Soon, Chen Jun got through Gao Shiwei's mobile phone.

"Chief, I'm Chen Jun, there's something I need to report to you.

Gao Shiwei said: "I was about to call you, you should go to the conference room of the military region immediately, I will wait for you here, there is an urgent task

!" "Yes!"

After Chen Jun hung up the phone, he immediately drove straight to the military region.

When Chen Jun walked into the conference room, he found that in addition to Gao Shiwei, Mr. Wen was also there.

Seeing that Chen Jun was very polite, Mr. Wen immediately took the initiative to come over and shake hands with Chen Jun, and then his expression became serious.

"Sit down. Gao Shiwei said.


After Chen Jun sat down, he could feel the solemn atmosphere of the conference room.

He immediately felt extraordinary.

In addition, it is already past 11 o'clock in the evening, and there is still a meeting, which means that the matter is very urgent.

Of course, the most important point is that Mr. Wen's big sinkhole is also here.

Needless to say, most of the tasks are related to him, maybe he brought them.

Gao Shiwei's expression was extremely serious, and he said: "There was a tragedy in the Meh River, 13 crew members of our country were killed, and their bodies were thrown into the Mehe River.

Chen Jun's brain buzzed, and the Mehe tragedy still happened.

Back then, this incident caused a sensation all over the world and pushed Yanguo to the limelight, and everyone was waiting to see Yanguo's attitude.

If it's not handled properly, then it will be a big joke.

In China, there was an uproar, and the people were extremely angry.

Chen Jun only had an impression of this incident, but he was not sure if it would really happen, after all, after he crossed over, it caused many chain reactions.

It seems that there are some things that still can't be changed.

Gao Shiwei said: "The odious thing is that our crew was killed, and they were framed as drug dealers by Taiguo, because they found drugs on the ship, which is obviously a false accusation, and this matter has caused a strong reaction in the international community and huge anger in the country."

"Because of its extremely bad nature, it has alarmed the upper echelons, and the chief instructed that we must wash away the grievances of the innocent people and give them justice!"

"The handling of this matter has risen to the level of affecting the image of our country, and the superiors have asked us to be cautious.

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Mr. Wen, "You can tell me the specific situation."

Mr. Wen stood up and turned on the projection, and on the screen in the conference room, a live picture appeared.

Chen Jun immediately noticed that there was an old fishing boat, which was riddled with bullet holes, and the monstrous blood was penetrating everywhere.

He could imagine how tragic it had been.

Subsequently, photos of 13 bodies were released.

At this scene, even Chen Jun, who had a strong psychological quality, instantly became solemn, clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of anger.

There were adults, even children!

A soaking corpse... It's terrible!


Nuoka and his men can't be too much if they are shot a hundred times.

Mr. Wen looked serious: "On-site inspection, the 13 crew members did not sell drugs at all, judging from the traces, our crew should have been forced to kneel, and then shot, and drugs, there are no traces of excess in the boat, indicating that they have engaged in drug trafficking activities, and the cabin is full of fish."

"Drugs have not been specially treated, it is easy to get into the water, we can conclude that it is impossible for drugs to be put there for storage, this is a human after the fact

, framed!"

After speaking, he took a deep breath and said: "After multi-level technical investigations and multi-party investigations, we finally came to the conclusion that someone deliberately killed our compatriots and blamed us."

Chen Jun roared: "It's Nuoka!" Mr

. Wen and Gao Shiwei were both stunned, and looked at Chen Jun in surprise.

How did he know? Chen Jun should have just learned about the situation, how did he feel that he was more familiar than everyone else.

"Reason. Mr. Wen said.

Chen Jun said: "Mindeng and Ma Shichang have been arrested, I know that they have a deal with Nuoka, I know that their supply and demand chain, the general goods are sold by Minden, Ma Shichang is the largest buyer, and the source of Mindeng's goods is obtained from Nuoka." "

Min Deng and Ma Shichang are dead, which is a huge loss for Nuo Ka, so he is taking revenge and demonstrating!" "

He is sending a message to everyone around him, no matter who is missing, as long as he is in Nuo Ka, no one is afraid, so he is looking for someone to attack, Liwei!" Chen

Jun, as a traverser, probably knew the situation about the Mehe incident, and Nuo Ka had said the purpose of doing this when he was tried.

Mr. Wen was so surprised that his mouth opened wide, he also knew these news, but he only learned about it just now, and it was confirmed by the comrades who investigated it after careful investigation.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jun was able to analyze them in such detail just by looking at these photos, and then according to what he knew, it was clearer and more comprehensive than the situation obtained by their investigation.

This kid's reasoning ability is too strong, but it's a pity that he is doing a good job in the army, and it is impossible for him to leave, otherwise he can definitely reduce a lot of pressure by helping himself.

It's a pity...

Gao Shiwei nodded, Wen Ju just told him about these situations just now, and he didn't expect Chen Jun to deduce them so quickly.


Mindeng and Ma Shichang, Gao Shiwei also knew it, but he couldn't deduce so many things just from them, and he couldn't do it either, and the experienced Mr. Wen couldn't do it either.

It seems that this matter is the right thing to find Chen Jun.

At this moment, Mr. Wen took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Your analysis is very correct, and this is the case, so I won't talk nonsense with you, our intelligence officers have already obtained evidence, and this incident was planned by Nuo Ka."

"Now our first task is to arrest the Nuoka and accept our trial, so that the deceased can be returned to innocence and at the same time play a deterrent role, otherwise, there will be a Nuoka today, and another Nuoka will be issued tomorrow!"

"Our police have sent a team to Jinshanjiao, and we hope that the military will send a commando team to assist us." "

The situation in the Jinshan area is complicated, various forces are intertwined, it is a paradise of violence, and it is a thug like Nuoka who is arrested, and without strong military support, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch him.

Wen Ju took this into account, so he came to discuss with Gao Shiwei overnight, and Chen Jun was the person he most wanted to go with.

Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun and said: "You are the strongest blade in our military region, and the commando team you led is the trump card of our military region, this time, you will cooperate and capture Nuoka alive, as well as all the murderers who participated in the murder of our crew, and bring them back for interrogation

!" "Can you do it

!" Chen Jun stood up and shouted: "Hacker commando, you must complete the task, blood debt, blood must be repaid!"

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