Zhang Yun is indeed very strange to Chen Jun, but his military dedication is no stranger to Chen Jun.

In Area 1, Chen Jun's squad leader and comrades-in-arms all have the same dedication as Zhang Yun, and they collectively signed a life and death agreement, once the enemy invades, the last drop of blood will be shed, and they will insist.

It is the mission of a soldier to protect his family and defend the country, and Zhang Yun sacrificed for the country, even if he is a strange soldier, he can't let his blood be shed in vain.

When Chen Jun left the young woman and the little girl, his heart was heavy, and as soon as he returned to the room, he said to An Ran, who had already woken up: "I want to check that there is a soldier next door who has just died." "

Is there a soldier next door who has died?" An Ran was in good spirits, and he woke up a lot in an instant.

It seems that Chen Jun has just walked out and encountered something.

This is a hospital, and it is not new to hear about the sacrifice of soldiers.

However, why did Chen Jun deliberately investigate this person?

An Ran immediately thought of something, looked at Chen Jun and asked in surprise, "Why?"

Because after all, he was an undercover agent, An Ran was still more vigilant, and his brain turned quickly.

Chen Jun: "He's undercover, and his identity is similar to you." "

Undercover?" An Ran understood why her husband did this.

His husband is affectionate, especially his feelings for his comrades, otherwise, he would not have become a crazy ghost, and he would not have rushed over to block the knife for the squad leader regardless of life and death.

He wanted to check that soldier because of the other party's undercover identity, and then he thought of me.

This guy is really caring.

Thinking of this, An Ran's heart warmed, and he glanced at Chen Jun affectionately, "Okay, you wait for me."

An Ran went out quickly, but within an hour, she came back, still huffing and very emotional.

Chen Jun felt An Ran's bad mood, frowned slightly, and asked, "What is the situation?"

An Ran said angrily: "He is indeed an agent, or is he an undercover agent next to a man named Bukit, he died because he was burned by the fire."

"But as an agent, I feel that he was discovered and deliberately disguised for an accident, of course, these are all speculations, and I am angry that the person who betrayed me in the first place, also called Bukit, is probably not a good person. Wu

Ji, who was next to An Ran, almost killed her because of betrayal, but fortunately, she was saved when she met Chen Jun, who was known as the "ghost".

Every time he thought of that incident, An Ran was very angry, and when he just said the name, his eyes lit up.

"Bukit?" Chen Jun's brows furrowed instantly, as if he thought of something, and immediately asked rhetorically: "Is this Bukit's eldest brother called

Minden?" An Ran raised his eyebrows slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes when he looked at Chen Jun, his husband is really omnipotent, and he knows this?

An Ran nodded directly: "Wuji does have an elder brother named Minden, but Minden is a serious businessman, and his wealth is only under your father."

"What's the matter, Minden still has such an identity?"

Chen Jun was a little surprised, his eyes were incredible, it seems that many plots, because his crossing has changed, it should be like this.

It doesn't matter if he is rich or not, anyone who wants to mutilate the people of Yanguo deserves to die anyway.

Chen Jun said indifferently: "His other identity is a big drug lord, which has not been exposed, and Wu Ji is his younger brother, his informant, who helped him launder money, and immediately followed up and investigated this matter."

The more An Ran listened, the more shocked he became, looking at Chen Jun's face full of shock, as if he had only known each other for the first time.

These words came out of Chen Jun's mouth, it was really weird, how could he know this?

He hadn't been out for a long time, so he shouldn't have known so much confidential information.

Besides, with such a high status as Minden, if there are any illegal actions, they will definitely be hidden, otherwise the military will find out about them.

Now the military doesn't have this information, how did

Chen Jun know? An Ran didn't know that Chen Jun was the identity that he had crossed over, so he couldn't react at all, and asked directly: "How do you know, you must know that Minden's social status is very high."

Of course, Chen Jun could understand why An Ran questioned it, but he didn't want to explain too much, so he said directly: "You call the wolf head He Zhijun, just say that I said it, and he will definitely investigate."

"It's so decisive?" An

Ran didn't understand it very much, but thinking that his husband was not an unreliable person, and he also realized that the situation was serious, he immediately nodded, and then turned around and went out to call.

For Chen Jun, An Ran trusted him for no reason, just like although she verbally refused to confront Chen Jun, a patient, every day, but at that moment, her body still obediently put all kinds of M letters.

An Ran had just taken a few steps, and Chen Jun behind her suddenly stopped her again and asked, "Is the bonus of 500,000 checks still there?"

The next second, An Ran directly took out the check and handed it to Chen Jun, "I don't need it, although my pocket money is not as much as your one million a month, but it also has 100,000, hehe."

Chen Jun took the check, "This money should be given to the soldier's family, as well as the little girl with leukemia, it can be seen that their family is not rich."

Hearing this, An Ran was not surprised at all, and immediately nodded, "I support you."

Enron's answer was as crisp as the action of just taking out a check, and there was really no hesitation.

This is her trust in Chen Jun.

Before, Chen Jun didn't want the 500,000, but now he suddenly asked for it, there must be a reason for him.

That's what An Ran thought when she took the check, and the final result really verified that she was not wrong about Chen Jun's understanding.

Chen Jun is not a person who is short of money, nor is he a person who goes back on his word, he will not do one thing in front of others and one thing in the back, he will only do it from his heart.

He wanted to sponsor military families and sick little girls, which was very much in line with his character.

Sure enough, he is a caring person, and this husband is not wrong.

An Ran looked at Chen Jun, with a hint of love in his eyes, and silently unlocked an L letter in his heart.

Chen Jun nodded, "Go and call, and I'll reward you with a few letters when you get back." "

Ahh Hearing this, all of a sudden, An Ran's pink face suddenly flushed slightly, she just glanced at Chen Jun, and then fled like a wasteland.

An Ran, who has always been calm and firm, doesn't know why he is always a little flustered when facing Chen Jun's eyes just now.

No way, it's crazy, she really can't stand it.

That guy said that, and he could do it.

Thinking of her husband's madness during this time, An Ran just wanted to escape.

Don't look at her husband, who usually looks very serious, but sometimes he is very improper, and once he is not serious, she can't stand it.

The crazy ghost is really not called for nothing.

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