Gao Yan couldn't help it when he saw that Chen Jun was so strong.

In this mission, the police are

the leader, the military is to assist and coordinate the operation, and all operational arrangements should be mainly

made by the police Gao Yan has cooperated with many special forces, and it is the first time he has encountered such a domineering person.

"Team Chen, this mission is our police to apply for military support, and you are assisting, so I will make a plan, and you will bring people to cooperate in the implementation.

Chen Jun looked at Gao Yan and said, "What did you say?"

When Gao Yan came into contact with Chen Jun's eyes, he felt a little weak.

The other party's eyes were too cold, revealing an irresistible pressure, and it felt as if he was facing his superior.

How could this young man have such a powerful aura?

This feeling made the anger that had surged up just now instantly stopped.

Gao Yan took a deep breath, tried to calm himself, and said, "I mean, I make a plan, and you cooperate with me, after all, you don't know the specific situation here."

Chen Jun said: "You can tell me the information, but arrest people, we have to come, I am a special soldier, I think differently from you, I can behead the enemy in a million troops, I can also destroy any enemy base, and leave safely, can you?"

Gao Yan was stunned.

Is this true or fake? The special forces are bulls, but they are not gods, how do they feel that the other party is putting gold on their faces?

But Gao Yan couldn't refute it, and Mr. Wen repeatedly explained that he must handle the relationship with the other party and listen to the other party's opinions.

Only now...

The other party wants to command!

And from Mr. Wen's meaning, Gao Yan can feel that Mr. Wen attaches great importance to the other party, in other words, the other party is very strong.

Gao Yan said in a deep voice: "I can't do it. "

So, I'll make a plan, what do you think?" Chen Jun said in a deep voice.

In terms of familiarity, I am afraid that there is no one here who knows better than Chen Jun, and the danger in this is far greater than others imagined.

Before coming, he promised Gao Shiwei that he would bring the people he brought back alive, so to ensure the perfect success of the entire mission, this command must be in his own hands.

At this time, strength determines everything, not step by step according to the regulations.

Rigidity will kill people!

Gao Yan was stunned for a moment, and almost burst out with a foul language, it was the first time he had met such a bad talker.

This is a direct struggle with oneself for command!

But people are really capable, but this is too domineering.

Let Gao Yan hand over the command like this, of course he was not happy, but he didn't know how to refute the other party.

For a while, Gao Yan didn't know how to answer.

Seeing Gao Yan's hesitation, Chen Jun waved his hand and said: "If you don't make a sound, I'll treat you as if you have no opinion, let's go, you can't wait to arrest people." "

Damn... Gao Yan held his breath for a while, your eye saw that I agreed, but in the face of the other party's eyes, he held back again.

The other party is too domineering, and it doesn't give you room for negotiation at all, and it is completely implemented according to the set in the army.

A resolute person like Gao Yan couldn't think of anything for a while.

At this time, the other team members behind him all gathered around.

"Team Gao, what's wrong

with you, we can't hand over the command!"

"This operation, the main body is here, they are here to assist us, why is he anti-guest-oriented, captain, you can't be a good person, we are the commander-in-chief, we can't let him mess around with the things we decided before we came!"

"Captain, we can't be too weak, otherwise they will look down on us more." "

This task is so important, we have worked so hard to get to this point, how can we let him take over, captain, we must reason with him." Chen

Jun's arrogant tone just now made them very unhappy, and now that the other side has snatched the command right again, how can this be reasonable!

If it were not for the special nature and the fact that they did not have enough manpower, they would not have applied to the military for assistance.

Well, it turned out that there was such a strong person, and as soon as he came, he marginalized them all.

How can they accept this?

The people who are able to carry out their tasks, who are not the elite of the police force, are all people who are a little arrogant, and now they are being bullied to the head, so they will naturally resist.

Originally, Gao Yan was very helpless, and he was even more helpless when he was questioned by everyone for a while.

"Okay, you go and tell him, you have the ability, you want the command back, this guy's eyes, you all saw it just now, you don't know how many people have been killed, just a killing god, I look at him, I feel uncomfortable, how can I compete with him for the right to command?" Gao Yan directly put it away.

What he said is also true, if it weren't for killing gods on the battlefield, it would be impossible to have such a strong aura.

Not only the other party, but also those people behind him, who was not murderous? This group of people was different from the special forces he had ever seen.

This group of people is the killing machine on the battlefield.

Gao Yan has also carried out several missions and killed criminals, but compared to the other party, I am afraid that it is a small thing.

If you want to cooperate with such a person, you want to fight for control with the other party? Do you ever have a fight?

No wonder Mr. Wen repeatedly told him before he came that he must get along well with the other party and listen to the other party's advice, I am afraid that he had long expected this result.

The rest of the personnel were stunned and stopped talking.

When they saw each other for the first time just now, they had already felt that terrible murderous aura, which made people dare not raise their eyes, how could they reason with each

other?" "Captain, do we recognize each other like this?"

Bingbing is a female team member, but among these people, her temperament is stubborn, she vaguely feels that Chen Jun is powerful, but it does not mean how strong his ability to handle cases is.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and in the field that he is not good at, he is not necessarily strong.

Erlang God said: "Captain, I am unwilling to hand over the command in this way." The

senior brother said: "Hey, if you meet such a person, you are lucky or unlucky, if you have an unpleasant quarrel with the other party, it will definitely affect the subsequent actions." "

Everyone was helpless.

Gao Yan thought for a moment and said: "Forget it, if he wants to give him the command, it's all about carrying out tasks anyway, we just need to cooperate, everyone's purpose is the same, let's take a look at the situation first, if we find something wrong with him, we will put forward our opinions, which should be more convincing."

Everyone thought about it, although it was a bit passive, but what the captain said was not unreasonable.

"Cheng, let's take a look first, but we have to explain to him, if he can't do it, we will replace him. "Ice Ice Road.

Gao Yan nodded and turned his head to look at Chen Jun.

This guy..... It's not ordinary!

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