"Act now. At the same time as Chen Jun rushed out, he directly began to give orders.

"Falcons, ostriches, occupy heights, fire support.

"Yes. He Chenguang and the paratroopers looked serious, holding their guns and quickly looking for a high place.

These two characters are snipers, serving as eyes for other team members and protecting everyone's attacks.

As the sniper began to prepare, Chen Jun made a gesture characteristic of a hacker instructor.


remaining team members immediately began to divide into groups, directly divided into two groups, one of which had four people, and Chen Jun personally led the team.

Another group of five people, commanded by Geng Jihui, served as the temporary team leader.

As a veteran, Geng Jihui often played the role of captain in the Lone Wolf Group B in the absence of Lao Gao, and he already had experience in leading the team before meeting Chen Jun.

He has this experience, also because his personality is calmer than other lone wolf players.

Chen Jun asked Geng Jihui to lead the team because he saw his advantage, and the others had no complaints about such an arrangement.

All this seems to have been planned for a long time, I have to say that the two-week training effect is really good, although the time is not long, but everyone's cooperation is like a tacit understanding between Enron and Chen Jun.

Now, as long as Chen Jun makes a move, they will cooperate accordingly, and there is a tacit understanding between each team member.

"This..." Wang Qiang saw that Chen Jun disappeared instantly with the team without saying a word, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

These guys are very strong in action, what kind of commando is it, and the execution will be so strong?

It is the first time that Wang Qiang has seen a commando team that directly starts without saying a word.

I have to say that this commando team is indeed brave, even if he knows that the other party has an advantage in numbers compared to himself, he actually starts without any worries.

Especially those team members absolutely cooperated with the young Captain Chen, a team of more than a dozen people, there was only one voice, and there was no question about such a big action.

That guy isn't easy.

Wang Qiang sighed in his heart, but he is also a practical person, he will act when he says he will act, without any delay, and take the law enforcers to act directly.


As soon as the two teams under Chen Jun took action, they were like leopards, extremely fast, and they all approached the factory silently after a while.

Not long after, Chen Jun said in the headset: "Falcon, there is a sentry on the roof in front of you, kill immediately." He

Chenguang, who was running, was stunned when he heard this, there was a sentry?

He Chenguang had been paying close attention to observation, but he had not found anything unusual.

"What's the matter, the boss and Lao Tzu are in different groups, so they actually know the situation here

?" "Clairvoyant?" He

Chenguang was indeed surprised, after all, with his experience, it was impossible for him to find such a close sentinel.

However, he did not question the instructor's order in the slightest, and his eyes swept directly over, and he immediately found that there was indeed a militant lying on his stomach.

"Damn, there's someone.

He Chenguang's heart sank, his face immediately became serious, and he followed the aim and pulled the trigger.


! After a slight gunshot, the head of the militant on the roof immediately shook violently, and then the whole person went straight limp and fell, but before hitting the ground, he was accurately caught by the others who arrived in time, and did not make any sound.

The militant didn't know how he died until he died, of course, the moment he was shot, he already had a premonition of the crisis, but he didn't have enough time to retreat, and he didn't have time to inform the team.

There is no way, this is only a distance of 200 meters, and it is very easy for He Chenguang, who is good at sniping, to take out.

I have to say that the coordination of this whole process is very perfect, before the sniper, the sniper rifle has been equipped with a muffler, which completely eliminates the impact of the gunshot, as for the militant, he was directly shot in the head by a silent headshot, and the falling body has been caught by the perfectly coordinated paratrooper, so there is no sound at all.

In the past two weeks, Chen Jun has been focusing on cultivating the tacit understanding of the hacker team, and the tacit understanding was perfectly demonstrated at the first shot.

This is the result that Chen Jun wants.

The action continued, killing the spoon handles one by one. Chen Jun knew that He Chenguang had succeeded, and immediately ordered into the headset.

"Roger. He Chenguang's spirit was dire, and he was much more serious.

In fact, the sentry just now was a great threat to him, as long as he was a second or two late, he could be exposed under the other party's nose.

If it hadn't been for the instructor's timely notification, he would probably have been shot at that moment.

After that time just now, He Chenguang became more serious.

With the full cooperation of him and the paratroopers, the sentries on the road ahead were silently eliminated one by one.

However, the location of several of the militants was almost always told to them by Chen Jun.

After all, with Chen Jun's hacker space and hacker tracking skills, it would not be too difficult to lock the enemy's location, but this was much more terrifying than He Chenguang and their eyes to observe.

Of course, in peacetime, Chen Jun would leave the opportunity for them to experience, but now it is on the battlefield, especially to buy time, so he must help the team members and quickly clear the obstacles.

With everyone's cooperation, in less than three minutes, the two teams have arrived at the door of the workshop.

"Be covert and wait for orders before acting.

Chen Jun observed the situation at the door and gave orders to the team members.

At this moment, there were already more than a dozen cars parked at the gate, and several militants were standing guard with guns.

The militants were all heavily armed, each armed with an AK47, and they were tall and you could tell that they were well-trained.

"That guy Minden is really rich, and he has trained a lot of people.

Chen Jun looked at the situation in front of him, and his two brows furrowed directly.

Under the current circumstances, it is not appropriate to carry out an operation that is too maneuverable, otherwise it will immediately alarm the militants.

Alarming these people now is tantamount to poking a hornet's nest, but this hornet's nest must be poked, but it must start in a way that has minimal impact.

Chen Jun did not let everyone act directly, and planned while observing.

At this time, dozens of law enforcers who came from behind had also come to a place less than twenty meters behind Chen Jun.

Wang Qiang raised his hand, when the team members stopped advancing and waited, and then began to practice Chen Jun, "Captain Chen, we are already in place, waiting for your order to cooperate with the attack."

"Okay. When Chen Jun heard Wang Qiang's voice, he glanced back at those law enforcers, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"The first big operation belonging to the hacker commando is about to really kick off.

Chen Jun took a deep breath, and suddenly he was full of pride, as if he was back to the days when he was preparing for a date with his daughter-in-law.

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