Watching the instructor's back disappear, Deng Zhenhua's eyes were full of envy, "The instructor is awesome, he can snatch such an excellent woman from Lei Zhan's hands, if Lao Tzu has such a beautiful wife, he will go home every day." "

Ostrich, you have to compare with the instructor, that's far away, wash and sleep, you only deserve to find a five-fingered girl." On the side, Shi Dafan looked at Deng Zhenhua with a smile on his face.

"Hygienist, can you speak, Lao Tzu is an eagle in the sky, a tiger on the ground, women are waiting for Lao Tzu in line after line, and it is a phone call to call someone. The paratroopers were so angry that they jumped to their feet.

Geng Jihui shook his head when he listened, "Let's go, the life of an instructor is not something we can enjoy, it's time to go back and think about our code name."

"Yes, if you can't hand over the code tomorrow, the iron-faced and selfless instructor will have you covered. "

That's right, the code name is the most important, Lao Tzu doesn't want to be punished by the instructor..."

After a week of training, the hacker's team members cooperated better with Chen Jun, and they all obediently went back to think of the code name.

In the hotel, in a luxurious large room, the sound of "popping" sounded rapidly.

It turned out to be the four major code word masters who had participated in the Military Games with Chen Jun, Chen Xiao, Shi Sen, Wang Tian and Lin Xiao, who were crazy about coding words, and the keyboard was knocked by them for a long time.

This voice makes people feel like they have a grudge against the keyboard, no way, they are painstakingly rushing to rush the 300,000-word thought report.

Originally, they only had 200,000 words, but unfortunately, when Wang Tao called not long ago to ask about their progress, Chen Xiao suddenly burst into foul language, "Director, 200,000 words are paid in a month, Ge Laozi, no one can do it, can you push it off?"


Also, you have to tell the other three to add 100,000 each. When

Chen Xiao heard this, he was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the blood in his chest was churning, but this time he didn't dare to come out again.

Nonsense, a foul sentence is just 100,000 words, it's almost life-threatening!

Chen Xiao finally really saw Director Wang's power, and no matter how aggrieved he was, he didn't dare to speak out.

Wang Tao continued: "A person's mind is strong, and the body is strong, do you know the thunder battle of the wolf's teeth?" "

Lei Zhan's own personal quality of individual soldiers has nothing to say, but people are too stubborn, do not change, sooner or later die on the battlefield, become martyrs..."


You have only made a mistake now, but it does not mean forever, as long as you can change it, there is hope..."

Hearing that another 100,000 words were added, Chen Xiao instantly lost interest, no matter what Director Wang said later, he couldn't listen to it, and in the end he only remembered that he added 100,000 words and told the other three comrades.

"It's over, add another 100,000 words, damn it, if they know that they are going to smoke Lao Tzu's tendons.

Chen Xiao was apprehensive in his heart, and before he could say anything, he could imagine the reaction of those guys.

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, the three of Shi Sen directly beat him into a dog's head.

After Shi Sen and the three of them beat Chen Xiao violently, they continued to code words silently, but this thing can't be written if you want to, it turns out that the 200,000 words have burned their brains, who would have thought that another 100,000 words would be added.

They had no choice but to ask for help from Enron again.

An Ran is also easier to talk to, and directly let them come to the hotel to code, anyway, she is also waiting for Chen Jun, there is nothing to do during the day, so she should help them.

Bang bang....

The whole room was filled with the sound of intense keyboards.

Chen Xiao looked tired, and suddenly said, "Roe deer, can you tap the keyboard with a light sound, you want to have tenosynovitis."

As soon as Wang Tianyi, the roe deer who couldn't run to death, heard Chen Xiao's voice, he suddenly couldn't help but want to beat him, his face sank a lot, and he scolded: "Lao Tzu is so anxious, it's not because of you kid, you can't talk well, and you also burst into foul language at the director of the family, and there are 100,000 more words, who can withstand it." On

the side, Lin Xiao nodded directly, "Although I am a doctor and know medical skills, I can't stand it, the fifth girl is too hard, she has to code words during the day, and she still needs traditional craftsmanship at night, or the ghost boy is happy, and he married a very tempting daughter-in-law, isn't it?"

Shi Sen glanced at Lin Xiao silently, did not say anything, withdrew his eyes, and continued to code words crazily.

Director Wang has already given the task, and it is useless to say anything.

Ishimori has always been a pragmatic person.

Chen Xiao saw that Shi Sen didn't speak, and suddenly felt that this guy was still kinder, and couldn't help but take a look at it, but he didn't dare to say another word.

Nonsense, the matter was brought back by himself, and everything is wrong.

Bang bang....

Everyone stopped talking, and the only sound in the room was the keyboard.

I don't know how long it took, An Ran suddenly pushed the door and walked in, looked at everyone and said, "Okay, you can go back, the training is over today, and my husband is coming over."

An Ran hesitated as he spoke, and continued: "It's all said, don't follow me, I'm afraid he will misunderstand, I almost misunderstood last time."

"The ghost is coming, brothers. Chen Xiao stood up directly with the notebook on his back, "Don't affect the relationship between other people's husband and wife."

Lin Xiao was also very fast, and the second stood up, "Yes, you can't do anything sorry for your brother, go."

Shi Sen was the last to stand up, hesitated, and suddenly said, "Do you want to meet Chen Jun, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Chen Xiao looked at An Ran, whose face was flushed, and hurriedly lowered his voice, and said: "Don't you, can't you see, our life coach, she thinks of spring, hurry up, stupid to death, worthy of being a minotaur."

After speaking, he looked at An Ran and said, "Sister-in-law, let's withdraw first, and I'll ask you another day." "

Thank you sister-in-law for your guidance, we won't bother.

An Ran looked at Chen Xiao and the four of them nodded directly, "Go back, digest the key points I said today, digest it thoroughly, one million words is no problem, three hundred thousand words are trivial."

After a brief goodbye, Chen Xiao and the four of them left Enron as if they had fled.

As soon as Chen Jun entered the community, he saw four sneaky figures going out of the community.

Looking at the four figures, Chen Jun couldn't help frowning and looking at them a few more times, "These guys are a little familiar, who are they?"

If it wasn't for the hurry, Chen Jun also wanted to go over and have a look, but seeing that there was not much time, he didn't think much about it, and turned around and walked into the community directly.

Chen Jun came directly to the door of An Ran's room and knocked on the door.

The door squeaked open, and An Ran stood at the door with a smile, "It's here."

Chen Jun walked in directly and hugged An Ran, and closed the door with his hind feet.

An Ran looked at Chen Jun with a smile, "Your four comrades-in-arms just went out of me, didn't you think much about it?" Chen Jun looked surprised, those four comrades-in-arms


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