"Fan Tiankeng?" Chen

Jun looked at Fan Tianlei, who had a strong smell of pig floating on his body, and the appearance of rushing towards him, his mood was suddenly not so comfortable.

How can there be this old fan everywhere.

I saw him as soon as I entered the hospital, and now I have just stepped into the military region on the front foot, and the first person I saw was him.

I've seen too much of this pit, and my good luck will be lost.

Chen Jun didn't want to see Lao Fan often, but Fan Tianlei was different, he really wanted to see Chen Jun.

As soon as he saw Chen Jun, Fan Tianlei smiled happily as if those flowers were breathing the breath of spring.

He greeted the past as he greeted, as if he was greeting his own son who had just returned from a long time out.

There is no way, during this time, his ideological report has actually changed from 200,000 words to 300,000, which is 100,000 more than the 200,000 of Lao Gao and Lei Zhan.

At the beginning, 200,000 words were enough to give him a headache, but now it has risen to 300,000, what a hard life!

During this time, in order to catch up with the report, his ten hands are going to be wasted, and they are so swollen that they can't grasp the chopsticks steadily

Fan Tianlei is really a head two big, but fortunately, although he is pitted, he is still a person who is at peace with what he encounters, with a good mentality, despite the distress, he has been comforting himself, first writing a thought report, maybe he will retire in the future, maybe he can be a god with more than 10,000 words a day, and eat with a mouthful of food...

Whether it was writing an ideological report or raising pigs, Fan Tianlei didn't want to do it, and he also knew that the way to help him get rid of these two things as soon as possible was to rely on Chen Jun.

Chen Jun is now a celebrity in the military region, and if he has a good relationship with him, if he says a good word in front of the leaders in the future, he will definitely have a chance to get rid of the troubles in front of him.

At that time, he failed to persuade Chen Jun to join the wolf tooth, he and Lei Zhan, and Lao Gaocai came to raise pigs, and now Chen Jun actually came to the wolf tooth, and now it is definitely a good opportunity to get closer.

Fan Tianlei took three steps and made two steps, quickly ran to Chen Jun, and stretched out his hand to help the other party with his luggage, "Why did you come back alone and didn't let me pick you up."

Chen Jun didn't mean to let Lao Fan carry his luggage, and said directly, "It's almost recovered, by the way, what's going on with the black cat?"

Chen Jun didn't want to talk to Lao Fan, so he directly led the topic to the main topic.

Fan Tianlei suddenly sighed when he heard this, "Don't say it, Zhang Haiyan's company is very formal, and I can't find any problems at all." "

Well, if you don't inform me to pick you up, come back in person, the wolf head will definitely scold me if he knows it, haha..."

Chen Jun looked helpless, shook his head directly, and said: "It's useless for you to check the surface, you have to check their company's internal warehouse, and the things are in the underground warehouse." "

Warehouse?" Fan Tianlei was stunned for a moment, "They still have an internal warehouse?" Fan Tianlei

didn't expect Chen Jun to think so deeply and be so serious.

Chen Jun nodded, "You can investigate secretly, don't startle the snake, listen to Zhang Haiyan's phone, and notify me as soon as the black cat appears." According

to the original plot, Zhang Haiyan is a black cat behind her, Chen Jun had seen the plot before he crossed over, so he naturally knew that it was greasy.

Fan Tianlei nodded directly, "It's not a big problem, but it's okay, after this matter is done, you can help me say a few good words, Lao Tzu doesn't want to deal with pigs." "

These two senior brothers are so stinky, Lao Tzu has to take a bath three times a day, and he still smells of it, and I don't want to write the thought report, I'm too tired to type, this is not writing a novel, writing a novel and rewarding cute readers..."

He is a dignified chief of staff, but he has been reduced to living with pigs.

It's just about raising pigs, but also taking care of typing.

What's more, he is a lot older, and he still has to sit in front of the computer and type frantically, is this what people do?

Fan Tianlei is really fed up, and he can't care about face, so he hunched over Chen Jun, a descendant.

No way, living well is more important than face.

To give Chen Jun face is to open up a way back for himself.

Fan Tianlei helped Chen Jun, and he was also selfish.

It's a pity that Chen Jun didn't eat his set, and directly refused, "Thought report, you go to Director Wang Tao and say, it has nothing to do with me, and I can't be the master of pig raising."

"If you don't do this, I'll look for Lao Gao, Lao Gao is much more reliable than you." "

Damn, so ruthless!" Fan

Tianlei's eyelids jumped.

Is this kid Chen Jun about

to turn over? It took a long time to get on good terms with this guy, how can he say that he will turn over when he turns over.

It's not difficult to check one person, but the difficult thing is that the relationship between himself and Chen Jun is not easy to maintain.

If you offend Chen Jun, who else can you rely on to leave the pigsty in the future.

"I was stunned by the smell of the pigsty, and it was over, and I said the wrong thing.

Fan Tianlei immediately interrupted Chen Jun and said, "Don't, don't look for him, I'll come, that kid has no hair on the top and bottom of his mouth, and he can't handle things well." "

In this case, you rest first, I'll go and ask the wolf's head, and then start digging deeper.

Chen Jun couldn't laugh or cry, didn't Lao Gao have any hair under

him? Also, when did Lao Gao do things unreliable?

Lao Fan was really a pit for acquaintances.

Chen Jun naturally wouldn't believe Lao Fan's words, after all, he knew that Lao Fan was called Fan Tiankeng, and Lao Gao was a very reliable person in the wolf's teeth.

If this matter is handed over to Lao Gao, he will be much more relieved, but he usually doesn't have much contact with Lao Gao, plus Lao Fan is a good person, and he is dangling in front of him every day, so he naturally chooses Lao Fan.

Lao Fan can pit others, but it is completely impossible to pit Chen Jun.

Chen Jun just said a word, asked Lao Fan if he did it, and immediately got Lao Fan.

In the end, Fan Tianlei still waited for Chen Jun as his father, and after sending the other party to the dormitory, he got up and went to He Zhijun to report.

Chen Jun's affairs cannot be delayed, and must be taken seriously.

After this incident, Fan Tianlei's opinion of Chen Jun was refreshed a little.

In the dormitory, Chen Jun just put down the luggage in his hand, and he didn't pack it properly, so he walked to the bedside and looked at the photos of his comrades-in-arms and made incense.

Chen Jun looked at the photo and muttered, "Old Wu, Old Yang... How are you guys doing down there?"

"Don't worry, I killed the accomplice of the scorpion, but the real murderer is still a black cat, but don't worry, whether it's a black cat or a white cat, as long as it's a murderer, it's a dead cat."

"If it weren't for this black cat, Lao Wu and Lao Yang would not have sacrificed.

"Also, the squad leader won't be so miserable. "

If there were no such bad guys in the world, we would still be standing guard in Area 1 and standing guard together..."

Chen Jun flashed the scenes of the squad leader and comrades-in-arms before his death, and he suddenly cried like a child, very sad.

At this moment, there was no closed door there, and suddenly a man came in.

The man looked at Chen Jun in a daze, and asked in surprise, "Chen Lian, what are you crying about, did your wallet fall off?"

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