Fang Xinwu came back to his senses, turned his head to look at Gao Yan, and said, "Team Gao, are the special forces so murderous?" He

knew that the special forces were very tough, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce, before he could feel the cold murderous aura on Chen Jun's body, and knew that the other party was definitely not simple.

Now it seems that he still underestimates the other party a little.

The other party's means are stronger than he expected.

Why did the rocket fired by the other side explode in the middle of the process? Is it really your own fault?

Fang Xinwu suspected that Chen Jun had exploded the rocket, which caused a series of explosions in the back.

Otherwise, how could the other party suddenly fall into passivity when taking the initiative, and then be killed, which was a shocking reversal.

The problem must be with Chen Jun.

This kind of combat effectiveness, Fang Xinwu has seen it for the first time, such a person is in the army, he can be regarded as the king of soldiers, right?

After being undercover in this area for so long, he was a little unfamiliar with the situation in China, and he didn't expect that such a soldier king could be cultivated in the army.

Gao Yan smiled and said: "Before today, I didn't know, but now I know that the real special forces are more murderous than the wicked, but I think it's okay, they are guarding the country, the more murderous they are, in order to suppress all kinds of petty people, we can achieve peace."

"Countering violence with violence, you can't say wrong, but you have to look at where it is used, treat our friends with wine and meat, treat enemies, and greet them with swords and guns!"

Fang Xinwu nodded and said, "If all of our soldiers are as powerful as him, who would dare to bully us." "

yes." High Rock Road.

At this time, Chen Jun shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze, come here and arrest people!"

Fang Xinwu and Gao Yan rushed over, and together with Chen Jun, they moved out Weng Xu, who was already unconscious in the carriage.

"Sure enough, it's him, the No. 1 thug under Nuoka!" Gao Yan recognized it immediately.

At this time, Weng Sha was embarrassed, and his face was covered with blood.

"Take it away!"

Chen Jun and the others moved Weng Sha into the carriage, and then trapped the other party into zongzi.

The car quickly leaves, heads ahead quickly, and then turns into a fork in the road and heads for the middle of nowhere.

In the carriage, Weng Sha's head was dizzy, and when he finally opened his eyes, he found that he was trapped.

He immediately struggled with the mission, but as soon as he writhed a few times, he was immediately kicked in the face.

Gao Yan shouted indifferently: "Be honest!

Weng Sha felt a tingling pain on his face, and at the same time felt the smell of earth under the other party's feet, which calmed him down.

Only then did he notice that he was hanging in the carriage, surrounded by Yanguo people.

Weng Sha roared angrily: "What are you going to do, bastard! Have the ability to kill Lao Tzu!

Chen Jun suddenly approached, took out a dagger and put it on his thigh, and with a slight force, the tip of the knife pierced the skin, and blood immediately gushed out along the tip of the knife.

Weng Xu screamed in fright: "What are you going to do? Do! Don't mess around, I'm a Nuoka person, if you dare to move, you will die!

Chen Jun pressed hard, and the dagger pierced deeper!


Weng Xu let out a scream.

Chen Jun raised his dagger and moved it towards his dangerous place.

Weng Sha's face turned pale in an instant, and he immediately said: "I won't say it, I'll admit it!" Stop, please stop, don't torture me. "

He was really scared.

He used to torture others like this, and he never thought that one day he would be like this.

A sting and terror struck him, and for the first time he felt fear of death.

Chen Jun stopped the dagger, stared at the other party indifferently, and said: "You have to figure it out, first, I am a special soldier, I don't talk about any principles when dealing with you drug dealers, and second, you have been caught, if it weren't for your still a little role, I would have killed you a long time ago, and I wouldn't have let you live until now."

"Also, whatever I ask, you answer, there is a half-lie, I will cut off the parts on your body one by one."

Chen Jun's voice was not loud, but the cold breath made people inexplicably feel intense fear, as if the temperature around him had dropped by a few degrees.

The corners of Weng Xu's eyes twitched, once as a murderous executioner, he could feel that this Yanguo man was definitely not joking with him, and he would definitely do what he said.

The aura on this guy's body is too terrifying, a little more terrifying than Nuoka's body.

After all, Weng Sha is a murderer, and after calming down, he said, "Can I still survive?"

Chen Jun said: "No, but I can guarantee that you will not die a painful death."

Weng Sha closed his eyes, he knew that he was finished, once he was caught by the people of Yanguo, there was no way to live, anyway, he was already dead, and he was tortured to death, it was better to cooperate a little more happily.

If he knew that this would be the end, he should not have been so reckless and rushed to attack, but gathered more people to encircle and suppress the other party.

People are not as good as heaven, who knew that there would be such a terrifying person among the people of Yanguo!

He now kind of understands why the other party directly entered Zapu's base camp and can still come out unflawed, if he is not mistaken, Zapu is already finished.

I still underestimated the combat strength of the special forces of Yanguo, and Nuoka provoked the most unprovoked people, and now the situation is irreparable.

Weng Sha could only be annoyed with himself, why didn't he stick to his principles and try his best to dissuade Nuoka from provoking the people of Yanguo.

It's useless to say anything now.

Weng Sha nodded silently and said, "What do you want to know?" At

this time, there is really nothing to think about for Weng Sha, and most of what the other party wants to know is that matter.

When he walked this road, Weng Xu thought that he would be beaten to death, but he didn't expect that time would come so quickly.

Chen Jun nodded to Gao Yan, and Gao Yan immediately asked Erlang God to come over to record, record and record.

It's all proof!

As for filming, there is no need to use it, torture to extract confessions is not a good precedent, but in special circumstances, special methods are adopted.

Now for them, the information provided by the No. 1 thug under this Nuoka will be very useful.

On the other side, Chen Jun asked the hygienist to treat Yanduo, and he couldn't let the other party die.

During the battle just now, the opponent passed out again, and after emergency treatment, his injuries were gradually brought under control and the person came to his senses.

Yan Duo came to his senses, and when he saw Chen Jun, he said, "Thank you."

He remembered that when Chen Jun was attacked, it was the other party who used his body to protect himself from bullets.

Chen Jun said indifferently: "Don't thank me, people like you deserve to die!"

Iwata lowered his head, he knew that he was guilty of a lot, he really deserved to die, and he was lucky to be alive until now.

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