old now that I don't want to die, so why bother? You let go once, give yourself a chance, and I have a chance, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know how to learn about Entu.

Chen Jun snorted coldly: "You look so bad!" "

The scorpion almost squirted.

What is the reason for this? Lao Tzu is beaten when he grows like this? Many people think that Lao Tzu is handsome, is it not worth beating if he is handsome?

You're jealous of Lao Tzu!

If he was given another chance, he would definitely not want to have anything to do with Chen Jun, nor would he want to have any contact with Yan Guo.

The soldiers here are not at all what Western countries preach, no matter what you do, they just protest and will not take any action, they are just soft persimmons that can be pinched by others.

It's completely different!

The soldiers here are very stingy, very small-minded, and once they decide that you are an enemy, they will not die.

It's too hard!

The fighting nation is fierce in fighting, but after being beaten by fat, it will be more restrained, but the soldiers of the Yan country are different, once they decide that no matter whether they can fight or can't fight, they will rush forward like crazy, and they will fight with you.

How to fight?

Isn't it uncomfortable to fight with a group of crazy people!

The scorpion has completely realized that the worst thing he has done in his life is to provoke the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom.

"Lao Tzu admits that you are more handsome than Lao Tzu, it's okay." The scorpion finally shouted.

At this moment, Chen Jun saw the dirt slope approaching, and a little under his feet, the leg power instantly burst out, like a cheetah jumping.


The bullet grazed the clothes of the shoulder.

Chen Jun hugged the scorpion, followed by a standard rolling sheet, and rolled down the hillside.

"it!" The tumbling scorpion struggled hard, and the green tendons of its arms bulged.

When he was kicked down by Chen Jun before, the scorpion rolled in such a mess, and now it is again.

Lao Tzu has become a roller!

"You bastard! Does it need to be like this? Lao Tzu didn't do anything, didn't kill your comrades, didn't kill your compatriots, you killed Lao Tzu's men cleanly, you want to take revenge and find the black cat, he is your real enemy.

"Is it interesting that you are fighting with me like this? If we both die together, the happiest thing is the black cat! "

Aren't you stupid!"

Chen Jun didn't pay attention to the other party at all, used both hands and feet, and held the other party tightly.

For people like Scorpion, whether what he says is true or false, let's do him first.

As for finality, Chen Jun will check!

During the rolling, the scorpion kept firing back with his hands and feet, bombarding Chen Jun's back.

But after several times in a row, he was shocked to find that the other party didn't know what to do, and locked his hands and feet, which were very tight, and he couldn't break free at all.

After the calf, this madman is determined to fight with himself endlessly.

This reminds the scorpion of his woman, the Saigon Rose.

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