Gong Jian looked at Chen Shanming and suddenly turned his face serious, "You call me by my full name, otherwise, it will be easy to cause misunderstanding."

"Specially, if I didn't owe you a favor, Lao Tzu wouldn't have sold himself here. Gong Jian sighed, a little helpless in his eyes.

Last time, he was really careless, he thought that Chen Jun couldn't solve the matter of his old squad leader, so in a hurry, he tied up Kang Tuan, who was going to go out in person, and finally Chen Shanming took action to help Chen Jun settle the matter.

In the end, Chen Shanming made a move, but unfortunately he didn't help Chen Jun, but he still owed favors and had to come to the wolf's teeth.

Chen Shanming has been here for a while, but since he came, he has been helping the specially trained recruits.

In the wolf's tooth, he also led the soldiers, and in the Iron Fist Regiment, he also led the soldiers, but after all, it was good to be an old place.

Gong Jian couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the Iron Fist Troupe, he missed the old regiment leader who often had to introduce his aunt to him, and Kang Tuan emphasized many times that his aunt was very kind.

After a while, he suddenly asked in surprise: "Isn't it all assembled, why did you pick five recruits to come out?"

When Fan Tianlei called Chen Shanming just now, Gong Jian also heard the content of the call, and five people were picked out by Lao Fan, but he didn't understand this approach.

Chen Shanming patted Gong Jian's shoulder and said with a smile: "Old Gong, you will understand in the future, this is our Fan Staff Officer's means." Often

with Lao Fan, Chen Shanming can naturally understand what Lao Fan meant, but this time the approach is very obvious and a little abnormal, and he doesn't quite understand it.

Gong Jian listened and shook his head directly, "I hope it's not just my own people, Lao Fan has a lot of pits for our old leader..."

The canteen, because it is a meal, there are already many people eating.

"Sit, sit, sit.

Fan Tianlei led Chen Jun with a smile on his face, walked to a position where he could see the scenery and beckoned the other party to sit down.

Chen Jun took the meal, didn't say a word, and sat down directly.

If he hadn't refused just now, Lao Fan would have prepared to cook for him and serve him.

Lao Fan has always served Chen Jun as his "father".

Of course, there is a reason why he is so enthusiastic, but Chen Jun doesn't want to pay too much attention to it, as long as the other party is not too excessive.

After seeing Chen Jun sit down, Lao Fan went to line up to eat by himself.

In the position, Chen Jun had just picked up the chopsticks and was about to start eating, when he suddenly felt a murderous intent, and immediately looked vigilant, there were also enemies in the canteen?

Chen Jun frowned slightly, and subconsciously looked sideways in the direction of the source of the crisis, and saw Lei Zhan wearing a green beret, who was also sitting there not far away to eat.

"It turned out to be a green man!" Chen

Jun was not to be outdone, he was looking at Lei Zhan, and Lei Zhan's big eyes full of anger were also round and staring at Chen Jun.

Neither of them spoke, but the moment they made eye contact, it was like an entanglement between men and women, bursting with sparks, and the air around them was immediately filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Nice hat. After a moment, Chen Jun spoke first.

Hearing this, Lei Zhan trembled slightly, and subconsciously touched the treasured green beret.

This is a victory won by defeating Lao Gao in a drill.

It is also a symbol of the king of soldiers.

He often wears this hat, which can be regarded as an invisible pretense, after all, this symbolizes victory, and wearing this hat is like telling himself that he is the victor all the time.

Lei Zhan originally liked this hat very much, but when he first touched the hat, he seemed to realize something, his eyes changed instantly, and his face immediately became difficult to look at.

"Green hat?"

"That guy cuckolded himself!" Lei

Zhan's mind suddenly flashed his holiday with Chen Jun, and he remembered the goddess An Ran he identified, and immediately felt that this hat was not so good-looking.

At this moment, the hat was not only unsightly, but also seemed to have thorns, which was particularly uncomfortable to wear.

Chen Jun's words seemed to mean that he was a cuckold.

"Hell, this guy is here to disgust Lao Tzu on purpose.

Lei Zhan was about to refute, but Fan Tianlei had already cooked and walked over with a smile, just blocking his vision.

Fan Tianlei only had Chen Jun in his eyes, and he didn't notice Lei Zhan behind him, he just sat down opposite Chen Jun, and said: "Comrade Xiao Chen, since the last exercise, you are already the youngest soldier king of Wolf Fang, and Lei Zhan, the king of soldiers, won the green beret because he defeated Lao Gao."

"Still, he's still playing with mud at your age, and he's still a rookie egg.

As soon as Lao Fan's words came out, Lei Zhan behind him instantly clenched his fists, and his two brows wrinkled directly into an inverted "V" shape.

"Okay, you old fan, why are you such a black old man behind your back?"

Lei Zhan's face darkened, and he took off his hat silently.

Fan Tianlei didn't notice that Lei Zhan was behind him at all, and looked at Chen Jun and continued: "By the way, that beret symbolizes the king of soldiers, do you need me to come over with you to Lei Zhan?" "Last exercise, you won, you are the king of wolf tooth soldiers..."

Fan Tianlei also wanted to say that Chen Jun was the king of soldiers and

should have that beret, but before he could say anything, Chen Jun directly defeated him, "That hat is suitable for Lei Zhan, you don't need to give it to me." "

Don't want the symbol of the king of soldiers?" Fan Tianlei was stunned for a moment, not understanding Chen Jun.

Logically speaking, Chen Jun is not a person who is so easy to admit defeat, and he actually does not want the hat symbolized by the king of soldiers because

he is afraid of thunder warfare? Just kidding, he will not be afraid of thunder warfare, and if he is afraid of thunder warfare, he will not attack Enron.

It's really strange!

Fan Tianlei was stunned, nodded and said: "Okay, you are young, and you are also modest, unlike pretending to be a thunderbolt, the king of the Three Realms, the hat does not leave your body, so let's do it, you rest today, and tomorrow morning, I will let the recruits gather and let you choose?" Compared with Lei Zhan's hat, Fan

Tianlei still cares more about Chen Jun's selection of people.

First, he needed time to hide He Chenguang before Chen Jun made a move, and second, he had to coordinate Chen Jun to form a new commando team.

Although he had just informed Chen Shanming to hide He Chenguang and the others, he still felt a little unsure.

Fan Tianlei's wishful thinking played that well, but Chen Jun didn't buy his account, and when he heard this, he shook his head directly, "No, I'll pick it after dinner, I don't want to waste time."

"My daughter-in-law and I still have the goal of creating a human being, and time is running out. Diagonally

opposite, Lei Zhan, who had been pricking up his ears, couldn't help but almost squirt when he heard Chen Jun's last sentence, what is the task of creating

people? An Ran and that guy have already started the plan to create people? Lei Zhan's

heart was cold, and he unconsciously clenched his fists again.

Lei Zhan wanted to rush over and knock down Chen Jun with one punch, but in the end he couldn't hold back and didn't make a move.

At the same time, Fan Tianlei, who was sitting opposite Chen Jun, exclaimed in his heart, "It's going to start now, fortunately, Lao Tzu has two hands to prepare." "

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