
Wang Qiang's eyes touched Chen Jun's eyes that contained murderous aura, and his face changed slightly in an instant.

", these are the eyes of a fierce beast, indescribably cold, like a fierce beast hunting in the dark, bursting out at any time. "

What is the specific strength of this guy, why does he have such a terrifying aura?"

Wang Qiang's eyes were full of shock, before receiving Chen Jun, he hadn't had time to understand Chen Jun, he only knew that the other party was a supporter from the wolf's teeth.

How did he know that Chen Jun was the legendary ghost, otherwise, he would not be so shocked.

Although Wang Qiang didn't know Chen Jun's true identity, he was also a person who had seen strong winds and waves, and from Chen Jun's eyes, he was basically sure that the young man in front of him had definitely killed many people.

Only those who have been roasted by the flames of war and have really killed people can have such a murderous aura on their bodies.

This guy is not simple.

Relying on intuition alone, Wang Qiang no longer dared to despise Chen Jun, and immediately became serious in the blink of an eye, and said, "Captain Chen, let me explain the situation of the mission to you first."

Wang Qiang was able to be shocked by Chen Jun in such a short period of time, mainly because with the blessing of Chen Jun's hacker instructor skills, his aura could skyrocket in an instant.

Not to mention the sudden increase in breath, just to make Wang Qiang obey, Chen Jun can do it, but this is not important, he did not waste his energy.

Chen Jun nodded, "Okay."

Wang Qiang: "At the moment, the militants are all in abandoned factories in the woods, which is a processing plant run by Bukit, and they will reprocess the drugs that are delivered and then ship them out.

"I only recently discovered this secret stronghold, but we have already surrounded it, but Bukit has masters on his side, so I need your cooperation and the strength of the assault operation. Although

Wang Qiang didn't know what Chen Jun's strength was, just because the other party came from the wolf's tooth and that terrifying murderous aura, he no longer questioned Chen Jun's strength.

Chen Jun nodded, "We don't have a big problem, it just so happens that I have a grudge against Bukit, and the time to settle accounts has come."

"Do you have an enmity?" Wang Qiang glanced at Chen Jun in surprise, but he didn't expect that the other party and Bukit would still have a holiday.

In this way, Captain Chen will not hesitate when he starts to do it.

Wang Qiang nodded directly, "Okay, no matter what the hatred is, this time it will be settled." "

For the hatred between Captain Chen and Bukit, Wang Qiang doesn't want to ask more, of course, this is also a kind of respect, if the other party is willing to speak, he will naturally speak, if he is not willing to speak, even if he asks, he can't ask.

Wang Qiang is a very wise person, and he also feels that this captain gives him a different feeling.

Although this guy looks young, he has a feeling of being experienced.

Such people are very reliable.

Wang Qiang had this idea in his mind, and he no longer bothered about Chen Jun's identity, and immediately began to discuss with Chen Jun how to cooperate.

After the discussion, Wang Qiang began to arrange an off-road vehicle to take everyone to the abandoned factory.

Toot toot....

At this moment, Wang Qiang's portable phone suddenly rang.

"Captain Chen, I'll answer the phone first. Wang Qiang looked at Chen Jun and said, and then began to answer the phone.

The moment he answered the phone, Wang Qiang's two brows furrowed directly.

Seeing the expression on Wang Qiang's face, Chen Jun had a bad premonition, and asked directly: "Has the situation changed?"

Wang Qiang nodded directly and said seriously: "Just now, a convoy suddenly entered the factory, and a total of more than 30 heavily armed people came, I don't know what they are going to do.

Hearing this, Chen Jun's brows, which had already been furrowed, instantly wrinkled even more.

Everything in Bukit comes from Minden, and according to the original plot, Bukit also wants to prove his strength to his brother Minden.

That truth, as if I proved to my daughter-in-law that I was strong every day, kept working hard, and then let her hydrate more than 3 times a day, not less than once.

Bukit had just been trapped, and suddenly a group of militants was coming in, what does this mean?

It seems that the plot may have changed, and Minden may intervene, and these people should be the people he sent.

If you don't want to send so few people over, you may not know the specific situation of Bukit, but no matter what the actual situation is, if the fox in Minden makes a move, this matter is definitely very tricky, and it is best to kill the foreign commandos before they contact Bukit.


Chen Jun thought for a moment and said without hesitation: "Let's do it now." "

Do it now?" Wang Qiang was slightly stunned when he heard this, and immediately showed a sad face, and said: "No, I don't have enough manpower, and there are two teams of law enforcers coming, it will take half an hour, and the armed armored vehicles have not arrived, and we have no fire support." "

You don't have enough people and weapons, and you're very passive when you get started. "

Chen Jun didn't know that the situation was like this, but time waits for no one, if the people sent by Minden are allowed to stabilize their footing, this war will be a tough battle, much more difficult to fight than now.

Now I want to catch them off guard.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and if you have the opportunity, you must take the lead, and you can't be too passive, otherwise, it will end in failure.

The reason why Chen Jun was able to hold out for so long alone in the gray area of Area 1 was because he was already familiar with the battlefield, grasped the enemy's weaknesses and made appropriate plans, so that he could protect himself well.

The next moment, Chen Jun said solemnly: "I am a soldier from the No. 1 post, I can tell you that the No. 1 post once suffered heavy losses in the attack, because the militants were about to retreat, and the special forces who rushed to the scene also had to call for fire positioning support, this is not a special operation."

Speaking of this, Chen Jun's eyes became very complicated, and there was a hint of sadness and indignation in his sharp gaze.

Because what he said just now reminded him of the comrades-in-arms he lost, if the guy Lei Zhan hadn't been late for rescue at that time, and if it wasn't because he cared about any principles, his comrades-in-arms might still be alive, and the squad leader would not have been disabled for life, living a very human life, and he would not have lost his own flesh and blood.

This is a tragedy, a tragedy caused by the loss of a warplane.

Of course, as a soldier who abides by the rules and stresses principles, there is nothing wrong with those guys in Lei Zhan in principle, he doesn't blame them, but he has always blamed himself for not being strong enough at that time to protect the people who need protection at a critical moment.

It is because of these pains that Chen Jun knows how important it is to be strong and powerful, and now the fighter is in front of him, and he also has soldiers in his hands, and these soldiers can become real hackers and killers under the influence of hacker instructor skills.

With their current strength, they are enough to fight with those guys, and even occupy the fighters.

In hacking theory, the pursuit of combat is fast, and now is the best opportunity to do it.

Chen Jun's face was firm, "When did the soldiers start to call people and weapons, if you are sure to wait like this, then I will do it alone." "

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